Battlefield 3 Cracked To Run Without Origin, EA Sheds A Tear

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  On 06/11/2011 at 04:19, xbamaris said:

Hmm. My 2 cents is Origin acts as an anti-piracy measure, because you have to use a legit key to activate the game that game is then tied to that account. As far as I know there is no otherway to "Redeem Product Key" on their website. thus Origin is required to ACTIVATE, not play. So in the end, Origin is required.just not all the time.

For all you idiots saying stuff about pirating it, as it states you needa legit key.

Origin is hardly an anti piracy measure. The files it distributes are unencrypted.

Battlefield 3 has an activation checker (not Origin) for the first time you launch the game which is the DRM. Battlelog is inaccessible for those without a valid key, so that's as much DRM as they really need. Considering the singleplayer was cracked in less than a day, I highly doubt that Origin is some new, effective type of DRM. It's just something that is there and we can't get rid of (until now of course).

  On 06/11/2011 at 04:29, Udedenkz said:

Steam uses more resources that Origin...

If this was about resources, then we'd have even bigger problems running the games they distribute.

  On 06/11/2011 at 03:23, Scorbing said:

I agree. There is absolutely NO need for this garbage to run on the background for the game to play but yet they force you to run it otherwise the game won't run. This is ridiculous and very disrespectful to the user. The Xbox and PS3 version does not use Origin in any way, shape or form, why stick that crap up our noses on the PC version? Origin is a resource hog and it has absolutely NO business running.

Not to try to urinate on your point here but when I play BF3, I have over 7GB of stuff loaded into RAM (out of 16GB available) before I even launch the game. Bunch of Explorer windows, MSN, Thunderbird, 2 firefox instances (browsing and development, usually with 3-4 paused flash videos), chrome (pr0n xD so more paused flash vids), Dreamweaver, SmartFTP, Beyond Compare, EditPlus, command line, Skype, Steam, uTorrent, Winamp, Dropbox, plus other background apps that don't appear in my systray or taskbar.

I don't think the 76584K of Private Working Memory (I still don't know if that translates into 76MB of RAM or what that actually means, so I'm just putting it out there as is) Origin uses is going to be any major hindrance here.

I used to find that when I played a game, if I tabbed out my system would slow down for the first few seconds of accessing my apps (returning to normal shortly after having used them), but then I simply upgraded from 8GB RAM to 16GB, problem solved :)

I don't have a RAM usage figure for you when BF3 is running, but my point is: If you believe a browser + Origin translates into worse performance on BF3, then I suggest you upgrade from Windows XP and also throw some more hardware at the problem because your computer was not constructed in this decade (or possibly not even in the last decade :p)

  On 06/11/2011 at 03:23, Scorbing said:

The problem is very simple: It is using resources. When you are playing a game such as BF3, your PC needs all the resources it can get. This game is no joke on the system. It requires a lot of power and memory to run perfectly. When you have this Origin garbage running in the background along with Internet Explorer (what a joke), guess what? Now the PC has to divert resources to those applications as well.

i honestly think that most of the crashes on BF3 are caused by that Origin piece of shi.....

I can't speak for Windows XP or 2000 or whatever you're using, but Windows 7 is actually quite clever when it comes to memory management. See my aforementioned anecdotal evidence of slowdown when I tabbed out of a large-profile game.

If what you say is true (Windows needs to divert resources to those programs as well) then it would be impossible for those apps to slow down and then "recover" after use.

To me, this shows that Windows unloaded their files from RAM to make room for the game, but re-loaded them when I minimised the game.

  On 06/11/2011 at 03:37, Scorbing said:


And the counterpoint is, there's no disadvantage either.

  On 06/11/2011 at 04:55, Reacon said:

If this was about resources, then we'd have even bigger problems running the games they distribute.

At first it was about whether Origin is in fact a trojan horse that opens your computer up to attack from the Black Hat department over at EA / DICE (I tells ya, those Swedes can't be trusted. Nobody with internet connections that fast have your best interests at heart) or whether it collected personally identifiable information without your consent (to be sold on the black market so that you receive more junk mail in your snail mail letterbox, and so that you receive more visits from door-to-door salesmen and Jehova's Witnesses, no doubt).

But when they got called out and asked to elaborate, they suddenly changed their tune and went OMG IT DRAINS MY MEGAHURTZ :p

Man I spend way too much time replying to this when it's 9AM and I should probably go to bed.

