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First off, thank you for all your comments regarding Neowin's new look. We were never going to please everyone, and as this is quite a significant change we did indeed expect some uneasiness. We hope in time you'll come to like the new design, and to help ease the transition we've just released v1.1, including the following features:

  • New tiles - we love these, and we've listened to your suggestions and added a few more
  • New fonts - a few more options to customize Neowin to your liking
  • Expanded option - jump into Settings and enable the expanded design for those who want it wider
  • Tooltip disable option - not all of you love the tooltips, we know
  • Fix for Chrome bugs - the beta Chrome releases had some bugs that we've squashed
  • Fix for short news bug - the option to disable wasn't working, it now is
  • Fix for... other bugs - Timan loves his fly swatter
  • Get involved banner hidden for members - you're already involved by signing up!
  • Legacy theme - for those clinging to the past ;)

Update: 1.2

  • Added 4 more font choices for those Windows Users
  • Added option to fix scrolling for some users in chrome
  • Fixed fonts to match main page choice on forums

Update: 1..3

  • Tweaked headlines, now smaller, better line spacing
  • Added more spacing between news items
  • Tiles no longer scroll, are now fixed (cooler effect :p)

Your feedback is valuable, and thanks to each of you who made constructive comments. Some things won't change - this isn't design-by-committee after all - but we hope this'll go some way to improve your experience with the site, and give you a little more control over certain features.

Edited by Timan
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If only I could see the ok/save/whatever button in the settings popup on my netbook to change these options. :(

Ah, on smaller resolutions it seems to be shoved off the bottom and not recoverable by scrolling. It's clipped a little on 1366x768.

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