Major Explosion In Oslo Government Building

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ANFO would do it - my dad and I used it to blow stumps and rocks when clearing fields. Quite good at blasting things to smithereens.

Wonder if nitromethane is available in Norway? It's often used as a booster or in model plane fuel.

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ANFO would do it - my dad and I used it to blow stumps and rocks when clearing fields. Quite good at blasting things to smithereens.

Wonder if nitromethane is available in Norway? It's often used as a booster or in model plane fuel.

I just heard on the news that he ordered 6 tons of fertilizer last may from an agricultural cooperative.

On the island, some witness reported that he had a bag with several weapons. may be coming from the black market.

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what's the maximum penalty that he could possible face for this? I assume Norway doesn't have the death penalty?

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ANFO would do it - my dad and I used it to blow stumps and rocks when clearing fields. Quite good at blasting things to smithereens.

Wonder if nitromethane is available in Norway? It's often used as a booster or in model plane fuel.

You can buy nitro fuel or you can buy the ingredients to mix it yourself. or to up the nitro content on the fuel. so yes.

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what's the maximum penalty that he could possible face for this? I assume Norway doesn't have the death penalty?

"21 years in prison". A.k.a. hotel room with premium cable access on a flatscreen tv, artwork in room by famous artists, comfortable double bed with luxury mattress.

A 21-year sentence usually means 15-19 years in prison before release.

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"21 years in prison". A.k.a. hotel room with premium cable access on a flatscreen tv, artwork in room by famous artists, comfortable double bed with luxury mattress.

A 21-year sentence usually means 15-19 years in prison before release.


He'll get 21 20 20 years forvaring, so in total he'll get at least 40, but I think the likelyhood is closer to the Baneheia case where he'll in effect spend the rest of his life in prison.

that is assuming he even survives as far as to a trial, much less a few years in prison with hardened criminals who didn't massacre 80 kids by execution.

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He'll get 21 20 20 years forvaring, so in total he'll get at least 40, but I think the likelyhood is closer to the Baneheia case where he'll in effect spend the rest of his life in prison.

that is assuming he even survives as far as to a trial, much less a few years in prison with hardened criminals who didn't massacre 80 kids by execution.

I don't think he will get more that one 5-year extension of the involuntary commitment, based in an original 10 years. I hope he won't survive as far as the trial, but in the prison system he will be safe. They will provide the necessary means to protect him from other inmates.

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I assume Norway doesn't have the death penalty?

No, and that's a good thing. I'm all for stopping terrorism but I don't think sinking to their level is the way to do it.

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So terribly sad...

I remember checking the the Smart Traveller website a few months ago (an Australian Government site with recommendations and cautions). The site indicated that Norway was one of the most safest countries to visit in Europe, even safer than neighbouring Sweden.

No, and that's a good thing. I'm all for stopping terrorism but I don't think sinking to their level is the way to do it.

I agree.

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It also didn't help when those retarded [generic Islamic terrorist group name] took "responsibility" for this.

^ that is in relation to people's assumption of who's actually responsible for this.

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Bah, of course an Al Qaeda/Islamist attack is going to be suggested first, as its currently the biggest threat to Europe, apart from N.I and parts of Spain.

Although The Sun went amazingly over the top, if they ran the front page I saw last night.



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I remember checking the the Smart Traveller website a few months ago (an Australian Government site with recommendations and cautions). The site indicated that Norway was one of the most safest countries to visit in Europe, even safer than neighbouring Sweden.

It still is. I've been to Norway a few times in the past and I would still go in the future just as soundly and feeling safe as I would if I were to visit any nordic country.

As I suggested as my second choice of makers earlier in the thread, it was a person gone coocoo in the head. Unfortunately there is nowhere on earth where you can be completely safe from people who simply snap.

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Breivikis surrendered immediately after the police arrived on the scene of the shootings.