Where people like this when Steam launched as well? It seems like lots of people in this thread have a phobia against EA or something

  On 06/11/2011 at 09:22, Capric0rn said:

Where people like this when Steam launched as well? It seems like lots of people in this thread have a phobia against EA or something

And you wonder why...

  On 06/11/2011 at 09:03, Belazor said:

And the counterpoint is, there's no disadvantage either.

At first it was about whether Origin is in fact a trojan horse that opens your computer up to attack from the Black Hat department over at EA / DICE (I tells ya, those Swedes can't be trusted. Nobody with internet connections that fast have your best interests at heart) or whether it collected personally identifiable information without your consent (to be sold on the black market so that you receive more junk mail in your snail mail letterbox, and so that you receive more visits from door-to-door salesmen and Jehova's Witnesses, no doubt).

But when they got called out and asked to elaborate, they suddenly changed their tune and went OMG IT DRAINS MY MEGAHURTZ

I don't like repeating myself, but I'm going to repeat myself, even though I don't like repeating myself.

There's "no disadvantage" to running Open Office in addition to MS Office, really. Why don't I have them both installed? Well it should be pretty obvious.

To give a reason other than ToS and spyware fud, and the "resources" petty excuse, compare how much it does, to how much it burdens you. Quite frankly, I don't give a damn about 50 mb of ram being used. However, I do not like having to wait an extra 20 seconds for Origin to start to play my game, when it does literally nothing but update. Battlelog will tell me if my game is out of date. Why do I need to use Origin 24/7, again? It's useless, in the presence of Steam with its own overlay - so quite simply, I do not use it.

I do not use Paint.NET because I already have a legal copy of Photoshop CS4. I do not use OpenOffice because I have a copy of MS Office 2011. I don't mind if MS Office uses an exclusive format to it because it is superior in almost every way. To have a suite like OpenOffice develop its own exclusive format just to force me to use it would obviously get me to use it, but I'd be more willing to give it the boot the moment it's gone, than continue using it. Simply because it pales in comparison to the suite that I know and love.

With that, I conclude that it's not a matter of whether or not I like using Origin. It's simply that I do not like being forced to use Origin. Why should I have to use Origin when I'm already happy with its better counterpart? It only complicates things and makes me angry more than anything.

  On 06/11/2011 at 09:22, Capric0rn said:

Where people like this when Steam launched as well? It seems like lots of people in this thread have a phobia against EA or something

Yes, they were. Everyone hated Steam when it was first released. I hated Steam when it was first released (I recall it taking several hours to decrypt Half-Life 2.)

Origin is actually very good. People should've used it when it was EADM if they want something to bitch about, sheesh.

I've never had a single bad experience with EA customer service. They've been quicker than I thought was even possible at times.

I'm sure the BF3 launch could've gone better, but is anyone really surprised by that? Really? ...

My only complaint remaining with Origin is you still can't install Battleforge in it, heh :)

i dont mind origin and steam as a library for my games but the whole anti piracy stuff is a load of crock. Steam in all fairness warns you when you buy a game what DRM management has been put in. Origin doesnt however. Recently I bought MOH in a store however got home to found it has DRM to the hills. Normally DRM doesnt bother me but its becoming more and more prevalent (spelling) on more and more games. So to play a game I want to play I have to sacrifice my machine to more intrusive digital rights management bull ? (and yeah before now I have bought a game but not installed it due to digital rights crock, yes ubisoft im looking at you)

This is why EVERY game should be free BUT to unlock everything in the game you have to buy it to unlock the full version. In other words free to download and free to install/play but you get a limited version of the game (kinda like a demo but not a demo if you know what i mean). No I dont mean microtransaction stores I mean you want the full game then buy it and unlock it. Simple as. Then there would be no need for digital rights management (except to tie down the game with an account etc) or why not make games like windows activation ? if I had to activate a game just once like windows that would not bother me.

^Same here. I've only had good experiences so far with EA. I do sometimes have issues with Origin like after having opened the Origin Overlay, or a dialog hidden behind the game keeping me from typing in a chatbox while playing BF3. But that's to be expected from beta software.

@Reacon: You do know that it's a business thing, right? They had to pay Steam for having their games on Steam. Now, they get their own service without paying any other service and are able to give better support.

Comparing Steam + Origin to MS Office + OpenOffice and whatnot is somewhat odd if you ask me. Since neither of the latter 2 sell you additional things through them which you can only use through said application. Nor are they forcing you to use their software only to use a certain file format. Same counts for the other applications you're using to make a point about why you don't want Origin installed. It's just not the same at all.

