TUF 14: Team Bisping vs Team Mayhem


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  1. 1. UK or USA?

    • Team Bisping
    • Team Mayhem

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Today, UFC President Dana White revealed exclusively to the Underground that middleweight's Michael Bisping and Jason 'Mayhem' Miller will coach the fourteenth installment of the Ultimate Fighter reality show.

Speculation has been spread throughout the MMA world on who would fill the roles, from Chael Sonnen, to Michael Bisping, Georges St. Pierre, Nick Diaz, and more. The position was confirmed to have been gone to Chael Sonnen, but his recent troubles with the California State Athletic Commission seem to have made that impossible.

The 14th season of the Ultimate Fighter is expected to include featherweights and bantamweight, a first for the reality show, and will start filming soon.

The UFC President also confirmed that the two will square off in the cage at a yet to be determined date and event. White said that Miller's scheduled bout with Aaron Simpson for UFC 132 will not take place, but Simpson will get a new opponent.

Source: The Underground

After rumors that Brian Stann would be the next coach if he got past Jorge Santiago, Dana White shakes things up by putting Michael Bisping (who coached on TUF season 9 and got KTFO by Dan Henderson at UFC 100) against his most recent aquisition from Strikeforce, Jason "Mayhem" Miller. And we go again for a new UK vs USA season. This is a backup plan to Bisping vs Sonnen but it will do nicely. After the bland TUF 13 season that won't even have a coache's fight, Dana seems determined to spice things up putting 2 guys who have a ton of personality (good or bad) to spare and will certainly make for some more interesting TV. It will also be the first season to showcase Bantamweight and Featherweight fighters providing some much needed exposure to the lighter weightclasses.

I hope Bisping gets KTFO again. The Henderson KO was sick. And the winner of the coaches fight will probably get a shot at MW contendership to fight Silva.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It will definitely be interesting but I don't know how much I'll care about the coaches fight. Miller is annoying and Bisping is a grade-A ass. I suppose what it could mean regarding future implications is interesting. Until there's less douchebag contestants and more legitimate contenders on TUF I'll remain skeptical. I miss the earlier seasons :(.

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It will definitely be interesting but I don't know how much I'll care about the coaches fight. Miller is annoying and Bisping is a grade-A ass. I suppose what it could mean regarding future implications is interesting. Until there's less douchebag contestants and more legitimate contenders on TUF I'll remain skeptical. I miss the earlier seasons :(.

TUF without douchebags? No can do. TUF 1 had some amazing douchebags that have hanged around in the UFC until this day. Nice guys don't go very far. TUF 13 proves it yet again. Miller and Bisping mean much needed drama to boost the ratings.

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  • 2 months later...

The cast has been revealed. The 32 fighters are:

BW: T.J. Dillashaw (4-0), Dustin Pague (9-4), Paul McVeigh (18-6), Matt Jaggers (20-7), Louis Gaudinot (5-1), John Dodson (11-5), Roland Delorme (6-1), Johnny Bedford (17-9-1), BJ Ferguson (6-2), Orville Smith (11-3), Brandon Merkt (11-0), Tateki Matsuda (6-2), Josh Ferguson (7-3), Casey Dyer (6-1), Carson Beebe (6-1), John Albert (6-1)

FW: Micah Miller (17-4), Featherweight: Stephen Bass (8-0), Bryan Caraway (15-5), Eric Marriott (20-5), Steven Siler (18-9), Jimmie Rivera (8-1), Featherweight: Dennis Bermudez (7-2), Marcus Brimage (3-1), Josh Clopton (4-0-1), Jesse Newell (6-1), Brian Pearman (7-1), Featherweight: Diego Brandao (13-7), Hamid "Akira" Corassani (9-3), Karsten Lenjoint (7-1), Dustin Neace (22-17-1), Bryson Wailehua-Hansen (5-1)

Some guys from Team Alpha Male (T.J. Dillashaw and Bryan Caraway), others from American Top Team (Micah Miller, brother of Cole Miller) and Marcus Brimage.

Too soon to call it, the elimination fights will probably be great. I fully expect both guys from TAM and ATT go into the house despite being in the same weightclass.

I also predict that the FW winner will drop down to BW instantly as will the BW winner as soon as Flyweight division starts up in the UFC.

