What's Your Favorite Bottled Beer Now Days?

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I'm an old-fashioned type of guy so I have always like Pabst Blue Ribbon - Bottle Only.


Interesting fact: A bottle of Pabst Blue Ribbon will run you $44.00 USD in China!!!!!

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Ouch, $44 for Pabst. That stuff runs about $1 for a pint here. Helps that it's brewed here though. :p

My fav:




I don't think I could ever leave Milwaukee. The local beer here is just phenomenal.

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Ouch, $44 for Pabst. That stuff runs about $1 for a pint here. Helps that it's brewed here though. :p

My fav:




I don't think I could ever leave Milwaukee. The local beer here is just phenomenal.

That Louise's looks pretty good. I'm a sucker for dark beer.

Here is my favorite!


That Castle beer looks pretty good too!

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That Louise's looks pretty good. I'm a sucker for dark beer.

That Castle beer looks pretty good too!

It's 100% South African and was first made in 1884. The description of the beer is "somewhat bitter; somewhat dry, but never sweet"

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It's 100% South African and was first made in 1884. The description of the beer is "somewhat bitter; somewhat dry, but never sweet"

Nice. I like that!

This is what I am stuck on right now! heineken06.jpg

Heineken is not a bad beer at all. You just have to be in the mood for it. It's a bit strong but I like it myself. As a matter of fact, I tried this Heineken brew a few years ago and it was very good:


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Yuengling Traditional Lager.

Yes I agree with you 100%. This is a very good brew. Every time I go to St. Augustine, I stop at the Mill Top Tavern and have some of those. $2.00 a pint.


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Nice. I like that!

Heineken is not a bad beer at all. You just have to be in the mood for it. It's a bit strong but I like it myself. As a matter of fact, I tried this Heineken brew a few years ago and it was very good:


This dark version of Heineken indeed looks good! I will have to try this out soon!

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Very Interesting Beer Facts:


Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

According to several studies, including one done at the Institute of Epidemiology at the University of Muenster, moderate beer drinking reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. The reasons are simple: Alcohol can increase HDL?or ?good? cholesterol?levels and reduces the chances of hardening of the arteries and thickening of the blood?two main contributors to heart attacks.

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Drink Your Vitamins

Years ago, Guinness used the slogan ?Guinness is Good for You.? It looks like they might have been right. According to a Dutch study conducted at the TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute, beer drinkers had 30% higher levels of vitamin B6 in their blood than non-beer-drinkers?twice the amount of red-wine drinkers.

Check out 31 fun and festive Guinness products.

Avoid Kidney Stones

According to a study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, risk of kidney stones was decreased 40% in middle-aged beer-drinking men, as compared to non-beer-drinkers. While the researchers couldn?t determine which component of the beverage was responsible for the drop, the evidence of benefit was impressive.

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Help Women Age Better

A Harvard study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine, showed moderate alcohol consumption assisted in preserving the mental faculties of older women, while a Tufts University study concluded alcohol can help preserve bone density, a frequent health issue for aging females. Additionally, some bioflavonoids found in hops (a major ingredient in beer) have similar properties as oestrogens, which may serve as a natural form of hormone replacement therapy in post-menopausal women.

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Prevent Cancer

While research is just beginning to explore the potential cancer-fighting agents in beer, early studies show xanthohumol, a compound found in hops, may help inhibit certain enzymes that can trigger cancer and aid the body in breaking down carcinogens. The compound is current being tested in hopes of creating a preventative treatment for prostate and colon cancers.

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Color me cliche, but you can't beat the taste of Budweiser in my opinion.


I am sorry but I just can't stand the taste of this beer unless its

ss_BudLightBottleWet.jpg ONLY!

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Color me cliche, but you can't beat the taste of Budweiser in my opinion.


Oh come on. You need to broaden your horizon a bit. Bud is probably the trashiest beer in the US (no offense). It's not even on the same planet as a good local brew or import.

As a Belgian, I am offended...

It's Belgian, and it's damn tasty, try it!

What's your stance on Grimbergen? It's good in bottles, but mind-blowing on tap.

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What's your stance on Grimbergen? It's good in bottles, but mind-blowing on tap.

Been a couple of months that I had a Grimbergen, I have my eyes on a Westvleteren right now, viewed by many as the best beer in the world, but it's damn hard to get. Gonna drive over to the brewery in about a week to secure my stash...

You need to reserve it, and the monks take notice of your phone number and car license plate, so you can only buy 1 crate...


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