  On 06/11/2011 at 11:20, Capric0rn said:
@Reacon: You do know that it's a business thing, right? They had to pay Steam for having their games on Steam. Now, they get their own service without paying any other service and are able to give better support.

Comparing Steam + Origin to MS Office + OpenOffice and whatnot is somewhat odd if you ask me. Since neither of the latter 2 sell you additional things through them which you can only use through said application. Nor are they forcing you to use their software only to use a certain file format. Same counts for the other applications you're using to make a point about why you don't want Origin installed. It's just not the same at all.

I was being entirely hypothetical, and you completely missed the point of the comparison.

Let's put it as bluntly as possible, since it all flew right over your head. I use Steam. Steam is superior in function and usability to Origin. I do not want to use Origin since it does the same thing as Steam, except worse. There is a game I want to play that is exclusive to Origin. This makes me install a software that fulfills a purpose that is exactly the same as a superior software that I already use. Moreover, Origin provides no extra features to justify it being exclusive, unlike the Steamworks API.

Why should I need to use Origin if it provides nothing, and overlaps purposes with another application that I think is superior? Why should I need to use OpenOffice to use a hypothetical exclusive format when it offers literally nothing in comparison to a MS Office compatible .doc?

Whatever flattering context you put Origin in, it does not justify its use with anything substantial. Therefore, I do not want to use it. Do you understand now?

Origin is a pointless waste of time. Not resources, not legal rights - time. That 20 seconds every time you start it to play BF3. That extra process you go through to buy and activate you game code. That lengthy, buggy install. It all adds up to a lot of something for nothing of value gained in return.

Why should I bother with something that offers me nothing? Why is it that I need to waste my valuable time as well to give this corporation money?

If you don't want to use it, then stop using it. No need to keep complaining about it because at the end of the day, you want to be able to play Battlefield 3.

  On 06/11/2011 at 12:23, Capric0rn said:

If you don't want to use it, then stop using it. No need to keep complaining about it because at the end of the day, you want to be able to play Battlefield 3.

Which is exactly why I use this patch!

  xbamaris said:

Hmm. My 2 cents is Origin acts as an anti-piracy measure, because you have to use a legit key to activate the game that game is then tied to that account. As far as I know there is no otherway to "Redeem Product Key" on their website. thus Origin is required to ACTIVATE, not play. So in the end, Origin is required.just not all the time.

For all you idiots saying stuff about pirating it, as it states you needa legit key.

For now. Razor911 opened the door. Let's see how long the game goes before cheating begins. None of know what the reason is for Origin to run but I could simply be for authentication. If people remove that, how long until this game is ruined???Let's see what EAs response is.

  Reacon said:

Seriously? How do you think I'm playing BF3 if I haven't used Origin before? Origin name is Reacon4 (the "4" is the product of terrible EA account systems, which didn't allow me to pick names I have used in the past ON THE SAME ACCOUNT). I used it to install, but I am no longer online on it because of the patch Razor1911 was so generous to provide me with. I play BF3 quite frequently, however. Add me on Battlelog.

Pre loading could have been done just as easily as letting people who have bought the game download the files. Since, you know, you still have to login to Battlelog and all. Don't open Battlelog until release and there you have it. A pre-load.

All the functionality that Origin "added" to my game I replaced by simply adding my portable Chrome instance into Steam to get the overlay in BF3. Works flawlessly, and doesn't destroy my FPS.

Considering none of us work at EA we do not know what Origin does. Just because you are running now does not mean Origin is not needed. Origin could be a simple mechanism to authenticate to verify everyone is legit. It could also be a mechanism to thwart cheating and now that is broken. Let's see how long it takes for cheaters and pirates walk in. I know Razor911 said it is for legit owners but they opened the door for others to crack even further. Good news is ALL ranked servers are closed and owned by EA or affiliates. It won't take much to do a client side check to force Origin, oh and if Origin effects your frame rate, it's time to upgrade.

  On 06/11/2011 at 13:10, Rooster69 said:

For now. Razor911 opened the door. Let's see how long the game goes before cheating begins. None of know what the reason is for Origin to run but I could simply be for authentication. If people remove that, how long until this game is ruined? Let's see what EAs response is.

Considering none of us work at EA we do not know what Origin does. Just because you are running now does not mean Origin is not needed. Origin could be a simple mechanism to authenticate to verify everyone is legit. It could also be a mechanism to thwart cheating and now that is broken. Let's see how long it takes for cheaters and pirates walk in. I know Razor911 said it is for legit owners but they opened the door for others to crack even further. Good news is ALL ranked servers are closed and owned by EA or affiliates. It won't take much to do a client side check to force Origin, oh and if Origin effects your frame rate, it's time to upgrade.