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That was a great KO and the last shot was just the cherry on top of the cake.

Miller hasn't fought in almost a year due to SF playing shelf politics. Despite that, he has fought tougher competition than Bisping so I think he has some edge. I just hope it doesn't end in a decision victory.

Of course the perfect season would be Bisping vs Sonnen but eh... you can't have everything.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Well here are my notes on last night's episode:

Weird Hair Alert - Wouldn't be TUF without weird hairstyles. Stay classy Spike, skill over ratings please.


Shot of a guy using a powerbalance bracelet - idiot.

Dana annouces a 3x25K season bonus for Best Fight, Best KO and Best Submission. Yeah! Let's get on to the fights.

1st fight BW

Josh Ferguson (7-3)(W) vs Casey Dyer (5-1)(L)

Dyer is pretty tall for a 135lb fighter. Also he's 21 and already has a son. Great. Doesn't stand a chance.

Ferguson redneck rushes the kid and it's game over. Left, left, left RIGHT! Out! He just ate up the punches.

2nd fight FW

Diego Brandao (13-7)(W) vs Jesse Newell (6-1)(L)

11 KO's for Brand?o. Damn! But starting the fight he also shows he has BJJ. Not that surprising since he's from Brazil.

Spoke to soon, What a KO, GODDAMN! Left hand a flying forearm smash just for spite. Bisping must have had a flashback to UFC 100.

His face was DESTROYED. And in the end he says "Awwww?" Really man? You were just out cold. Brand?o seems to suffer from Chute Boxe syndrome. He's way too intense and can't separate fighting from socializing.

3rd fight BW

John Dodson (11-5)(W) vs Brandon Merkt (11-0)(L)

They look like tall midgets. Christ.

After that left head kick, Brandon was a bit staggered and started to back into the cage.

Dodson lands a vicious body punch, hurts Bradon like hell, he staggers and gets rushed for the TKO.

4th fight FW

Dennis Bermudez (7-2)(W) vs Jimmie Rivera (8-1)(L)

Cool story about your kid, bro . Is this season going to devolve into a "very special episode" about planned parenthood?

Rivera has some good punches, keeps tagging Bermudez. He's pretty bulky for a FW.

Rivera gets a punch in, drops Bermudez and starts grappling. An impressive throw later and Bermudez is still struggling.

Rivera gets his back with both hooks in and Bermudez stands up with him on his back. He's also pretty strong.

Rivera is showing superior striking and grappling in this round, gets his back again after a powerful takedown.

He has both hooks in but is having troubles finishing so his corner tells him what to do. Punch to soften, duh? Seems like his brain was stopped in BJJ sparring mode.

Finally gets the RNC but it's over the chin and he isn't strong enough to crunch it for the finish. R1 is over.

R2 starts and now Bermudez is getting the best of the punching exchanges. And he gets his back. Showing that he's a bit smarter, he just start blasting him with punches instead of going for a sub. Flattens him out and goes to town. TKO.

5th fight BW

BJ Ferguson (6-2)(L) vs Roland Delorme (6-2)(W)

Redneck brothers YEAH.

Pretty quickly Delorme gets a headlock in and starts kneeing but ends up getting taken down.

BJ is pretty resilient, gets punched flush in the face and doesn't even flinch. Fight goes on.

And now something rare, a roll from a standing kimura into a... I don't even what the proper name is for that choke.

Probably Eddie Bravo has a weird name for it. Adjusts position again and gets the standard triangle choke locked in. Submission.

Now instead of Brother vs Brother special episode, we have a "I'm doing this for my brother" story.

6th fight FW

Marcus Brimage (3-1)(W) vs Bryson Wailehua-Hansen (6-1)(L)

Hawaiians are know for being good fighters, let's see how this goes.

Marcus has very good balance on one leg, clear wrestling background.

Bryson finally gets a takedown into side-control but can't keep him down.

Marcus fights back from his back so Bryson ends up in guard trying to pass.

Ends up giving up his back, bad move. Right next to the cage.

Bryson gets hooks and starts to work for the RNC.

Marcus doesn't give up and keeps raining punches straight to Bryson's face. It would be funny if he KO'ed him with that.

