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This is how I had my old one vs the new one:


I do have to say the old one feels warmer and more personal

the newer one feels more solid and professional and refined.

I like both in thier own ways.

I think the neowin logo floating up there in the middle of nowhere looks really odd. Also, there's this kind of stuff:


And in the comments in the news stories it's hard to tell between posts, quotes, ect.. It's a big mess.

Oh you are on Darkside that's why... i keep wonder what you people are talking about. It's clearly defined on the light theme but you rather and choose to use Darkside where it's not as defined. Still though i can make them out just fine on darkside but i can see where there's a little blur where one ends and the new one starts. I guess it also depends on your monitor as well, if you have one with good contrasts, you'll be able to see it better.

When many of the people who are complaining go on to post screenshots with ads blocked, our motivation to fix your complaints is seriously reduced.

Get over it? Would you rather us still visit your site with adblocker running, or not visiting at all?

Again, the new design is your standard run-of-the-mill WordPress

Get over it? Would you rather us still visit your site with adblocker running, or not visiting at all?

Again, the new design is your standard run-of-the-mill WordPress

Not visiting at all you are using up bandwidth, blocking the ads that pay for the bandwidth is idiotic.

Why does a WordPress theme matter, thats all you keep banging on about. The theme doesnt change the content of the site, the news articles are still the same, the forum posts are still the same, if you dont like it jog on somewhere else and stop constantly whining about it.

Get over it? Would you rather us still visit your site with adblocker running, or not visiting at all?

Again, the new design is your standard run-of-the-mill WordPress

your not required to visit the site

Get over it? Would you rather us still visit your site with adblocker running, or not visiting at all?

How do you think we keep the site running? The tooth fairy? No, it's subscribers (which you aren't) and ads. We're not having this debate here, we've had it before and explained our position. I'm just saying, if you're going to complain, it would be nice if you appeared to support the site.

How do you think we keep the site running? The tooth fairy? No, it's subscribers (which you aren't) and ads. We're not having this debate here, we've had it before and explained our position. I'm just saying, if you're going to complain, it would be nice if you appeared to support the site.

Don't be naive. Yes, banner ads help, but it's the pageviews and 'hits' that really bring the advertisers in. I don't click on ads either way, but I usually visit daily, multiple times, and check out most of the new articles, helping with pageviews, and thus, helpign support the site. To say I don't "support the site", whatever :)

That's besides the fact. Many of us have been coming to neowin because it was a professional looking site with OK, it just looks like the rest of the sites out there. I understand that a lot of effort went into this new design, but judging from the two threads currently discussing the new design, it seems to be a fairly even split between people for and against the new design.

So everyone that is complaining, valid users of the site, should just leave? Sounds like a great way to run a business... :rolleyes:

Everyone can have an opinion but they are just that, opinions. If you don't like X because of Y reasons, then it's good to point those things out. If nothing gets done about it because it's deemed not a valid reason (by mass or owner) then you have only a few choices after that.

- You can continue to visit and yell about said reasons and make hell.

- You can visit and hope change comes you way (eventually)

- You can just not visit.

There's not much more you can do after that. Your point have been made, you don't like the change for Y reasons. They've been noted and will be reviewed (that goes for everyone). If your reasons are tossed out as invalid then that's that.

You also talk about page views, you think they just ask Steve how many he gets per month and Steve says "100,000,000/month" and they say Ok!!?? IF that's the case anyone could just make up numbers to get paid high rates. Ads and other methods help develop numbers for those page views that you are blocking.

So everyone that is complaining, valid users of the site, should just leave? Sounds like a great way to run a business... :rolleyes:

There is complaining and then there is whining.

A: You arent a valid user of the site because you block all the adverts that supplement the sites income to keep it going

B: All you have done is whinge and complain about how the site looks like a Wordpress theme

The theme of the site does not change the content. The reasons you visit the site still exist, they are just wrapped in a different wrapper. If you stop going to a site purely on the way it looks, if you have previously enjoyed the content, then there is something wrong with you.

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