it's really died down around here

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Can't say as I've noticed anything. Every time I come here, there's new stuff up on the the front page every time.

Always new stuff in the forums hi-lites/hot topics part on the front page also.

Please note where this thread is: It's in the Digital Photography forum.

Am I the only one that noticed how few posts there are in here now? It's quite desolate in here.

Schools are/have emptied out for breaks so that usually brings it down a bit each year. In a couple of weeks as Xmas approaches, expect it to pick up again as people are asking for gift ideas, tech support on new toys, new game release banter like swtor etc etc...

Schools are/have emptied out for breaks so that usually brings it down a bit each year. In a couple of weeks as Xmas approaches, expect it to pick up again as people are asking for gift ideas, tech support on new toys, new game release banter like swtor etc etc...

Again, this is the DIGITAL PHOTO FORUM!!! I'm not talking about Neowin in general.

Can a mod tag the thread "photo forum" or something.

Well, I did buy my own digital camera back in August, but I've only really used it extensively on three occasions so far; the Occupy Plymouth protest, and two gigs I went to. :p I am taking it out with me on Wednesday to do a quick photoshoot with a friend of mine for this local competition that's going on. :) I might upload a few shots in the forum later on. :)

Maybe we could have a weekly photo challenge? (similar to what other photography forums do) Have a basic "theme" and whoever wants to post, can. We then vote, and the person with the most votes gets to choose a new theme.

This can also perk discussion/learning by asking the photographer how he/she took the photo etc.

Of course this wouldn't work if there are no people to take the photographs and upload them. I know I wouldn't participate weekly, but it would definitely give me reason to post more often than I do now.

I can see this being a hit, or an epic fail.


How is it a fad? You're clearly misinformed.

Agree, though I resisted the urge to bite the flame bait

Maybe we could have a weekly photo challenge? (similar to what other photography forums do) Have a basic "theme" and whoever wants to post, can. We then vote, and the person with the most votes gets to choose a new theme.

This could work, though weekly seems a bit too time-constrained for me at least.

Agreed. I think monthly or bi-weekly would be a better idea.

Out of those two I would say bi-weekly. Once a month is too spread apart IMO.

Edit: Maybe have a thread specifically for submissions relating to that theme (one per person) then on the 15th and 30th (or whatever the last day of the month ends up being) a vote can be made. (can leave the vote for a couple of days - if the winner isn't prompt in starting a new theme, someone can just go ahead and start one - to allow enough time to get a photo before the next voting period)

Crazzy, I understand what you are saying but you need to remember this: Since the holidays are coming up soon, we are busy with shopping, party planning, and all that... some of us plan to go out of town/state/country to see family for the holidays.

Of course, I have not been out to take photos lately... which is why, I have been busy and been out of town lately ... hopefully, I will find some time to take photos and post them on here as soon as I can. You wonder that I am here and no photos posted. I am sorry, but like I said, I have been out of town lately which I have not taken my camera with me yet.

Maybe we could have a weekly photo challenge? (similar to what other photography forums do) Have a basic "theme" and whoever wants to post, can. We then vote, and the person with the most votes gets to choose a new theme.

This can also perk discussion/learning by asking the photographer how he/she took the photo etc.

Of course this wouldn't work if there are no people to take the photographs and upload them. I know I wouldn't participate weekly, but it would definitely give me reason to post more often than I do now.

I can see this being a hit, or an epic fail.


I did work, until MAC. I believe, went MIA.

How is it a fad? You're clearly misinformed.

Well how else do you explain it? DSLR's sharply dropped in price and a new market of 'prosumer' entry level models were released then lots more people bought them and made it their new hobby. Everyone I know now owns a DSLR and very little of them actually use them now, but a few years ago they'd constantly be linking to their Deviant art or flickr pages with lots of images.

The reason people aren't posting as many images on Neowin anymore is because the phase has moved on and the majority of people who got in to it are now doing something else. Maybe they bought some dubstep equipment.

Another recent fad that comes to mind is the resurgence of vinyl decks and people becoming bedroom DJs. Everyone I know seemed to buy a deck and start mixing music then the fad died off and now only a very small percentage of the people who bought decks still use them.

When I called DSLR's a fad I didn't mean to offend. What I should have said is the hobby of photography using a DSLR exploded in to a fad and that fad has now passed leaving only the true photographers behind, the general public who got swirled up in to it have moved on to using their mobile phones for pictures that they share on Facebook.

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