Bryson gets the arm on the chin and tries to get a palm grip for the squeeze, Marcus defends and flips the position.

Starts raining blows on Bryson against the fence. Very nice beatdown. Bryson is also pretty tough.

Flush headkick, Bryson doesn't even flinch but starts backing away. He looks pretty dazed and Marcus keeps hitting him on the button.

He still fights on. His chin is made of steel goddamn! Marcus keeps pounding on him with clean strikes and he still keeps on.

What is this, Hawaiian zombie? And it's the end of R1. Bryson is made of bricks.

R2 starts and Marcus goes right on the offensive. Bam, bam, bam and Mazzagati stops the fight. He wasn't out or anything but it was for the best.

Had the fight gone on, Marcus would have kept on blasting him and he would probably end up seriously hurt. Broken orbitals hurt more than pride and take longer to recover from.

7th fight BW

Carson Beebe (6-1)(L) vs Johnny Bedford (17-9-1)(W)

Look, it's the idiot with the powerbalance bracelet. Bedford is pretty experienced and looks like Jon Fitch! How can he lose?

R1 starts and he even wrestles like Fitch! Christ! He's a clone! Almost had a Brabo in the first 30 seconds.

Lateral drop by Fitch, almost gets it. Beebe gets his head smashed into the mat. Good punches all around.

Carson tries to wrestle Fitch, gets dragged to the fence. Tries for a guillotine, doesn't get it under the chin, loses it.

Carson starts tagging Fitch with some good shots, Fitch tries for a double leg. He clearly is a less experienced, 35lb lighter, Jon Fitch clone.

Fitch knees him on the fence, Carson winces a bit but he doesn't follow up and Carson gets to recover.

Fitch punches him flush with a right hand, Carson staggers, Fitch shoots in and finishes with a guillotine. Submission.

Note: Carson's brother that they keep referring is who's currently fighting as a BW in Bellator's tournament.

8th fight BW

Dustin Pague (10-4)(W) vs Tateki Matsuda (6-2)(L)

1st Japanese fighter in TUF. Japanese guy with a Muay background instead of Judo... let's see how it goes.

Quite a size difference. He sure knows his Muay Thai.

Nice spinning backfist. Dustin gets a throw, can't capitalize and ends up in guard getting punched.

R1 ends.

More kicks from the Japanese. Gets him against the fence and gets a good takedown, Dustin gets up but gives his back and gets taken down into side-control against the fence again.

Dustin gets a good punch end, they both fall and he ends up on top.

Very nice upkick, now you know, keep your ass grounded.

Decision victory for Dustin. It was pretty close, should have gone to the 3rd round.

This was the first fight were the editing was pretty obvious, after this most of the fights are highlights.

9th fight BW

Paul McVeigh (18-6)(L) vs Louis Gaudinot (5-1)(W)

Weird hairstyle alert. There can be only one (and Paul is even scottish).

UK guy that knows Bisping... wonder if he will pick him.

Brutal fight, green haired Diego Sanchez smashed Paul to bits. That back elbow from the clinch was something else.

10th fight FW

Eric Marriott (L) vs Bryan Caraway (W)

Caraway is Miesha Tate's boyfriend and fellow TAM member.

Caraway wins by lay-and-pray. TAM members are very much know for their wrestling, both guys commented that he had no killer instinct but he did the right thing.

No use getting hurt in a fight that is only a prelim or he could end up like Miles Fury last season.

11th fight FW

Josh Clopton (L) vs Dustin Neace (W)

Another one by lay and pray. Both of you guys, eat a dick. Learn how to beat wrestlers/stop laying and praying, come on!

12th fight BW

Matt Jaggers (20-7)(L) vs TJ Dillashaw (4-0)(W)

Another TAM guy, kind of looks like a young Chad Mendes. Those TAM guys all look alike.

Starts out with a very crisp punch, right in the FACE!

Very good head movement. Both are very good wrestlers. It shows.

Gets a takedown and moves into half-guard, not laying and praying thank Jesus!

Gets mount but allows Jaggers to scoot away from the cage. 1:30 left and he looks a bit gassed which is weird for a BW but I guess wrestling takes it's toll.

TJ starts getting caught, drives for a takedown and gets into side-control. Mount and starts off with some annoying punches that eventually evolve into very good elbows.

