Rent to Own

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You rent it off them at $24.99 per month and after 78 weeks you own it.

Weird wording but still kinda makes sense.

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There have been ads in the Cincy area that are listing the 16gb IPad 1, for $20 a week for 70 weeks, and $25 for 32gb, $35 for 16gb IPad 2 16gb. They say add $3 a month for 3g access.

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haha, I can picture some people being super excited about this deal and rushing to get it asap

You rent it off them at $24.99 per month and after 78 weeks you own it.

Weird wording but still kinda makes sense.

Nothing's wierd about it, it looks and sounds crystal clear to me "$24.99 per week for 78 weeks" ( = $1949)

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Nothing's wierd about it, it looks and sounds crystal clear to me "$24.99 per week for 78 weeks" ( = $1949)

Woops meant to say week.

Rent ~ To grant temporary occupancy or use of one's own property or a service in return for regular payments

So I can see why some people may find it confusing/funny

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Just what someone without too much upstairs will jump on. . .boy just think it will only cost me $1949.00. Can anyone tell me when the store opens. . .\s :rolleyes:

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all those rent to own places are scams (in the sense you pay many many times the value in the end)... here's an idea, build up credit, get a credit card even with 29% interest you are still paying way less

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all those rent to own places are scams (in the sense you pay many many times the value in the end)... here's an idea, build up credit, get a credit card even with 29% interest you are still paying way less

Better idea. Save cash up and pay for it with cash. Instant Gratification Kills.

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Seriously; if you can't afford it outright, don't own it... credit is what is killing the economy in many countries right now...

by that logic people would never own houses... sometimes credit is good, when you can get your money back (please dont chime in with but houses are worthless now! because in a lot of regions now houses are worth the same or more, especially in north dakota where house prices are skyrocketing due to very low unemployment).

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