Eddo89 Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 I suppose I can concede the point that bi and homos are depressed. Well, just before they come out of the closet. They felt their sexuality is repressed, and it is hard. I'm not homophobic, but we crack jokes about how so and so is gay. Just old school boy antics that don't go away but of course it would make people uncomfortable if they are actually, gay. I know for a fact my group of friends probably won't be too pleasant to anyone not straight for probably 5 or more years even if we don't mend to. Pretty sure the general consensus in science right now, studies coming from respected people and organisations, that homosexuality is naturally occurring but societal factors affect it. Like what is said above, it is a spectrum. Is not one gene, it is a combination. Refuting it basically meant you are refuting concrete fact, it is what is accepted these days. Is not a matter of opinion really, unless you got evidence that contradicts it. I really don't think this should be an issue, is just Worthington sprouting blatant homophobic views. Is alright to oppose the fact it is natural if you give evidence. It is not a debate going on here, is is hypocrisy and contradiction. When he says something, it is right because he said something. When someone else says something, it is wrong because he said it is wrong. It annoys me to read his posts actually. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260684 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark_ph0enix Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Just got to page #8, but decided to "skip to the end" for a moment to post some thoughts. This thread = Priceless. Some seriously, seriously disturbed people in here. If you applied some of these comments to race, they'd already have been banned. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260686 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FloatingFatMan Subscriber¹ Posted August 25, 2011 Subscriber¹ Share Posted August 25, 2011 Haha no, they don't change at all. They are in-born. Society merely shapes your moral values as you grow up. Would a child naturally stone a woman? No, children are repulsed and afraid of such violence. They have to be taught that by a repugnant society such as an Islamic one. It doesn't matter if a society's morals are different than ours. They are still wrong. They are still corrupt and not to be tolerated by those of higher moral standing. Anything that deviates from what is normal and moral is degenerate, thus your bisexuality is degenerate. I may like you as a person in real life if we met, but it doesn't change the fact that you are abnormal not just in regards to society but of the entire planet. ... I've never in my life before read such a complete and utter load of arrogant, bigoted trash. People like you are the reason why there's so much hate in the world. Hahaha! We heterosexuals don't say ridiculous things like that. Only homosexuals declare such things. The burden of proof is on you. Kindly keep the rest of us out of your mindless bigotry. YOU think like that, most of the rest of us don't. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260692 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FloatingFatMan Subscriber¹ Posted August 25, 2011 Subscriber¹ Share Posted August 25, 2011 the other point you never ever seen a heterosexual have to defend there sexuality were Homosexual always have to feel like they have to defend, Via, Post, news, Gay Prides, Movies, All form of media Yes, because people like yourself feel they have the right to call them sick or depraved or unnatural. You don't have the right to judge others on what they do in their personal lives; you only have the right to judge yourself. Call other people names and they WILL defend themselves. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260698 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark_ph0enix Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Worthington: If homosexuality / bi-sexuality is such a perversion... Does it also follow that we shouldn't support companies who're run by homosexuals? Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260700 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worthington Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Or maybe you're just making this nonsense up. Proof please. In general, compared to heterosexually behaving adolescents and adults, having same-sex sexual partners is associated with substantially greater risk for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychological distress, substance use disorders, for suicidal thoughts and suicidal plans, suicide attempts, unstable relationships and lower levels of quality of life [...]The findings are consistent both for countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden where homosexuality is more socially accepted, and for the U.S. where it is less accepted.http://www.narth.com/docs/healthrisks.html If that were the case, care to explain why some societies think it's right and moral to perform female circumcision, and most others, don't? If morals were absolute, we'd all have the same ones. That we don't just proves they're entirely subjective and generally rooted in religious dogma. I've explained this before. Morals are absolute, but they can be perverted by both programming by religion and programming by leftist indoctrination. Yes, because people like yourself feel they have the right to call them sick or depraved or unnatural. You don't have the right to judge others on what they do in their personal lives; you only have the right to judge yourself. Call other people names and they WILL defend themselves. Judging and criticizing is every person's right, homosexual or heterosexual. Worthington: If homosexuality / bi-sexuality is such a perversion... Does it also follow that we shouldn't support companies who're run by homosexuals? It is every individuals right to boycott any company for any reason they see fit. Personally, as long as the homosexuals running it do not promote homosexuality and produce products that I feel I need or want, I see no reason for me to boycott it. