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i know a lot of you have been waiting for this for a while, and it's finally done :D

it's finally done, after some procrastination on my part :blush: and a few long nights spent trying to figure out the email icon, i decided to remove it, because i can't get all the parts of it to work. :crazy:

also, it now needs SP1 for xp because a few problems could only be resolved by updating to SP1. if you do need SP1, it will tell you and automatically open the SP1 webpage.

here it is, enjoy :woot:

Edit: Due to Neowin's conversion to IPB 2.0, the file was lost. I've re-uploaded it, so no need to worry :p 3324 downloads so far! :woot:

Start_Panel_Editor.zipFetching info...

Edited by gameguy
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:rofl: jazmon again with the screenshot request :shifty: i should have posted one earlier, but i never think about them :(

anyway: this is what it looks like with KB update installed. if you don't have it installed, a link to it will be placed where the "set program access and defaults" option is.



it should work on all future versions of windows that use the xp style start menu. if you have any problems with it on xp or server 2003, PM me and i will fix it. it should also work on longhorn, but that's in alpha stage and i didn't design it for longhorn. ;)

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