LulzSec release: 'Chinga La Migra'

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You have no idea what you're talking about. I have a few friends serving on border patrol and you couldn't be further from the truth. The "war on drugs" involves gangs trying to smuggle millions of dollars worth the hooch across our borders with quite the arsenal. It isn't everything you see on TV and you'll rarely read about it [it isn't as sexy as the war on terror].

Arizona's laws may be shady at best, but illegal immigration remains illegal. Our country is losing millions of dollars due to corrupt labor practices.

LulzSec / Anonymous's antics thus far have been ridiculous at best. Taking PSN down? The government could care less about that. Releasing 'For Official Use Only' documents? Get ready for a throw down.

Exactly. If you don't live in Arizona/California, you really won't know much about the border issues. Canceling the "war on drugs" would be the WORST idea ever. Just let them smuggle drugs into America without any military to stand in their way? Are you on drugs?

And LulzSec is definitely going to get it handed to them now.

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wow, if they start getting undercover agents killed, they're going to be in deep S....

This was my first thought as well.

Basically they're stupid teens that don't think about the consequences of their actions and just have a hard-on for embarrassing a non-existent enemy within law enforcement / huge corporations.

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make weed legal. that will end the war on drugs :shiftyninja:

btw. ICE also seizes domains if they have "illegal" stuff. why are they even involved with that ? screw ICE

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Lulz will be taken out and made an example of. Its only a matter of time. They are just proving to be more of a cowards each and every day. And them getting agents and law officials in danger and possible killed/harmed....yea, they will be a huge target soon. They wont have the last lulz

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This people have gone from a public nuisance to a danger to the public. They should be found and shot were found and soon.

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make weed legal. that will end the war on drugs :shiftyninja:

You do know the powdery stuff generates more income for them than that right?

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make weed legal. that will end the war on drugs :shiftyninja:

btw. ICE also seizes domains if they have "illegal" stuff. why are they even involved with that ? screw ICE

Uh... are you serious? I'm having a hard time deciding. This has nothing to do with pot.

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well this is getting out of hand faster than I expected at first I thought they wanted to expose companies security flaws , now they take advantage of that to claim they're exposing banks and government corruption..

that said I was expecting them to have found some REALLY bad cases of corruption nobody knew about.. but I'm disappointed

I don't live in the US but I think an anti-immigrant police is obviously racial profiling, and that it's totally normal to have border patrols, counter-terrorism, infiltration in cartels etc..

the only conclusions I can draw from all that are :

1) Lulzsec are pro-illegal immigration, pro-drugs, their opinions and political views are finally coming out that fake "Lulz" coat

2) I fear for the undercover agents safety and lifes :(

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