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260704 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Dark_ph0enix Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Judging and criticizing is every person's right, homosexual or heterosexual. It is every individuals right to boycott any company for any reason they see fit. Personally, as long as the homosexuals running it do not promote homosexuality and produce products that I feel I need or want, I see no reason for me to boycott it. Interesting.. OK - Carry on. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260738 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FloatingFatMan Subscriber¹ Posted August 25, 2011 Subscriber¹ Share Posted August 25, 2011 Heck, few people are as intolerant to homosexuals as I am, but I continue to befriend them, without mentioning my true opinions to them, of course. Ugh.. "Tolerance"... That's just trying to act that you're "superior" because you "allow" such things to exist. "Tolerance" is one of the most arrogant things in this world today, and if you TRULY do what you said just their, you're a truly unpleasant person and I hope these people you "tolerate" find out exactly what you are. I don't "tolerate" homosexuals. Nor do I tolerate colored people, foreign people, or even unpleasant people. They are who they are, people, and they're all completely equal no matter what stupid labels people such as yourself place on them. I place my measure of how I like someone entirely on their individual merits and personality, nothing more. I proved that everyone is a little bit gay, so I don't know why people are still arguing. The test is simple: If you don't watch porn, you are a little gay. If you watch porn, and you watch 2 women have sex, then you are watching lesbian women, which is by definition homosexual (but I agree, hot). If you watch porn, and you watch a man and a woman having sex, then you are looking at another man's junk and that makes you a little gay. If you watch porn, and you watch 2 men have sex, then you are gay as a feather. So there, EVERYONE is at least a little bit gay. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. I don't have a problem with that assessment. :p Though I think I'm like, maybe 85-90% straight on that big old sliding scale we're all sitting on. ;) Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260744 Share on other sites More sharing options...
devBrian Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 You know, those who are intolerant are often merely trying to mask their own homosexual feelings. I'm willing to bet it's the same with this one. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260754 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worthington Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Ugh.. "Tolerance"... That's just trying to act that you're "superior" because you "allow" such things to exist. "Tolerance" is one of the most arrogant things in this world today, and if you TRULY do what you said just their, you're a truly unpleasant person and I hope these people you "tolerate" find out exactly what you are. They will never find out, because I keep my thoughts to myself and practice my beliefs privately rather than openly. I don't "tolerate" homosexuals. Nor do I tolerate colored people, foreign people, or even unpleasant people. They are who they are, people, and they're all completely equal no matter what stupid labels people such as yourself place on them. I place my measure of how I like someone entirely on their individual merits and personality, nothing more. "Tolerance" is nothing more than compromising your true ideals. As long as I do not commit crimes against the people I am intolerant towards, there is no issue that affects either myself or them. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260760 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+FloatingFatMan Subscriber¹ Posted August 25, 2011 Subscriber¹ Share Posted August 25, 2011 I've explained this before. Morals are absolute, but they can be perverted by both programming by religion and programming by leftist indoctrination. Bullpoop. Morals differ from one society to the next. That's a fact. NARTH article. Hmm.. the National Associate for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, huh. Yeah, they don't have an anti-gay agenda, riight.. :rolleyes: Peer-reviewed, unbiased proof, please. Judging and criticizing is every person's right, homosexual or heterosexual. But they're not allowed to defend themselves from your "judgement"? Riiight. