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Setnom, weird!

This makes the config file even more tricky if the results are so variable from machine to machine.

Mind you, I've also noticed some textures can be fuzzy from different distances - I'm not talking long distance. I could walk up to a door and halfway there it's fine but two steps closer and it blurs.


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haven't messed with any config files and no intention of doing so. just using the basic settings in-game, some areas and vistas look mind-blowingly gorgeous, others are loaded with low-res textures and upon close inspection really do look like something running on a console, not a five times more expensive PC. this mitigates what i said in previous posts, but RAGE is still a very good and enjoyable game. but as i'm a graphics guy, i don't know that i like the hit and miss nature of the engine.

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Having completed the campaign earlier, I must also say the ending was disappointing. Not what I expected from an id Software game. I was expecting some epic humongous boss fight that would take ages. :p

However, great game. And I will be trying to go for 100% completion. No matter how stupid that checkpoint chasing race mode is. >.>

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love this game but must recognize some of its flaws. i think id's fix for the PC problems was basically to dial everything down to console spec unless you go into your config and start messing with it. the game still looks good but the shortcomings are obvious, especially in some indoor areas. also, it's a crazy racist game...i know it's tongue in cheek, but still, why does the merchant have to have that horrible cliched music in the background and a Trade Federation/Uncle Egg Foo accent? How come the bandits are mostly British, including Union Jacks apparently painted on their backs? We could have done without those little touches, Carmack. otherwise awesome game.

this ending you guys speak of...can't wait to get there but it will take me much longer than ten hours i think as i intend on doing every side mission and every race. i don't mind if there's no epic fight at the end, i'm more of a walkabout gamer :D

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I can NOT figure out how to win that damn thing.

Iv got gold on every other race, but those ones I just can't seem to win

I was confused the first time playing this mode as well. What wound up working for me is look on the mini map and go after the green dots on it. You can drive any direction keep in mind, so it really is just a matter of collecting more green dots (light beams) than the AI opponents.

So I just went back to using the settings of the game thanks to the Patch. Enjoying the game for sure. (Y)

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I've got about 6 hours into the game now and have started forming an opinion on it.

The linear missions in the game are really, really good. The combat just feels high-impact and solid. I wish I would have initially played through on Nightmare difficulty because I think I've only died twice on hard. And I'm not a big FPS gamer.... It is pretty clear that they never scaled the difficulty for computer I think, because the game is just too easy with keyboard and mouse.

Rage is a bit of a disappointment in a lot of areas (graphical glitches on PC aside). I can't help but compare it to Doom 3 while I play it, and the thought that keeps running through my mind is, "we really haven't come that far in gaming in the past 7 years".

Does anyone remember the first unveiling of Doom 3? id Software was touting how everything will be destructible and how the models would be so complex that textures really wouldn't be needed anymore. None of those promises developed in Doom 3 and they have been abandoned in Rage. It amazes me how much of the world of Rage is carved in stone. You can't even smash a TV screen in rage... I came across an operating table with a small instruments table that I couldn't knock over or push out of the way.... Does it really matter for the game play? No, not really.... but I was just expecting more attention to detail in this game.

And I want my hit points back! Why did they have to copy the last 5 years of FPS and have auto-heal?

Oh well. Its still a fun game and I'll play it through to the end.

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Does anyone remember the first unveiling of Doom 3? id Software was touting how everything will be destructible and how the models would be so complex that textures really wouldn't be needed anymore. None of those promises developed in Doom 3 and they have been abandoned in Rage. It amazes me how much of the world of Rage is carved in stone. You can't even smash a TV screen in rage... I came across an operating table with a small instruments table that I couldn't knock over or push out of the way.... Does it really matter for the game play? No, not really.... but I was just expecting more attention to detail in this game.

And I want my hit points back! Why did they have to copy the last 5 years of FPS and have auto-heal?

Oh well. Its still a fun game and I'll play it through to the end.

