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In the light of the world population about to reach 7 billion people the BBC created a fun experiment on their website: 7 billion people and you: What's your number?

Post your number here. I'll start.


You were the 4,704,862,086th person


Your country's population is 7,600,524

Average life expectancy is 69.7 years

What's next? The global population will continue to increase during your lifetime and beyond, reaching 10 billion by 2083. However, the rate of growth is expected to slow. Most of the current growth is happening within your group of countries, or the developing world.

Longer lives: Death rates and birth rates are falling in your area. This means working-age people like you will be supporting increasing numbers of older people during the next decades. By 2050, there will be just 4.6 working-age people for every person aged 65 or above in your area - a decrease of 63% from 2000.

Battle for resources: It is estimated that the richest group of countries consumes double the resources used by other areas of the world - including yours. The UN estimates that if current population and consumption trends continue, by the 2030s we will need the equivalent of two Earths to support us.

Did you know? Children born in rural areas across the world are nearly twice as likely to be underweight as urban children.

493 people

the amount the population has grown while you've been on this site

When you were born, you were the:

3,539,570,222nd person alive on Earth

77,582,397,725th person to have lived since history began

UK Population : 62158805

Every hour, there are:




Pretty interesting how the BBC seems to know exactly which number I carry without even filling in my time of birth. :p WIth a growth rate of only +0,4% I'm glad to see my country isn't really a part of the problem. :whistle:


When you were born, you were the:

5,216,610,047thperson alive on Earth

80,236,442,430thperson to have lived since history began

Glassed Silver:mac

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