He gets the TKO right on the buzzer with some smashing elbows. Damn! That was powerful.

13th fight FW

Steven Siler (17-6)(W) vs Micah Miler (17-4)(L)

Dana White counts Siler out before the fight. Micah is Cole Miller's brother. He has a nice record on paper but a closer look shows that he lost to every guy remotely guy and all of them are currently in the UFC (Grispi, Omigawa, Swanson).

And Dana White gets some egg on his face. Siler wins in the 3rd by submission. One of the possible ringers in the TUF house doesn't get pas the prelims.

14th fight BW

John Albert (W) vs Orville Smith (L)

Win by submission, not much to say here, only small highlights were shown.

15th fight FW

Stephen Bass (W) vs Karsten Lenjoint (L)

Win by submission, not much to say here, only small highlights were shown.

16th fight FW

Brian Pearman (7-1)(L) vs Akira Corassani (9-3)(W)

A guy called Akira who looks Mexican and is from Sweden. What, what?

Pearman fights a while, gets a D'arce but can't grip his bicep to finish. Akira responds with a standing guillotine that almost gets him.

Good dirty boxing from both guys. Incredible back elbow from Akira, Pearman looks a bit dazed. Eats a couple more, still standing. Akira is just teeing off in his face.

He keeps eating them up until one of the punches puts him out. Damn, zombie style needs to go away, you're trying to win, start dodging punches. It's good to have a nice chin but it's even better if you don't need it.

Akira is also pretty intense "from the streets". I smell TV drama in his future.

Next episode, let's see how the teams are picked.

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Notes for the 2nd episode.

Bisping was dumb. It's always better to pick the first fight, pitting your best guy against their worst in order for him to move on.

Gaudinot as a first pick? He's 5-1 but only one of his wins is against a guy with a winning record. It's a weird pick.

Mayhem picked Fitch. Fitch is awesome.

Bisping picked Chute Boxe syndrome Brandão first at 145. Bisping picked up all the beastly KO guys. Mayhem got the grapplers. I smell trouble brewing.

Siler was last pick? He beat Micah Miller and is a pretty experienced guy. He's also very tall for FW. Don't get the reasoning but I'm sure it will be apparent.

I need to get this out there:Tiki Goshn is retarded. Bisping is also retarded as Mayhem has beaten much better guys than him.

So we get on to the first fight.

Mayhem picks Caraway, T.A.M wrestler lay-and-pray artist extraordinaire... good pick.

Oh yeah... Caraway is going to lay and pray this all the way to the W.

Dragon Ball Z WTF moment in a few seconds.

Marcus was way overweight. Has to slim down fast from 157lb to 145lb.

Mayhem describes Caraway as a headcase. Sure, but he's nailing Miesha Tate. But I must agree. Caraway looks like Karo Parysian, a very skilled fighter who got ****ed over due to anxiety problems. He keeps talking about positive thinking over and over. Maybe he lacks the necessary mental fortitude.

First prank of the season, yeah. What are those doors made out of? Christ.

Marcus says some words to the camera. Cue obvious foreshadowing "I'm a striker."

Caraway is such a waste of space: has an 8 inch reach advantage but almost negligible striking skills.

Here we go, R1.

Caraway gets tagged coming in but gets the takedown.

Marcus clearly isn't a good enough grappler to fight him off.

Caraway gets his back, flattens him out, Marcus tries to break out but still has Caraway on his back.

Caraway slaps in the body triangle, it's a matter of time now.

Marcus has to turn to the side of the body lock to put pressure on it and get free but he prefers to keep punching over his shoulder like a dumbass. "I'm a striker" yes, you are and not much else.

Caraway gets the arm under the neck 5 or 6 times but isn't smart enough to just get a Gable grip and squeeze.

Finally tries for the Gable grip, doesn't squeeze hard enough.

Marcus gets up and turtles, gets flattened out again. Caraway just keeps riding him. R1 ends.

R2 here we go, Marcus starts furious, tagging Caraway over and over until he gets taken down as expected.

Gives up his back almost immediately again.

Caraway gets a body triangle within 10 seconds of getting the back.

Marcus manages to get up and starts to bang again. Gets in a very good knee by exploiting Caraway's necessity to shoot in.

