Classic Shell Works on Windows 8

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Yes, it is. The start screen will (depending on apps) give me more information about an application before entering an application. That alone is more "productive". Weather app, I can see what the weather is, without opening it. A weather app on the old Start MENU (the thing it is replacing) I would have to open the application.

Haven't you ever used widgets on your desktop before?

So you like a single application taking over your screen that won't let you close it with ESC or Alt+F4?

You like a gigantic menu that won't let you drag icons from the desktop to it?

Metro is a flat ugly interface that looks as if it was designed in MS Paint with gigantic text. All of the apps are intrusive and is going against everything MS has thought us about computing in the past! I find that every time you want to open a program you have to search for it rather than point and click.

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Haven't you ever used widgets on your desktop before?

So you like a single application taking over your screen that won't let you close it with ESC or Alt+F4?

You like a gigantic menu that won't let you drag icons from the desktop to it?

Metro is a flat ugly interface that looks as if it was designed in MS Paint with gigantic text. All of the apps are intrusive and is going against everything MS has thought us about computing in the past! I find that every time you want to open a program you have to search for it rather than point and click.

This is all true. I cannot stand the UI of Win8. I love progress and change, but this one is just ugly!

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The "new" way of doing things is easily 10x more clunky and 10x less efficient.

Not from a touchscreen tablet/slate.. which is what the UI was designed for... it's a dev preview, in the end I'm sure the OS will detect what type of device is it on and adjust the UI accordingly.

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For people who just can't handle change.

or maybe just some of us think metro plain sucks?

I don't see how random, ugly tiles are 'progress'.

New is not always better.

+1000 hum.

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Haven't you ever used widgets on your desktop before?

So you like a single application taking over your screen that won't let you close it with ESC or Alt+F4?

You like a gigantic menu that won't let you drag icons from the desktop to it?

Metro is a flat ugly interface that looks as if it was designed in MS Paint with gigantic text. All of the apps are intrusive and is going against everything MS has thought us about computing in the past! I find that every time you want to open a program you have to search for it rather than point and click.

Yes, if I'm not looking at it and it's not using CPU time, yea, I don't care for not closing it.

Wait what? drag icons from the desktop to the Start Screen? Everything you can pin to the task bar can be pinned to the Start Screen.

When you are using the classic start menu...where's your attention? AT THE MENU AM I RIGHT? So all the other stuff that you were looking at isn't that of that much importance at that point in time. I can see a lot more options, seeing the screen than a menu.

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Not from a touchscreen tablet/slate.. which is what the UI was designed for... it's a dev preview, in the end I'm sure the OS will detect what type of device is it on and adjust the UI accordingly.

Why are some people posting that the 'old Start menu' is gone forever ?

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You can run more than two applications at a time. Are you talking about having two applications visible on the screen at a time?

yes. sorry. i have a 1080p monitor and i like have three four apps open and visible so i can take advantage of the resolution.

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Because opening a menu, hovering over a selection, then picking an option from a fly-out is so much more efficient than clicking on a tile.

Minimalism > A bunch of random tiles. I have 4 icons on my desktop, I like it that way. Everything else I just press the windows key, type the name of the application, press enter, and there is my application. Windows 8's tiles are about as useless to me as Windows 7's widgets. All they'll do is get in my way and probably use resources that I don't want them to use.

And yes I do know it's a dev preview and yes for the sake of people who actually use their computer I hope that Microsoft has the sense to include a passable Windows 7 style interface. I'm sure it would be great for a tablet, so lets keep the fischer price tablet UI on tablets. =)

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Really Guys, you're arguing about the UI on a Developer Preview of an OS!!!

You all need to go outside and get a life, there are far more important things to be arguing about than this!!!

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Really Guys, you're arguing about the UI on a Developer Preview of an OS!!!

You all need to go outside and get a life, there are far more important things to be arguing about than this!!!

sweet. well you should rather A. take your own advice and ignore everyone and don't waste your time posting and our time reading, or B. join another forum that's not a tech forum (Y)

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sweet. well you should rather A. take your own advice and ignore everyone and don't waste your time posting and our time reading, or B. join another forum that's not a tech forum (Y)

Or C. I'll do something else instead of being a sad ****** and arguing over something that is likely to change and not join a non tech forum because you say so.

The fact is I have a life outside computers, do you?

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Oh puulllleeeaaaasee, seriously, do you seriously think the Metro UI is more productive than the Start Menu on a desktop PC?

Considering it has all the same function as the old clunky start menu implemented in some cases in exactly the same manner, I totally believe that.

Plus it look 100x better than the ancient ugly looking Windows 9x start menu that this classic shell crap is pushing.

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I understand where they want to go. This is what happened ten years ago:


After this Vista and Windows 7 offered a solution that not everybody liked. At the end launching a program inside a folder inside a folder in Win7 was like entering in a labyrinth.

And this is the new solution also ready for touch screens:


I think if they can make it more customizable (named columns, folders, smaller tiles...) it will be a great way of launching programs and indeed can replace the old start menu.

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For people who just can't handle change.

Hey man, why don't you concentrate more on your Metro background color before somebody beats you on that.

btw, please don't use the flourescent color like you did sometime ago on the windows frames. :laugh:

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I think if they can make it more customizable (named columns, folders, smaller tiles...) it will be a great way of launching programs and indeed can replace the old start menu.

They actually do allow named columns. But I haven't quite figured out how to do that with my mouse keyboard.

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The fact is I have a life outside computers, do you?

Life is pretty good, thanks for asking. How is your life? Equally good I hope. I didn't realize that I couldn't post my concerns on a tech forum! My bad!

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They actually do allow named columns. But I haven't quite figured out how to do that with my mouse keyboard.

The ability isn't available in this build yet, for anyone.

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Really Guys, you're arguing about the UI on a Developer Preview of an OS!!!

Yep because MS is clearly pushing their "revolutionary" interface as the core of Windows 8 (if that's what's it called when it gets released). Haven't you been following the news? It's been all about metro. We know that metro is here to stay and is the core of the next version of Windows. I can take a good guess that next version of Windows will be called Windows Metro. Now that MS released Developer Preview, they should have a poll on their site: "Do you like Metro integration in the next version of Windows for desktop computing" and if the majority of votes is No only then we'll see whether they really are "listening to their users". I am proud to say Windows Metro was not my idea :)

We should definitely have the option to completely live without Metro on our desktops.

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I understand where they want to go. This is what happened ten years ago:


After this Vista and Windows 7 offered a solution that not everybody liked. At the end launching a program inside a folder inside a folder in Win7 was like entering in a labyrinth.

I have never seen anyone's Start menu in that condition. It's a ridiculous exaggeration like the picture of IE with 20 something toolbars. Even if someone did have that many programs installed they can all be neatly organized into just a few folders.

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For people who just can't handle change.

Trust me, if there's one thing I can handle change in, it's technology. In fact, that's why I'm 1 of the few people who isn't going around saying how the Metro UI sucks but instead saying how freakin' awesome it is. But, personally, the new start menu... not so much. There's just so little you can do there. Unfortunately, you know how I said earlier I REALLY love the Metro UI? Well, using that registry key that enables the classic Start Menu, but, unfortunately, leaves you with the Legacy UI is too much for me. That's why I love the idea rwx had. (Not to be rude about any of this, BTw.)

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