Justin Bieber Linux

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Revealed! The perhaps creator of JB Linux is a bloke named XsheepX. He supposedly looks like this:


XsheepX claims:


I'm actually the creator of Justin Bieber Linux, aka Biebian, and SlimPup.

It's a joke, and the idea began on 4chan's /g/. lol, I hope it gave you guys a good laugh.

Also, It's based off Puppy, but we intentionally decided to call it Biebian because it is not Debian. It just makes it even more humorous.

Thank you.

Edit: Good luck to Legendary_Bibo and your Pony-inspired distro. I browsed /b/ for about 3 years, then moved on to /wg/, /w/, and /g/. I still get on /b/ ever now and then though. About 4 years total now.


Want to try a slim, minimalistic, lightweight, and *Bang-inspired distro? Try SlimPup

Want to have a big laugh? Try Justin Bieber Linux, aka Biebian

When confronted with the claim that "at least the Hannah Montana one put more effort into it. [You] just put a wallpaper up and went oh it's a justin biebs Linux", XsheepX responded:

No, it is more than just a wallpaper. In fact, this is not based off Debian or Ubuntu, but Puppy Lucid 5.2.5. Aside from changing the wallpaper (obviously), I changed the GTK themes, Openbox themes, Changed the distro name in the firstrun script, removed Fbpanel and replaced it with Tint2, with a custom Bieber-like style, removed apps to free up the size of the iso, added flash to Midori, and much more. All of it was done in terminal and a file manager.

Making a Puppy derivative is different than making a Ubuntu/Debian one -_-

Hannah Montana Linux is nothing more than a purple GTK theme, Hannah Montana wallpaper, and icons with the same "Hannah Montana" text pasted onto them. Just because it uses KDE does not mean it had more "effort" put into it. KDE is hideous anyway.

I'm imagining a Venn diagram, with "Bieber fans" in one circle, and "Linux users" in the other. The circles are about 439482309 miles away, not even remotely close to having any overlap.

Nevertheless, this is funny.

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