Fedora 16 officially released

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I'm downloading it as we speak and am going to install it as dual-boot option on my laptop. I will post my impressions of Fedora 16 once it's up and running.

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First snag: The installer crashes whenever I try to shrink the NTFS volume. Going to free some space from within Win7, then try again.

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what kernel is fedora using?

Linux 3.1.0.

In the meantime I had to defrag the Windows drive to be able to free a sufficient amount of space. Next attempt to install F16 starting shortly. For what it's worth: The live CD recognised the hardware of my ThinkPad OOTB. Accelerated GUI, Wi-Fi - it all worked right away.

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I'm downloading it as we speak and am going to install it as dual-boot option on my laptop. I will post my impressions of Fedora 16 once it's up and running.

I'm downloading it as we speak and am going to install it as dual-boot option on my laptop. I will post my impressions of Fedora 16 once it's up and running.

mind to share your notebook hardware specs? u installing x64 or x86? i had fedora 15 running once but just couldnt get to deal with it, as ubuntu is/feels so much simpler.

can you also say something about performance? (starting apps, boot-time) danke! :)

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Laptop specs: Lenovo ThinkPad T61 with Core2Duo T7100 (1.8 GHz), 2 GB RAM, Intel graphics. I installed the x86_64 version of the distribution.


Performance is snappy - the system boots quickly (I didn't time it, but I'd say it boots as fast as Windows 7). Sound, Wi-Fi and GPU acceleration worked out of the box.

So far I haven't installed much - gnome-tweak-tool to have advanced config options for the GNOME Shell, Flash Player 11 (from adobe.com) and of course the available updates. 121 updates for the default install if you have fedora-updates and fedora-updates-testing enabled.

Tweaked desktop:


I enabled desktop icons (hey, I'm old-fashioned like that) and set the font sizes from 11pt to 9pt. Other than that the desktop is in the default configuration.

Empty desktop:


So far so good. GNOME 3.2 isn't as horrible as 3.0 anymore, especially after tweaking it. It's (imho) better than Ubuntu Unity - which isn't saying much, granted. I shall use this for a while and post more experiences over the next days.

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normally i dont run these bloated noob distros (Gentoos been my one and only) but i havent played with linux since win7. Maybe ill give this a try.

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Laptop specs: Lenovo ThinkPad T61 with Core2Duo T7100 (1.8 GHz), 2 GB RAM, Intel graphics. I installed the x86_64 version of the distribution.

Performance is snappy - the system boots quickly (I didn't time it, but I'd say it boots as fast as Windows 7). Sound, Wi-Fi and GPU acceleration worked out of the box.

So far so good. GNOME 3.2 isn't as horrible as 3.0 anymore, especially after tweaking it. It's (imho) better than Ubuntu Unity - which isn't saying much, granted. I shall use this for a while and post more experiences over the next days.

My laptop has similar specs; good to hear that performance is pretty good. I'm hoping to get a chance to install F16 in the next couple of days.


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so far i like it. deffo faster than ubuntu 11.10. gonna play arround with it a bit longer and see if i can get set up everything the way i want .. and if so i think i might keep it.

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haven't really messed with fedora since 15 came out, will check this out a little later, hopefully the ati drivers finally work with Gnome 3.x so I can actually use my hdmi port with fedora

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There is a nice setup in the fallback mode. There are notification icons, for network, volume, etc. There were some bugs with the panel in the older versions, but this theme looks nice.

I really like that wallpaper too, using on all of my desktops now.

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haven't really messed with fedora since 15 came out, will check this out a little later, hopefully the ati drivers finally work with Gnome 3.x so I can actually use my hdmi port with fedora

deffo worth a try id say. i also, like you, tried fedora at v15 last time, and it was total.... disaster!!! installation failed the first 2 times with some copying errors (dunno) and then when i had it running it felt uncompleted and no gain over ubuntu. v16 is MUCH better i can tell you this. :)

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I've been using the KDE edition since the day it was released and I am very pleased with it. I found Kubuntu lacking. Fedora KDE is snappy and has been nearly perfect. Install was easy and everything just worked. I've burned the Gnome edition to a CD and played with the LiveCd a few times but I just couldn't bring myself to install it. I need my task bar.

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I did a preupgrade to 16 from 15, took like 30mins.... Once I rebooted, I would get the quirky Gnome 3 "went nuts" error (System could not recover, contact an Administrator).... I CTRL+F2'd, and ran a yum update, fixed the problem.... was a tad odd tho.

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I just installed it; feels good man.

Some unneeded packages were removed, and I'm now optimizing the artwork:

sudo find / -name '*.png' 2>/dev/null | sudo xargs optipng -o7 -preserve

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