But based on the statements from witnesses, they think there may have been more than one gunman. via google news

His "thoughts"

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Another interesting facet of this is the perp didn't take his own life at the end of it. Normally they do. He is going to enjoy the trial for sure.

He truly believed that the youth needed to be saved. He didn't think to save himself.

Very unselfish of him. :rolleyes:

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While police have refused to comment on the killers? motive, his website and twitter file point to a man motivated by extreme right-wing Christian values.

"We have no more information than ... what has been found on (his) own websites, which is that is goes towards the right (wing) and that it is, so to speak, Christian fundamentalist."

They are basing this conclusion on a week-old Facebook/Twitter profile? Talk about a HASTY jump to conclusions! Now they're saying he's a Mason. The spin machine is in fully cycle!

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They are basing this conclusion on a week-old Facebook/Twitter profile? Talk about a HASTY jump to conclusions! Now they're saying he's a Mason. The spin machine is in fully cycle!

reality: from his online posts

I completely agree that Obama is a brilliant retoriker and communicator, one of the best we'veseen over the past 30 years.But ?rstly, we can not and should not compare the cultural struggle in the U.S. with that inEurope. Rhetoric must and should be different. The average "right click" - Republican in theU.S. is a "libertarian" (anti-socialist but pro multikulti) while the average conservative inEurope is much more anti-multikulti but arguments based on cultural resistance against Islamization

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They are basing this conclusion on a week-old Facebook/Twitter profile? Talk about a HASTY jump to conclusions! Now they're saying he's a Mason. The spin machine is in fully cycle!

Are you talking about the police or the media? The police didn't say that he's a mason (he said it himself in a post). The police said the part that you quoted. The Norwegian media has however found additional information, such as the articles he's posted online, the posts he made on nationalist websites, etc.

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Aftenposten has set up a page where people all around the world can leave messages of Condolence. (English is accepted as it is widely understood in Norway)

also Overskrift = headline Melding = Message, Fullt navn = Full name, Sted = Location, Next tick the Jeg har lest og godtar vilk?rene = 'I have read and accept the terms' box. Finally, click on the Send hilsen button.

It is a nice way for us people all around the world to be able to leave messages of condolence as Aftenposten is Norways biggest Newspaper so I have heard.

Edit: I forgot to say you must click the link on the second line "Her sender du din hilsen. " to enter the form page.

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Aftenposten has set up a page where people all around the world can leave messages of Condolence. (English is accepted as it is widely understood in Norway)

also Overskrift = headline Melding = Message, Fullt navn = Full name, Sted = Location, Next tick the Jeg har lest og godtar vilk?rene = 'I have read and accept the terms' box. Finally, click on the Send hilsen button.

It is a nice way for us people all around the world to be able to leave messages of condolence as Aftenposten is Norways biggest Newspaper so I have heard.

Edit: I forgot to say you must click the link on the second line "Her sender du din hilsen. " to enter the form page.

VG is bigger, but is slightly more tabloid format while aftenposten is more of a serious news. in paperform aftenposten might be bigger though, not entirely sure.

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From the book...

Thursday May 19 - Day 18: Wanted to set on a plate, boiling sulfuric acid, while I did some shopping in the northern town. I noticed someone lurking outside the door and saw the neighbour. There was a BMW in the upper barn area he was going to fix up for the owner. As I was about to go outside in full protective suit, he almost saw me before I saw him. I helped him push out the car and gave him the gasoline required to drive it to his place. I'm going to stick to nighttime boiling from now on to reduce my exposure to any unwanted surprises. I was very lucky today, something I cannot take for granted in the future.

It's essential to create as much goodwill you can from the neighbours. Use any opportunity to generate goodwill from them. This goodwill will be returned indirectly by them not probing and investigating. If you get a visit from neighbours, be polite and friendly, offer them sandwiches and coffee, unless it will jeopardize the operation. The goodwill generated is likely to be to your benefit later on.


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