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I tried this with vista a few days ago, but due to performance problems and the fact that vista beta wasn't public yet, It was removed. I hope however that now the office beta is public this will be ok, but if any mod doesn't like this then PM me and remove the topic.

Anyway, to try Office 2007 beta 2 without downloading and installing it, or if you havn't got a test PC then here's a way to get a sneak prieview before release:

  • On an XP PC, click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Communication > Remote Desktop
  • Type "" into the "Computer" box.
  • Hit connect
  • Username: office
  • Password: beta

It's a shared system, so don't write anything personal on it, and try to not mess up the PC and don't browse my internal network, but other than that, do what you like.


Edited by Hello1024

Nice job, I could connect without any problems :D This could be usfull to some people. I installed it on my computer yesturday so I don't have much of a reason to use it via your system. I'd say nice idea, but I think someone had already done this with some other app i think before.

I did it with Vista in Feb and last week, but the moderators removed it citing NDA's (which I agree, I prabably wasn't even sticking to the general idea of the NDA, let alone to the letter). I'm hoping that since this is a public build it'll be ok.

If this goes OK, I'll probably put other interesting betas on remote desktop, because with a fast net connection one PC can support about 25 users ok.

GREAT IDEA!!!! I really mean that. I can't even download the betas since I'm still on dial-up, and have a poor low-resource computer. This is a nice way of letting others try the betas. Nice work.

I'm a student and use onenote 2003 on a frequent basis. Could you please install the Onenote 2007 Beta so that we can try that, too?


password has been reset.

it's amazing how many people connect just to try to get the product key, check it's genuine, download warez, poke round my internal network, start an ftp server, and logoff. It says my product key's been activated too many times already - It'll probably be all over the net tomorrow !!

Ah well - I'll leave it running for those of you genuinly interested in the beta, I've just limited everything a lot more, and changed the XP key to a fake one so nobody else can steal it...

I recon the key on a bit of paper here is a lot better than having it visible to the public and on hundreds of computers by the morning - literally about 10 different people have tried to get the key with those key extractor programs.

what the hell does a phone number have to do with a cdkey.... a cdkey is to show that you have purchased a copy of Windows XP, if you do not wish to use your real cdkey, then dont bother, iam just sayng so you dont get caught, but want to disable IE so ppl cant get you traced.

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