Try Google's New Interface

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Update: In the comments reader Whosawhatsis has posted an easier way to accomplish the same thing without installing any extensions. Try that first.


Download and install the Add N Edit Cookies extension. Restart Firefox.


Run the extension by going to Tools > Cookie Editor.


Type "google" into the box at the top and click "Filter/Refresh". Scroll through the list and look for a cookie called "PREF" (Disclaimer: I don't know what this cookie is really for, so modify it at your own risk!).


If it exists, double-click on it and change the "Content" field to the following (remove the line break first):




If it does not exist, you must create it. Click on Add. Enter PREF for the Name and the bold string above for Content. Set the Domain to and / for the Path. Set the expiration date to whatever you want--pick "Expire at end of session" if you only want to see the "new" Google until the next time you launch Firefox. Otherwise set a date far in the future.


Click Save and then close out of the Cookie Editor. The next time you search Google you should see the new search results page. If you get sick of it, you can just delete to cookie and it'll go away.

I gave it a try, and it works perfectly :D


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Much easier to just go to, then paste this into the address bar of any browser:


Then you'll see the "new" Google page for the rest of that session. Looks like a minimal improvement to me if anything. has way better search UI. They just need to get the page rendering perf up. Did anyone notice that they updated Live Search this week to replace the goofy scrollbar and add custom Search Macros?

Much easier to just go to, then paste this into the address bar of any browser:


Then you'll see the "new" Google page for the rest of that session. Looks like a minimal improvement to me if anything.

That does not work for me :/

Much easier to just go to, then paste this into the address bar of any browser:


Then you'll see the "new" Google page for the rest of that session. Looks like a minimal improvement to me if anything. has way better search UI. They just need to get the page rendering perf up. Did anyone notice that they updated Live Search this week to replace the goofy scrollbar and add custom Search Macros?

didnt work for me, the first method did though :)

just makes the top bit, look a bit squashed imo...

Much easier to just go to, then paste this into the address bar of any browser:


Then you'll see the "new" Google page for the rest of that session. Looks like a minimal improvement to me if anything. has way better search UI. They just need to get the page rendering perf up. Did anyone notice that they updated Live Search this week to replace the goofy scrollbar and add custom Search Macros?

It works in my Safari.

That does not work for me :/

If you're in the UK replace the .com in the alert to





etc. has way better search UI. They just need to get the page rendering perf up. Did anyone notice that they updated Live Search this week to replace the goofy scrollbar and add custom Search Macros?

I didn't notice, but I'm glad you mentioned it! That's fixed the only real complaint I had with; it's now my main search. :)

Doesn't work unless i'm doing it wrong.

I go to then put in java script:alert(document.cookie="PREF=ID=fb7740f107311e46:TM=1142683332:LM=1142683332:S=fNSw6ljXTzvL3dWu;path=/;")


I've come across this before while searching, cant get it to work now for some reason.

I'm pretty neutral on this: the new interface how that little green meter which is cool, but narrows the frame in which search results are displayed. And the old interface is just fine.

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