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260762 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worthington Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 You know, those who are intolerant are often merely trying to mask their own homosexual feelings. I'm willing to bet it's the same with this one. I have associated with homosexuals so often that you can actually see me on pictures posted on the internet from Halloween in the Castro district, etc. I have been propositioned by homosexual couples to join them on many instances on the street and when I go to the grocery store and very often, older men will ask me random questions in stores, trying to coyly figure out if I'm up for some assplay and my girlfriend would have to bail me out of having to politely converse with them and dismiss myself as if I would if I were alone. During college, I could have partaken in many a gay fling since that's where degeneracy first occurs for most people. Unfortunately for you, I've never really been attracted at all to the same sex. I know you guys would love if more people would succumb to such ills because it would be tawdry and delicious for you to discuss in your warped view of the world, but not everybody is prone to becoming gay. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260784 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worthington Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Hmm.. the National Associate for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality, huh. Yeah, they don't have an anti-gay agenda, riight.. :rolleyes: Peer-reviewed, unbiased proof, please. If you bothered to actually read the references for that article, as anybody with anybody with experiences in writing a college paper would immediately do, you'd see this at the bottom of the page. Most of course come from pro-gay academic journals, but I'm sure you won't consider them biased, right? :shifty: Maybe you should use Jstor or something and read those studies and maybe you'd be less biased yourself. Jorm, A. F., Korten, A. E., Rodgers, B., Jacomb, P. A., & Christensen, H. (2002). Sexual orientation and mental health; results from a community survey of young and middle-aged adults. British Journal of Psychiatry, 180(5), 423-427.Mathy, R.M., Cochran, S.D., Olsen, J., & Mays, V.M. (2009). The association between relationship markers of sexual orientation and suicide: Denmark, 1990-2001. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Retrieved on January 25, 2010 from: DOI 10.1007/s00127-009-0177-3. King, M., Semlyen, J., Tai, S. S., Killaspy, H., Osborn, D., Popelyuk, D., & Nazareth, I. (2008). A systematic review of mental disorder, suicide, and deliberate self harm in lesbian, gay, and bisexual people. BMC Psychiatry, 8, 70. Sandfort, T. G. M., Bakker, F., Schelievis, F. G., & Vanwesenbeeck, I. (2006). Sexual orientation and mental and physical health status: Findings from a Dutch population survey. American Journal of Public Health, 96(6), 1119-1125. But they're not allowed to defend themselves from your "judgement"? Riiight. When did I say that? Of course they're allowed to defend themselves. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260788 Share on other sites More sharing options...
lamminium Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 I have associated with homosexuals so often that you can actually see me on pictures posted on the internet from Halloween in the Castro district, etc. I have been propositioned by homosexual couples to join them on many instances on the street and when I go to the grocery store and very often, older men will ask me random questions in stores, trying to coyly figure out if I'm up for some assplay and my girlfriend would have to bail me out of having to politely converse with them and dismiss myself as if I would if I were alone. Seems your experience with homosexuality hasn't been at all pleasant. Does explain your attitude. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260976 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Dick Montage Subscriber² Posted August 25, 2011 Subscriber² Share Posted August 25, 2011 And here we see an biggot quoting other biggots to push a biggotted agenda. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594260990 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Julius Caro Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 In general, compared to heterosexually behaving adolescents and adults, having same-sex sexual partners is associated with substantially greater risk for mood disorders, anxiety disorders, psychological distress, substance use disorders, for suicidal thoughts and suicidal plans, suicide attempts, unstable relationships and lower levels of quality of life [...]The findings are consistent both for countries like Denmark, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and Sweden where homosexuality is more socially accepted, and for the U.S. where it is less accepted.http://www.narth.com...ealthrisks.html No sh*t, Sherlock. These people are pretty much constantly being reminded that what they are/do is an aberration. Some are disowned by their parents. Some live in fear. In some countries, it's a crime. In some other countries, they just get killed for it. If that doesn't warrant mental health problems, I dont know what would. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261002 Share on other sites More sharing options...
James Riske Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 You know, those who are intolerant are often merely trying to mask their own homosexual feelings. I'm willing to bet it's the same with this one. People who naturally despise homosexuals are not closeted gays any more than people who naturally despise pedophiles are not closeted pedos. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261026 Share on other sites More sharing options...
