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Agreed. The graphics are great but some of the textures look noticeably bad at 1680x1050 and 1920x1080. Fortunately, the textures that look bad are vastly outnumbered by the ones that look good. Also, I'd prefer better performance over better image quality at this point. Blizzard has shown that their art direction can make up for their drawbacks in image quality.

But can't they just provide the high quality textures for those who want it? Hopefully in a patch like Skyrim , but I'll doubt Blizzard ever do something like that

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But can't they just provide the high quality textures for those who want it? Hopefully in a patch like Skyrim , but I'll doubt Blizzard ever do something like that

I think they stated that it wouldn't make a difference. I don't know if that's true but I could see how that makes sense. The game's isometric view combined with the art style may make increases in texture quality unnoticeable up to a certain point. I think it'd be better to have more consistency when it comes to texture quality rather than high quality textures across the board.


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Love the Barbarian, always been a fan of the in-the-face melee character. Also trying the Demon Hunter, I find the Bola Shot is good for groups of barrels, take em out in one blast and you'll get some bonus XP. Every little bit helps, although it's mega easy to max your char out in this beta.

My first char when game gets released will definetely be a Barbarian.

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I will choose my first character the Barbarian since alot of ppl is talking about it and is a popular choice

Well, characters don't require a lot of investment immediately, so I'd certainly try all of them for a few levels first.

It is true, however, that I will likely play Barbarian primarily - as it currently plays anyway. Which is only up to about level 10, and unpolished.

But can't they just provide the high quality textures for those who want it? Hopefully in a patch like Skyrim , but I'll doubt Blizzard ever do something like that

Per Anaron, they're already basically 'ultra' resolution in their eyes. 'Ultra' doesn't mean anything specific apart from 'the best', which D3 probably already has.

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You can't delay something that wasn't announced.

Exactly, It has not been delayed at all yet, as it was proposed to be released "early" which can be up till May or so. they never stated which Quarter.

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It's delayed in my head. Whether it was announced or not.

Same here, when my brain expected based on (scientific studies, mayan calendars, and nyan cat predictions) to be getting D3 within the coming couple months.. and now I am not.. it's delayed.

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After playing the beta for almost 7 hours, I have really mixed feelings. I think the Wizard is a crappy class. I died two times, the DMG output just doesn't seem to be there.

The Barb, Monk, and Demon Hunter will be the top 3 classes. I feel like the Monk has a lot of talent and I'm interested in seeing where it goes with that character.

I played Diablo II when I was only 10 years old and I loved it. I think this will be a completely different radical change but interesting. I think the delay is also for a console version.

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After playing the beta for almost 7 hours, I have really mixed feelings. I think the Wizard is a crappy class. I died two times, the DMG output just doesn't seem to be there.

The Barb, Monk, and Demon Hunter will be the top 3 classes. I feel like the Monk has a lot of talent and I'm interested in seeing where it goes with that character.

I played Diablo II when I was only 10 years old and I loved it. I think this will be a completely different radical change but interesting. I think the delay is also for a console version.

Dude the Wizard is wayyyy overpowered. Blow stuff up without blinking.

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Dude the Wizard is wayyyy overpowered. Blow stuff up without blinking.

Totally agree!

My wizard is my farming toon. Stacked with Magic Find and still 1-shotting anything in it's way.

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Dear everyone in this tread. Stop talking about the game. I'm sure you're all men and all this D3 talk is givin me a chubby. Not cool.

I know right :( It's like blueballs caused by lack of being able to play D3, but having to read about it.

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Dear everyone in this tread. Stop talking about the game. I'm sure you're all men and all this D3 talk is givin me a chubby. Not cool.

This is for you


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This is for you


Yea and what's going on in my pants is for you. Feel free to accidentally email me some account details and I'll gladly check te game out for myself.

That being said... While its not 'ethical' and is against most ToS, I always share my beta information with close friends. While I consider it a chance for them to check games out prior to their release, I also think of it as additional testing as my beta accounts are typically in use around the clock 24/7.

Now I won't state what games I'm currently a part of. Damn NDA's.

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