Bryan's cardio seems iffy which is weird for a 145lb fighter. Marcus gets a standup after a lucky roll and keeps banging. Bryan takes him down again because that's what he does.

Gets his back again in less than 20 seconds, flattens him out. Gets the arm in and taps him out. Marcus, you're a striker. We get it. But having zero grappling is bad. Very bad. Just ask anybody that fought Fitch.

Mayhem retains control and Bisping will probably end up getting swept (that would be great).

Scenes from the next episode: Chute Boxe syndrome. What else? Those guys are just way too intense to be anywhere else other than a cage.

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So 3rd episode:

Starts of with some drama in the house, courtesy of Chute Boxe Syndrome fighting Marcus toe-to-toe and saying that he's going to kill him. Like I said, those guys are way too intense and should be kept in a cage at all times. Akira shows his clown college skills by playing pranks on everybody and ends up getting called out by Dustin. Other traitor bull**** ensues as one would expect: guys form a clique and tell that Johnny Bedford has a bad right hand. It doesn't matter, Fitch is a beast.

The fight can be summed up by this: Fitch is a beast. Takes the guy down at ease, beats him down, grinds him down and takes the UD win. As one would expect from Fitch. He messed up Fergusson's eye pretty good and almost submitted him a couple of times. If it wasn't clear before, Bisping choosing to have first pick was a DUMB move.

Next episode: the mole thing continues. Despite having a mole, Bisping will probably keep on losing.

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Man that fight between Stephen and Bermudez was frustrating to watch. Stephen gets dominated on the ground yet insists on staying there. Most frustrating? When up against the cage instead of keeping it standing he jumoed guard. What the hell.

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Double fight episode: first one is Bermudez vs Bass.

Cue another obvious foreshadowing: Bass "I'm not going to let a guy ride me and get a win."

You can clearly see how picking the first fighter is a bad tactical move: Bisping keeps on losing while Mayhem picks the correct match-ups for his guys.

Bass "is" undefeated and probably thought he could power trough anyone in the 2nd round. Bisping kept telling him to get up but he maybe felt he could easily KO or TKO Bermudez. Paid dearly for his mistakes. It's funny to see that "UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP" is making a comeback. He got a ton of chances to stand himself up during the 1st, even giving up his back, not getting up and not turning into Bermudez. Is Bass deaf? Did the black eye Bisping gave him completely destroy is hearing?

2nd round starts and Bass seems, I don't know, a bit off. Not gassed but confused. Gets to the fence and just drops down. Gets a leg but doesn't know how to finish that submission. I don't think he tried to pull guard in the 2nd drop, I think he was going to try an arm-in guillotine :| Lord knows why. Gives up his back almost instantly and Bermudez just keeps riding him and flattening him out. Bermudez could have gotten a RNC several times but I guess he didn't want to risk it since he was already winning handsomely. Bass just didn't want to be there anymore, TKO for Bermudez.

Bass's face looks like crap.

2nd fight: Pague vs Gaudinot. Mayhem starts to get wise to the fact that there is a mole. Bass blames Bisping for losing the fight because of hard training. Wait, didn't we see this before? It's the Tito over training thing all over again.

Pague will be giving Henderson a run for his money as the resident THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU guy in the UFC.

The height difference is pretty clear which reflects in a big reach advantage for Pague.

Lewis was the first pick for Bisping but like I said, he's 5-1 against some not even average opponents. Let's see if he really got the skills needed.

Pague keeps the distance with the kicks and the jabs but Gaudinot is quick getting on the inside and cracking the body.

Gaudinot gets dropped and so it starts the UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP UP.

Pague should really improve his kicks to take advantage of his reach as a FW.

Gaudinot gets crazy with his striking, unloading quickly but eating some on the returns.

Team Bisping keeps ignoring the gameplan... this won't end well.

Pague gets Gaudinot against the fence and uses his size to leverage some good strikes. Gaudinot keeps trying to knee the body while being the way shorter fighter, doesn't work.

Pague gets him against the fence again and continues to unload some good strikes. He keeps calm and composed throughout the first round while Gaudinot seems to be getting nervous that he isn't doing damage.

R2 starts and Pague continues what he was doing. Gets a good punch in a drops Louis, starts beating him from the guard.

