School Bus Driver Caught On Tape Driving Recklessly

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A Howard County school bus driver has been fired after being caught on tape screeching her bus to a halt as children inside the bus were heard screaming and crying.

The video was shot by Christina Walters, the grandmother of one of the students on the bus. Walters says she brought her camera to the bus stop after noticing the bus often speeding down the road, before the driver slammed on the brakes.

"The children went forward, and then -- all of a sudden -- the door was already open," Walters said. "She had the door open before she had even stopped!"

After shooting the video, Walters sent it to her granddaughter's school, Gilford Elementary in Jessup. A county transportation supervisor then had the driver removed from the route, and the independent company that provides drivers then fired the employee.

"We're under no obligation to keep a driver who we don't feel is a safe driver," said Howard County school spokeswoman Patti Caplan. "So if this isn't living up to our expectations, then that person won't drive in Howard County again."

This is insane.. If that was my kid on the bus I would have ended up in jail..

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reminds me of the bus driver when i was in school. Prior to being a bus driver he was a race car driver, even with him speeding our route was 1 and a half hours long.

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reminds me of the bus driver when i was in school. Prior to being a bus driver he was a race car driver, even with him speeding our route was 1 and a half hours long.

I didn't have him for my bus but when I was a kid, my school district had a former NFL player as a bus driver. He was supposedly really cool but I remember thinking how far he must have gone downhill to be driving buses. He was like in his 50s though.

As far as this video is concerned, props to that grandmother for getting her cell phone out and recording it. It's good to know one more crazy bus driver is off the streets.

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