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Notepad++ 4.1.2 download

Notepad++ is a free source code editor which supports several programming languages running under the MS Windows environment. This project, based on Scintilla edit component (a very powerful editor component) are written in C++ with pure win32 api and STL (that ensures the higher execution speed and smaller size of the program), is under the GPL Licence.

Licence: Open Source

Here is the:

>> nLite Addon << if you want to integrate this great program into your Windows installation CD (and our guide HowTo Do It ) :yes:

Edited by rado354
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So many updates for this ><

update log:

v4.1.2 fixed bugs and added features (from v4.1.1) :

1. Fix crash problem of updating v4.1.1 from v3.9 (or previous version) by modifying the installer (remove HexEditorPlugin.dll).

2. Fix the bug of the settings "Remember the last operation directory" : this parameter is remembered by acrossing the sessions.

3. Fix Ruby source file buffer overflow bug.

4. Increase User Define Language keywords buffers from 1024*20 to 1024*30 characters.

5. Increase the buffer of Extension defined by user from 20 to 256 characters in Style Configurator.

6. Fix the bug of user defined keywords field in Styler configurator.

7. Add URL "Notepad++ Home", "Notepad++ Project Page", "Online help" and "Forum" into menu.

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:p I'll stick o Notepad2 -- it rocks.

I used to use notepad2 for everything and it still has a place in my program files... but let's face it... use Notepad++ and you'll never go back. It's got loads more features than notepad2. I use it for everything. Viewing different parts of documents side by side is pretty cool as is having all of your stuff in tabs.

I use notepad++ especially when I'm making modifications to a a board that uses PHPBB. It's so easy to stretch out my screen and put the mod file and the php files next to each other. I used to put 2 notepad2 instances next to each other but this just proved to be much easier and faster.

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