Louis gets up, keeps Dustin against the fence but tries for a takedown instead of unloading. Dustin eventually reverses the position and keeps putting pressure on Gaudinot against the fence.

Drops him with a knee the opens him badly and immediately gets his back. Louis is bleeding like a faucet. Dustin works diligently and gets the RNC.

Team Mayhem is 4-0. Bisping keeps on losing despite having a mole in Dodson (who was 1st BW pick for Mayhem). Louis took a hard beating.

Next episode: Mayhem finds the mole and uses it against Bisping and some more drama. Didn't directly show but I'd bet a lot of money that Chute-Boxe Syndrome Brandão is the cause of it.

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Bisping wouldn't have to yell "up,up,up" so damn much if he picked fighters who weren't useless on the ground. So frustrating. And both coaches are kind of annoying. Just thought I'd mention that again heh. Better fights and more entertaining than last season though! Maybe because, in the words of scholarly Brock Lesnar, no one is saying things like "trying to make chicken salad out of chicken ****."

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Miller seems like a decent coach, says all the right things to his guys during the fight. But that is easily possible when your guys are dominating their opponents. Still Miller seems to have a much more positive approach.

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Bisping wouldn't have to yell "up,up,up" so damn much if he picked fighters who weren't useless on the ground. So frustrating. And both coaches are kind of annoying. Just thought I'd mention that again heh. Better fights and more entertaining than last season though! Maybe because, in the words of scholarly Brock Lesnar, no one is saying things like "trying to make chicken salad out of chicken ****."

Bisping picked Chute Boxe syndrome Brandão first at 145. Bisping picked up all the beastly KO guys. Mayhem got the grapplers. I smell trouble brewing.


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This episode:

Chute-Boxe Syndrome is an idiot, what else is new?

Miller figures out who the mole is. Uses it to his advantage, Miller is a smart guy.

Let's see if it backfires.

TJ is pretty much the best guy on Bisping's Team.

Neace goes haywire because of a petty prank like hiding a hat. What a douchebag.

Nice tension over there guys, keep it in the cage.

Just what we needed, more Chute-boxe sufferers.

Bleep, bleep, bleep, bleep! Bleep. Bleep, bleep.

Neace does a nice double-leg in the fight annoucement. Jackasses.

Coaches also join the brawl. Woow.

Miller's cunning has paid off. Diego had already started cutting weight so he's a bit debilitated.

Cue foreshadowing: Akira isn't a very good grappler.

More pranks ensue and it's on to the fight.

Akira is quite composed. The usual kickboxing exchanges during the 1st round.

Neace gets droppeds and starts scutting around the cage, kicking Akira in the process.

Gets him into his guard. This isn't going to end well.

Neace attacks with a kimura to get up but has his legs crossed so he can't get up.

Neace gets a heel hook and... what happens next is debatable. Did Akira tap or did he just wince a bit and then get himself out? It seems to me like he did the Brazilian Tap, tapped once without being too obvious and got himself out when Neace releases the hold. The fight goes on.

A few more exchanges and the rounds ends with Akira landing 2 solid shots.

2nd round starts.

Neace has pretty bad striking. Akira has no technique but hits hard enough for it to count.

Both guys miss a ton of bad punches and try for spinning backfists.

Akira gets a knockdown with a punch and just pours. Neace is able to defend himself, getting Akira into guard.

Akira throws some nice shots from inside the guard but Neace keeps grappling away.

Akira gets into side-control and has no ideia what to do, openning himself to an armbar that never comes.

2nd is over with Akira on top.

More coaches bickering. Bisping has the right idea but his guys are idiots.

And the judges side with Akira and give him the fight. What?

Next one is a double fight episode.

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Akira tapped. I hope you learnt your lesson Neace. Tap or snap.

Bisping bickering with an assistant coach. Tiki just stand there tweeting or something.

Siler calls himself a Top 2 guy. This is going to end badly. He did beat Micah Miller but still...

Brandão's cardio is a bit spotty. Typical of Chute-Boxe syndrome fighters but he's a FW so he should have cardio for miles.

Diego keeps training hard instead of saving his energy. They are trying to play to his cardio thing but I don't think he's going to lose, he already had a segment where he told his hard life story. Ratings love that stuff.