Yea one of my complaints is the lack of enviroment interaction like in Doom3, or Half Life where i could pick up a shoe or can and chuck it across the room. My only theory is D3 was more confined location wise ( corridors and small rooms ) where it was more viable calculation wise, vs Rage Bigger more open environs

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I just wish they made the game longer (Story wise, more in-depth) and that the ending would be more... epic?

DLC man... DLC

I've got about 6 hours into the game now and have started forming an opinion on it.

The linear missions in the game are really, really good. The combat just feels high-impact and solid. I wish I would have initially played through on Nightmare difficulty because I think I've only died twice on hard. And I'm not a big FPS gamer.... It is pretty clear that they never scaled the difficulty for computer I think, because the game is just too easy with keyboard and mouse.

Rage is a bit of a disappointment in a lot of areas (graphical glitches on PC aside). I can't help but compare it to Doom 3 while I play it, and the thought that keeps running through my mind is, "we really haven't come that far in gaming in the past 7 years".

Does anyone remember the first unveiling of Doom 3? id Software was touting how everything will be destructible and how the models would be so complex that textures really wouldn't be needed anymore. None of those promises developed in Doom 3 and they have been abandoned in Rage. It amazes me how much of the world of Rage is carved in stone. You can't even smash a TV screen in rage... I came across an operating table with a small instruments table that I couldn't knock over or push out of the way.... Does it really matter for the game play? No, not really.... but I was just expecting more attention to detail in this game.

And I want my hit points back! Why did they have to copy the last 5 years of FPS and have auto-heal?

Oh well. Its still a fun game and I'll play it through to the end.

Try the last 10 years for that auto-heal crap.

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Id software never touted destructable environments in Doom 3 never never did they say that what they did promise was a scary dark corridor shooter and that is what we got so i am not sure what game you was thinking of. Also nothing in Rage reminds me of Doom 3 unless ya count the FPS mechanics that Id software has always been tried and true on.

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Id software never touted destructable environments in Doom 3 never never did they say that what they did promise was a scary dark corridor shooter and that is what we got so i am not sure what game you was thinking of. Also nothing in Rage reminds me of Doom 3 unless ya count the FPS mechanics that Id software has always been tried and true on.

It is based on memory at this point. I recall that the initial videos for Doom 3 were cropping up around 2002... There was a lot touted as far as physical changes to the environment that either players or mobs could do. The end result was nothing more than a few scenes where a particular monster bashed through a wall.

Don't get me wrong, I friggen loved Doom 3. But it fell short of the hype that the developers were providing. Doom 3 was a blast though and the Hell levels were just fantastic. My biggest complaint about Doom 3 wasn't the lack of a destructibility (I just pick on that because it was hyped), biggest complaint was the fact that it was suppose to be a horror game yet every monster made sure you knew it was coming before it hit you. That seems to be a trend in almost all FPS...some voice saying "We know you're coming". Just once I'd love to be ambushed. If monsters would sneak up on me in Doom that would scare the **** out of me.

Edit: Meh, I may just be mistaken.

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Doom 3 was all about 'jump out' moments, which is pretty corny horror. It's the sorta thing you'd get on scary theme park rides or something.

Suspense is where it's at. Penumbra Overture got that right. Scary as hell. :[ I can't even touch that game.

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Before doom 3's release they claimed alot about monsters ripping through walls, pipes, changing the scenery etc. They didn't say it was dynamic but in the finished game it literally happend twice which was super disappointing.

Doom 3 for me was literally all about the tech (shadows). I had more fun with the leaked beta than the final game.

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I keep hearing people bitch about destructable environments, extremely detailed models and so forth, but what they seem to forget is it's an ID game. They aren't known for ridiculously destructive environments or goofy "rag doll" physics. ID games are meant to showcase technology (kind of like a stepping stone for each generation of tech) and mindless violence. There is just enough story to pass off as a game, but they make them for people that love guns, explosions and gore. You want ###### and jokes? Play Duke Nukem. You want realism, physics and excessive detail? Wait for CoD or BF3. But if you want to just spray blood all over the place, crawl around the sewers and shoot some ugly damn thing that's bigger than you are, stick to ID.

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