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Hi All,

Trying to get some feedback. We have been covering Windows 8 to a crazy degree. So far, it seems as if most have enjoyed our coverage. Curious though, are we to grainy with our coverage, or do you like how we are proceeding currently? It's your news, just trying to get some general feedback.

For the record, we are closing in on 30 stories about Windows 8.



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Trying to get some feedback. We have been covering Windows 8 to a crazy degree. So far, it seems as if most have enjoyed our coverage. Curious though, are we to grainy with our coverage, or do you like how we are proceeding currently? It's your news, just trying to get some general feedback.

Personally I thought that was the whole point of the site to begin with, Microsoft related tech news and features. Keep it coming ;)

I'd like to see something on install troubleshooting. Been trying to get a Lenovo S10-3T upgraded w/ 32 bit ver. It gets to Registry update, then power cycles and prompted for rollback without any explanation. Is there an install log? Do certain apps cause it to crash (i.e., touch-keyboard apps, anti-virus, etc?).

Hi Brad, the coverage is great but you guys don't cover everything. Well you don't have to cover EVERYTHING, but you miss some important news too or some portions of it.

For instance there was a story about 500K downloads for W8 preview, it was not mentioned that it was also in under 12 hours. I did inform through the 'Report a problem', but it never got updated.

And for news you miss, Winrumor and Engadget would be a good example. They had a hands-on AMD tablet, even ARM tablet, an iPad/W8 side to side comparison.

Even if you visit Winrumor right now, you can see several interesting/important stories not covered here at all.

Otherwise, everyone knows Neowin is my favourite tech site, and second overall(after Bing laugh.gif).

To be honest I thought Winrumors did a better job with a whole host of videos on day 1 of BUILD. It's much easier to watch a video of a new UI than read an article and Tom and managed to produce a whole lot of original and in-depth videos very quickly.

The other problem is that the Neowin homepage is far too cluttered to make it easy to follow but that's probably a separate problem.

Thanks again guys.

I'll just explain the reasoning behind our videos, or lack of. If anyone is following my tweets or knows about any big conference, the Internet sucks. I'm not trying to make excuses, as I has two videos ready of the Samsung tablet review. By the time my NDA was up, I wasn't able to get videos up.

I was given far too much information on the first day and stayed up the greater part of the night attempting to write it all up.

The Internet here cuts out every 510 mins asking for the password again. Again, if anyone followed my tweets, you would understand how frustrating it is.

Thanks again guys.

I'll just explain the reasoning behind our videos, or lack of. If anyone is following my tweets or knows about any big conference, the Internet sucks. I'm not trying to make excuses, as I has two videos ready of the Samsung tablet review. By the time my NDA was up, I wasn't able to get videos up.

I was given far too much information on the first day and stayed up the greater part of the night attempting to write it all up.

The Internet here cuts out every 510 mins asking for the password again. Again, if anyone followed my tweets, you would understand how frustrating it is.

It's all right Andy! There's still beta, RC and RTM to do. Get ready for that! smile.gif

I'm happy with it (: And now BUILD is over, there'll be plenty of time to go through the sessions and pick out all the finer, more interesting points from all the various sessions. And maybe a nice indepth preview of Windows 8 on the desktop & laptops, for those who are worried (though admittedly, those things are probably best left till the BETA stages).

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