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Showing content with the highest reputation since 22/08/24 in all areas

  1. How about "Windows Remote Desktop" for the rename? That would accomplish whatever the amateur-hour MBA wants to with a rebranding while not confusing the crap out of everyone everywhere?
    21 points
  2. How to download and install Windows 11 version 24H2

    Remember when it used to actually be exciting for a new version of Windows??
    19 points
  3. The hypocrisy of Elon Musk and his vision of an AI doomsday

    A we back in 1920's red scare again?
    18 points
  4. Can we get the god damn setting to remove stupid useless totally pointless idiocy called "Recommended" from the Start menu? I don't want it "Less" like it's the only option, I want this dumb waste of space GONE entirely. Instead of having two more rows of MY apps, I have this empty "Recommended" section that serves no purpose but to waste useful space. ###### off Microsoft. Only thing that makes me linger around this pile of ###### called Windows 11 is gaming. If I wasn't a gamer I'd long gone ###### off to Ubuntu that I use on all other systems and it's literally million times better than current Windows 11 despite its idiocies and its rabid "use the Terminal fanboys". Yes, I'm ranting. I know.
    17 points
  5. The hypocrisy of Elon Musk and his vision of an AI doomsday

    He always was a hypocrite - receiving a lot of government funding himself but being opposed to "socialists" helping others.
    17 points
  6. Why not if no one is forcing it down your throat? Which is not something you can say about the Windows 11 taskbar UI.
    16 points
  7. He literally refused to follow Brazilian laws. In case someone doesn't know or understand - yes, different countries have different laws (there is no "First amendment" in Brazil). If Musk wants to do business there, he must follow local laws.
    16 points
  8. 799 EUR for a console must be an out-of-season April's Fools joke
    15 points
  9. The official Funny Pictures thread

    15 points
  10. Politically funny images of the World

    15 points
  11. Whatever the real numbers are these are still insane IMO. Gaming PCs really are the new space heaters.
    15 points
  12. I cannot believe registry clean up is still a thing in 2024.
    15 points
  13. For those that may have noticed, I do have a knack for hardware moreso than other stuff, and a lot of what I learnt and understood was from AnandTech. I am sure many here would resonate with my sentiment. I remember fondly how I was so looking forward to the launch of AMD's Zen (this was back in 2014-15) and all the discussions I frequented on AnandTech forums. Such a sad day that one of the finest in the industry will be no longer. RIP AnandTech!
    15 points
  14. The official Funny Pictures thread

    Flat Earth Community evidence the world is flat -
    14 points
  15. Misinformation aka anything that the gov doesn't agree with.
    14 points
  16. The official Funny Pictures thread

    I feel left out, everyone else seems to get it.
    14 points
  17. The official Funny Pictures thread

    14 points
  18. Microsoft is not letting you uninstall Recall in Windows 11

    Make no mistake - this is by design/intention.
    14 points
  19. If the laws state you need a local rep in order to operate, and you refuse to set one, then you get banned. That's how it goes. Other countries have the same type of law as well. Musk needs to stay out of politics. The only reason he's probably going at it in Brazil is because the other side offered to make things "favorable" for him and his businesses. Now he's got X/twitter and he can use that as his personal social media propaganda tool.
    14 points
  20. Wooooooooooow, three apps at the same time! Please, Google, stop, you're spoiling us too much! It's not like if you waited until freaking 2024 to allow us to do that! Seriously, Google, about damn time...
    14 points
  21. The official Funny Pictures thread

    14 points
  22. "They include being complicit with crimes related to child sexual abuse and drug trafficking, along with the use of encrypted technology without the proper approvals and not replying to law enforcement requests." In other words, "you didn't take permission from us before securing your platform" and "you ignored our requests to make your platform less secure". Sounds like the usual dictatorial government trying to blackmail anyone that dares to support freedom of speech...
    14 points
  23. The official Funny Pictures thread

    14 points
  24. should we arrest, prosecute and convict the inventor of the pen for all the agreements and documents that have been signed since?
    14 points
  25. If the app does not abide by the rules they should block it not arrest its owner.
    14 points
  26. At least the battery should be "repairable", I won't ask for more. Every device should have a replaceable battery no matter how small. It doesn't matter if the replacing needs to be done with special training or if anyone can do it, but it should be doable. It's a total waste to have a perfectly good device that stops working after just two years because of a dead battery. That's hella wasteful and resources aren't infinite in this planet.
    14 points
  27. The official Funny Pictures thread

    13 points
  28. Politically funny images of the World

    13 points
  29. Canada's new tax bill could cost US tech firms a fortune

    Sounds like the US are only upset because they aren't making money off them, and that these are US companies. If the shoe was on the other foot, I bet you anything they'd be doing the same.
    13 points
  30. The hypocrisy of Elon Musk and his vision of an AI doomsday

    Yeah, the left used to like him. but once they realized he does not play ball with their commie ways, now they hate him because they can't control him and since they no longer control Twitter/X they have less power as with the left it's always about power/control. so while Elon has his flaws like everyone else, there is a battle of good vs evil going on in the world and he's siding with good which is why the left hates him since their side has pretty much embraced the culture of death. only very stupid or blind people (or just straight up evil people) can't see Trump is the good guy and those who hate him with a passion are the bad guys as it's obvious the left is the enemy of the common good at this point in time as proven by the world burning and inflation/open borders etc. basically the more power the left gets, the worse the average persons life becomes long term. to make it crystal clear they are the bad guys... just the fact they are okay with biological males in female sports shows you how truly evil/insane they are (at least those in power on the left in the world which are the globalist types who hate the USA etc) as that's a failure of basic reason at a fundamental level. it's a symptom of a much larger moral decay issue. Someone, or a group of people, have a different opinion and view/perspective on the world to my own. Quick, better call them bad names and make out they're the boogieman. This, lies and half-truths, and fearmongering with prophecies of doom are all the right has got lately.
    13 points
  31. Was Right Click and Empty to hard to do every few weeks/months? I think his point is that it should perform the simple task by itself, as it says it would.
    13 points
  32. The official Funny Pictures thread

    12 points
  33. The official Funny Pictures thread

    12 points
  34. Politically funny images of the World

    12 points
  35. The official Funny Pictures thread

    12 points
  36. Politically funny images of the World

    12 points
  37. Politically funny images of the World

    How long until someone says, "but I drive stick"?
    12 points
  38. Politically funny images of the World

    12 points
  39. Here is everything new in Windows 11 version 24H2

    It's actually really sad when one of the main pros is "Did not make things worse", and it's not a joke but it's for real.
    12 points
  40. Microsoft is not letting you uninstall Recall in Windows 11

    Do you want spyware? Uninstall it. Oh wait, you cant.
    12 points
  41. Politically funny images of the World

    12 points
  42. You think the world took America seriously under Trump? Trump was literally a laughing stock on a global scale. He was an object of ridicule. Even the U.N laughed in his face when he addressed them. Old man can't talk you say. Trump can barely finish a sentence without his false teeth falling out and is a decrepit old man.
    12 points
  43. Couldn't happen to a nicer pr*ck! Poor SissySpaceX 🤣
    12 points
  44. The official Funny Pictures thread

    12 points
  45. Politically funny images of the World

    12 points
  46. Microsoft is discontinuing rounded tabs in Edge

    Designers at MS are the most useless bunch of people ever.
    12 points
  47. Microsoft is discontinuing rounded tabs in Edge

    can we discontinue that stupid rounded border on the web page
    12 points
  48. The official Funny Pictures thread

    12 points
  49. This is going to SUCK
    12 points
  50. Politically funny images of the World

    11 points