My 360 Has Had/Has Not Had Issues POLL

Xbox 360  

208 members have voted

  1. 1. Has your Xbox 360 ever malfunctioned?

    • Yes, but i fixed it
    • Yes, but i sent it back to Microsoft
    • No, it's been perfect
    • I don't own an Xbox 360
    • I plan to purchase a Xbox 360 within the next six months
  2. 2. How did it malfunction

    • Red Ring Of Light
    • Physical Damage
    • Never worked
    • Disc Errors, software problem, etc..
    • not applicable

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I made this poll because some people complain about the Xbox 360, and decide about getting it. Someone brang up a good point stating no one makes threads saying "my xbox 360 has never broken", so here it is.

Also, comment on your experiences.

Edited by Fred Derf

Aghh.. you should have added a "null vote" selection for the 2nd part. That way people who had a "perfect" Xbox 360 can vote. Anyway, my 360 still runs well. The only problem I ever encountered was a disc read error on a poorly burned DVD movie.

  Section 31 said:

Aghh.. you should have added a "null vote" selection for the 2nd part. That way people who had a "perfect" Xbox 360 can vote. Anyway, my 360 still runs well. The only problem I ever encountered was a disc read error on a poorly burned DVD movie.

I added "not applicable" for those that either have a perfect Xbox 360 or those that don't own an Xbox 360 (me).

  DarkGashX said:

Can you add on for Plan to own one with the next 6 months? :) or something?


  Fred Derf said:

I added "not applicable" for those that either have a perfect Xbox 360 or those that don't own an Xbox 360 (me).

Can you add on for Plan to own one with the next 6 months? :) or something?

EDIT: I see it has been done, thank you, I have voted (Thumbs Up).

Edited by DarkGashX

Had some bizarre graphics on the screen (walls/roads/buildings appearing in weird places, wrong or corrupt textures) in PGR3, but it's since stopped it, and it's frozen a couple of times while playing Viva Pi?ata. Nothing major and far less problematic than running games on a computer.

And not technically a problem, but the wireless network adapter is overpriced.

actually i had both the first two malfunction categories...took the HDD back to be replaced and cleared a 74 error myself by rebooting.

overall the 360 is very solid and i have no technical complaints save for the sound amplification being so weak.

btw texture flicker, clipping etc are not endemic to the 360, it's in every platform.

You do realize that their is a PS3, Wii, PC parts of this forum, and the odds of someone who dosnt even own an xbox, but is what some would call a fan of the others will most likely come in here and vote just to mess with the results. People should comment, and have some sort of proof that they actually even own a xbox360(gamertag), because that is probably going to be the only way to get real results.

Mine broke down, but was fixed within a week and a half..I did miss it though, but this one has lasted me almost 11 months with no problems whatsoever. It did freeze a few days ago, but i think it had to do with a power surge that attacked many electrical devices in my house. All has been fine since :D

  lylesback2 said:

I made this poll because some people complain about the Xbox 360, and decide about getting it. Someone brang up a good point stating no one makes threads saying "my xbox 360 has never broken", so here it is.

Also, comment on your experiences.

I must say, whomever made that comment, was one truly deep, very insightful member.

A true valued addition to the community. At least that is my opinion of this unnamed individual. ;) :D

Voted. Never had an issue, not applicable.

I voted "Yes, but I sent it back to Microsoft" and "Red ring of death" because that happened to one of the two 360s in my house.

However, it was a first-run box (bought on 11/22) and it died right after a nasty brown-out that f'd with a lot of our electronics - after 9 months of no problems at all, not even a single lock-up. And it was replaced for free by MS because of the one-year warranty extension on early models.

  DirtyLarry said:

I must say, whomever made that comment, was one truly deep, very insightful member.

A true valued addition to the community. At least that is my opinion of this unnamed individual. ;) :D

Voted. Never had an issue, not applicable.

ahh it was mr dirtylarry.. i remembered it from yesterday, but i forgot who said it. thanks for the idea larry :yes:

  DirtyLarry said:

I must say, whomever made that comment, was one truly deep, very insightful member.

A true valued addition to the community. At least that is my opinion of this unnamed individual. ;) :D

Voted. Never had an issue, not applicable.

Im sure you didn't mean to blow your own horn but TOOOOT TOOOOOT? :laugh: :rofl: :p

  lylesback2 said:

ahh it was mr dirtylarry.. i remembered it from yesterday, but i forgot who said it. thanks for the idea larry :yes:

No problem at all man. I am glad a comment I made could make an interesting poll.

Glad to see it happen as I definitely meant it... Forums, especially gaming related ones, are pretty much like the Nightly News... negative stories "sell."

  SyntheticDarkness said:

Im sure you didn't mean to blow your own horn but TOOOOT TOOOOOT? :laugh: :rofl: :p

:laugh: I was just having some fun, and tooting my own horn while doing so. ;) :laugh:

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