BF3 uses punkbuster for it's anti-cheat. Origin has nothing to do with that, it's merely a content delivery system.

I don't think it should be required once you've downloaded the game but then again it doesn't really bother me that it is, too.

  Reacon said:

Which is exactly why I use this patch!

I have a sneaking suspicion that EA will not take this lying down. Let's see in a few days who will be on here complaining about keys being deactivated. I will chuckle. I honestly think you complain to simply complain.

  On 06/11/2011 at 13:16, trag3dy said:

BF3 uses punkbuster for it's anti-cheat. Origin has nothing to do with that, it's merely a content delivery system.

I don't think it should be required once you've downloaded the game but then again it doesn't really bother me that it is, too.

You assume that but you do not know that. I'm just being the Devils advocate here. There could easily be threats out there that we do not know about. Bottomline, A Origin has nearly Zero impact on resources B we now have many people playing BF3 illegally via EAs standards and C Razor911 has opened the door for potential harm. Hell, the next Razor911 patch all the "complainers" ran out and blindly installed without question could have easily installed any number of Trojans or viruses. Hey look at me, I hate Origin so much that I will install, without question, this "patch" from a known cracker/hacker group, down with Origin!!!!

Origin running is just like Steam running when you want to play a game, they want you to use it, maybe have a look at the store. While the latter has earned gamers respect over the years, both are there to get sales and eyeballs on the client, locking you into their ecosystem in some way.

  On 06/11/2011 at 14:39, Rooster69 said:

I have a serious question to all the Anti-Origin people:

How will you patch the game, get DLC, get free items ect......

Everything is via Origin and I do not think EA will release any patches or DLC outside Origin.

im sure they same people who cracked it will release the patches/dlc too.

  Knightwolf20024 said:

im sure they same people who cracked it will release the patches/dlc too.

That is a bold assumption. Cracking a piece od software is one thing but stealing software and redistributing it is another. Plus since every piece of software will require authentication, you would be required to reinstall Origin each time, enter your code, authenticate then uninstall. Sounds genius.

if they have removed origin from the mix , then you dont have to reinstall anything , as the group who cracked the game will release the patches and the dlc from there the end user will just extract them to where ever and go play. most if not all ripping groups these days release patch packs and dlc if they release a game. its common practice with ripped steam games.

  On 06/11/2011 at 15:00, Rooster69 said:

That is a bold assumption. Cracking a piece od software is one thing but stealing software and redistributing it is another. Plus since every piece of software will require authentication, you would be required to reinstall Origin each time, enter your code, authenticate then uninstall. Sounds genius.


It happens all the time, cracked games get updates all the time, they dont have to release the official installer they can just stick all the updated files in an archive and release that.

  On 06/11/2011 at 14:39, Rooster69 said:

I have a serious question to all the Anti-Origin people:

How will you patch the game, get DLC, get free items ect......

Everything is via Origin and I do not think EA will release any patches or DLC outside Origin.

With steam.


  On 06/11/2011 at 03:55, Rooster69 said:


The point is: WHO CARES! It effects NOTHING. What it did do was enable me to play the beta 2 days early, pre-load BF3 and play the second it was live and restored a few of my store bought games I could no longer find. So if I can get all that from a program that has ZERO impact on my PC and can be minimized and never touched again while playing, so be it.

It brings allot of added functionality to my games. Pre-loads for one. No standing inline for me on release day. Just fire my PC up 1 sec after midnight and I was playing. That alone is worth the cost of admission, which happens to be nothing.

Hey Scorbin and Reacon, do you even USE Origin? If so, what is your BF3 name? I have a suspicious feeling you guys do not even use the program you condemn.

Really? If I didn't use the game I wouldn't be here chatting about it. It is very obvious I am not the only one here not happy with Origin running in the background because, again, it is simply not necessary. EA could have built all of that within the game UI without having to run IE and Origin along with BF3. Tell me Genius, why on Earth would you want to have 3 programs running at the same time when one can do it all? The Battlelog thing could have been built into the BF3 UI very easily.

Origin + IE (the Internet's #1 Virus Magnet) = Unnecessary waste of resources

BF3 crashes quite a bit. What makes you think it's not Origin making it crash?

As for my username, you are smart, figure it out.

*** Oh and by the way, I do not use this crack ***

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