[PIC] Steve Jobs Afer Resignation

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Poor guy. Not an Apple fan at all, but that is beside the point, I do not wish ill will on anyone. Hope he can get better, considering the circumstances.

...Also, is that guy on the right the same guy that played Yellow basstard in Sin City. First thing I thought of when I saw him. :p


Since I never go to TMZ, and have zero emotional attachment to the subject, I only have one thing to say about this to those saying TMZ shoulden't publish pictures like these:

Weird Al Yankovic Offical YouTube Release: TMZ - 2011 Music Video


Actually, despite the news they report on, the dude Harvey that run's or whatever his name is really prides himself (I heard him interviewed by Howard Stern for about 45 minutes a few months back) on the fact they way more often than not only publish images that are indeed real.

I also have had 2 family members die from Cancer, and this is indeed what happens. People go from bad to worse, sometimes in a matter of days, literally.

It actually choked me up seeing the picture. Not so much because it was Jobs, although I have great respect for the man, but because it is a reminder of just how frail life is, and what a bitch cancer is.

Swallowing my pride here because I don't like Apple and therefore I don't like Steve Jobs but if these pictures are real then it really is a shame. Apple have brought so much innovation to the tech industry and he's always been a great leader and showman, seeing him like this is just tragic. I hope these pictures are photoshoped and hes not really this bad but if he is then I hope his final days are peaceful and he can pass away knowing that he was one of the driving forces behind the tech industry.

I don't think it's a gown, looks more like long tshirt and shorts, still it's been proved fake anyway :p

Proven fake how? That lame analysis on the previus page that's written by a 12 year old with no clue about photography or image editing, and every one of his points can easily be countered by anyone with half a clue and half an eye as not proof of editing...

it seems like photoshopped to me.

The red glow on the 2nd guy must be from light refracting through his skin. And pretty much same effect would have to be there on Steves skin aswell but its not.

Its rather flat.

Or you can say a totally different tint.

but then again.

I hope its not really him :s

I doubt it is photoshopped, that's how very ill people look. They can go from looking totally fine to very bad/thin in a short period of time.

Just look at how quickly Jack Layton (Canadian Party leader who died this week) went from

(May 2011) to
(July 2011) and then death.

Steve has been looking thin/ill for quite some time, so it wouldn't surprise me that he looks the way he does now if his illness has gotten worse. I somehow doubt he would have quit as CEO if his condition was improving or had a chance to improve in the near future.

wow that's messed up. amazingly we never heard anything about that in the American press :rolleyes: . was he going to be next prime minister?

on topic. I have no reason to doubt this picture is real. TMZ may be a tabloid but more often than not recently what they post is real. It's sad to say this might be the last year of Steve Job's life. Never liked the company, didn't hate the man but hated his RDF lol, but I wouldn't want to see him die or hurt like this.

All the people crying Photoshop just give it a rest now, it's him, end of.

TMZ are the most reliable source of celeb news and have been publishing breaking news for years, first to the Tiger Woods scandal, first to the MJ death and many more.

With that being said the closeup of his face is heartbreaking, his eyes say that he's been defeated. :(

All explained by someone without a clue about photography, lighting or image editing. I could go into detail on each of those point explaining why they're bs, but anyone that's got half a clue and can still see can see that those points are pure speculation with no basis in reality. And definitey. Not proof of photoshopping.

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