What are those doors made of? It's the same thing season after season.

Brandão starts off with a flying knee despite Siler's obvious height advantage. Who does he think he is, José Aldo?

He certainly punches hard for a FW. Gets a nice punch in and goes for a knee to the body. It lands and he follows up with more shots that land flush in Siler's face. Siler withers and it's all over.

His cardio may be spotty but he doesn't let the fight last long enough for it to matter.

Top 2 guy thing comes back to bite Siler in the ass. Should have picked an easier fight.

Diego Brandão by KO. He won but he still looks angry as hell.

Bisping just keeps rubbing salt in the wound.

Bisping's team starts arguing over who should get the easier fight. TJ is probably the top BW there and he wants the easy way to the next round.

Bisping keeps rubbing salt in the wounds. Funny.

Next fight, Dodson fights John Albert. Seems like TJ gets the easier fight against Roland Delorme, the guy with something wrong with his foot. Oh snap.

The rest of Team Bisping is upset about it but hey, Bisping has spoken.

Seems like everyone sparrs with Marcus Brimage.

Dodson is a pretty agile guy but he's at a serious size disadvantage against Albert.

Fight starts and Dodson lands some flush punches, Albert isn't impressed.

Albert doesn't try to capitalize on his size, keeps getting picked off by Dodson's speed.

After a couple of failed takedowns and exchanges, Dodson lands a nice punch and Albert staggers. He follows up with a nice knee and keeps pouring. Albert defends by getting a takedown but keeps spinning around until he's on half-guard bottom. Get full guard but Dodson keeps stacking him until the fight gets back to standing.

Albert seems a bit sluggish, moving slowly and breathing heavy. How does a BW have such spotty cardio?

Dodson is also pacing himself so he doesn't end up gassed. Endless energy yeah...

2nd round starts.

Same thing as the first round. Albert is sluggish and not taking advantage of his size. Dodson is staying on the outside and peppering him with fast shots.

Dodson lands a flush headkick, doesn't do much damage.

2:30 left and I'm bored.

Albert does it again, jumps on Dodson's back and once again can't hold on and Dodson gets top position. If you don't know how to do a flying armbar or RNC, don't even try it.

1 minute left and this fight is still sucking hard.

Albert tries to rest for a bit by putting his hands on his knees. Christ this looks like Rothwell vs Hunt but with midgets.

Dodson gets a takedown with 10 seconds left, will probably win the fight by Decision.

Dodson by decision. What a surprise. He achieves his goal of going on to the semi-finals.

Albert ends the fight with a tear filled segment... man up! You didn't do enough to win so you lost. That's the life of a fighter.

Next episode: Roland's foot is getting raped by staph. Bisping's team takes it out on TJ and gets a private lesson with Tito about how to make excuses.

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doddson fought that fight like he was trained by greg jackson. just never got himself in a bad position and did more then enough to win the fight without taking any stupid risks. kid has skills though. and diego is unreal. i hope he wins it.

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This episode: TJ absolutely raped Roland Delorme. And he gets also the easier fight in the semi-finals. Here are the brackets.

T.J. Dillashaw vs Dustin Pague - TJ gets the easier fight of the BW.

Johnny Bedford vs John Dodson - I would like Fitch to win but Dodson is much more energetic than him and more well rounded.

Akira Corassani vs Dennis Bermudez - They get to fight eachother like they asked.

Bryan Caraway vs Diego Brandao - Nervous Caraway gets the short end of the stick and has to fight Brand?o. Unless he channels his inner TAM wrestler, he's toast.

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TJ fights just like his Team Alpha mates. If any of these guys are smart enough to figure out the style they can get one over him. Boo Faber clones.

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TJ fights just like his Team Alpha mates. If any of these guys are smart enough to figure out the style they can get one over him. Boo Faber clones.

The style of very strong wrestling coupled with generous doses of good kickboxing? TAM is a very good camp for the lighter weightclasses and if they fight like Faber they're pretty much in clear. There aren't many guys around that are beating Faber. And even less guys are beating Chad Mendes. Caraway is at a disadvantage not because of his style but from his lack of mental fortitude. If he can get Diego to the ground without getting his face smashed in the process, he can grind out a win.

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