TheLegendOfMart Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 As a child I used to play with puzzles. Each piece has and fits it's own place. Later in my life I started wondering about my penis, why do I have it and where does it fit in? And I learnt it had it's own place. And that wasn't a guy's anus. I'm all for using our body as it is designed to function. If you like to be abnormal, good for you. The penis fits in a load of places, i guess you dont have anyone give you oral sex, the penis also fits up an anus so nice analogy. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261064 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worthington Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 Seems your experience with homosexuality hasn't been at all pleasant. Does explain your attitude. Nope. Homosexuals have been nothing but kind to me. I would say it's overall a pleasant experience dealing with them. They keep their issues to themselves. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261070 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calum Veteran Posted August 25, 2011 Veteran Share Posted August 25, 2011 I find it highly amusing when people try to argue that homosexuality or bisexuality is "unnatural" when in the animal kingdom there are plenty of examples across numerous species :argh:. It's also obvious it's natural because attraction is a natural feeling. No one can choose who they are attracted to, and they cannot change who they are attracted to; thus, it's natural. It's ridiculous that some people actually try to assert it isn't natural when considering that; they're either not thinking about it properly, or they're unintelligent. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261076 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Worthington Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 It's also obvious it's natural because attraction is a natural feeling. No one can choose who they are attracted to, and they cannot change who they are attracted to; thus, it's natural. It's ridiculous that some people actually try to assert it isn't natural when considering that; they're either not thinking about it properly, or they're unintelligent. Let's say a man is attracted to his dog and he'd like to have sex with it every night. Is that natural? How about a man who is attracted to his neighbor's 9 year old daughter? Is that natural? Even better, how about a man who is attracted to his own daughter? Is that natural? It's all attraction is it not? :whistle: Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261082 Share on other sites More sharing options...
DaveLegg Developer Posted August 25, 2011 Developer Share Posted August 25, 2011 Let's say a man is attracted to his dog and he'd like to have sex with it every night. Is that natural? How about a man who is attracted to his neighbor's 9 year old daughter? Is that natural? Even better, how about a man who is attracted to his own daughter? Is that natural? It's all attraction is it not? :whistle: And again, as before, you're confusing 'Natural' with 'Moral', they are not even close to being the same thing. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261088 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anooxy Posted August 25, 2011 Share Posted August 25, 2011 No one can choose who they are attracted to, and they cannot change who they are attracted to; thus, it's natural. This is such BS. I bet you also believe in love at first sight and also that you can love only once in your life. Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261090 Share on other sites More sharing options...
+Dick Montage Subscriber² Posted August 25, 2011 Subscriber² Share Posted August 25, 2011 People who naturally despise homosexuals are not closeted gays any more than people who naturally despise pedophiles are not closeted pedos. See, I have a theory here... A lot of "hatred" towards pedo's... Well, see, pedophilia is measured by what? Consent ages change from country to country, we have magazines targetted at men claiming "just legal" etc. Yes, pedophillia is considered wrong for a number of reasons. But it's blown all out of proportion - I can make a harmless comment like "Wow, she is gonna be a stunner in a few years" and then blam according to some that's a pedo comment. People are so scared of being labelled as such, they get all self-righteous, etc. Let's say a man is attracted to his dog and he'd like to have sex with it every night. Is that natural?How about a man who is attracted to his neighbor's 9 year old daughter? Is that natural? Even better, how about a man who is attracted to his own daughter? Is that natural? It's all attraction is it not? The attraction? Yes it IS natural. The actions upon that are what define you... Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261098 Share on other sites More sharing options...
Calum Veteran Posted August 25, 2011 Veteran Share Posted August 25, 2011 As a child I used to play with puzzles. Each piece has and fits it's own place. Later in my life I started wondering about my penis, why do I have it and where does it fit in? And I learnt it had it's own place. And that wasn't a guy's anus. I'm all for using our body as it is designed to function. If you like to be abnormal, good for you. Did you also wonder where your lips fit, and then realise the truth, that your lips interlock well with both females and males? What about when you realised that your mouth fits round another male's penis exceptionally well? Remember, sexuality isn't just about intercourse. There you go, your theory about where body parts belong meaning homosexuality is wrong debunked right there. Good day to you now you've realised you should be bisexual :) A normal, healthy, logical opinion. Too bad such a point will be viewed as "trolling" since it doesn't fit into the politically correct programming exhibited in this thread. It is not a normal, healthy, and logical opinion, as I have pointed out above. Using his logic, we should all be bisexual (including you, Worthington) because our lips interlock just as well with the lips of both genders. Of course, I don't agree with his logic, but you did, so you now must feel that you should be bisexual, right? Link to comment https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic/1020546-bisexual-men-science-says-theyre-real/page/11/#findComment-594261100 Share on other sites More sharing options...
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