I made a high rez of Windows 8 logo

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I know a lot of people are going to use the Windows 8 logo to make stuff out of it so I decided to recreate it and take out all the TM and R on it. It's high end for anyone to use with the tile color on it. It's in PNG with transplant.


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What kind of transplant? Kidney?

Click on it and it and it will go to full version mode.

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Hate to join the hate fest but yah, there are a few issues with this. First the windows should be spaced out evenly, and the type spacing is all wierd. The dot on the "i" almost colides with first W and the S almost collides with the second W. now take a look at the spacing between the other letters.

Stuff like this is what makes graphic designers go nutty. Take a course! Anyone can download Photoshop or Illustrator [btw - which did you use to create this?] and slap some **** together and call it "super duper hi res logo" sell to an unsuspecting buyer for $100 that uses it for a few months before realizing how ****ty it is, then looks up an actual graphic designer or brand maker and gets all ****y when you quote them more - "but i paid $100 for my last one..."

It's the details that make a graphic designer, NOT the fact that you have a copy of a copy of Photoshop from the internet!

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I saw the mistake and got everything fix now. This should be the logo that Microsoft is going to use to the T! The last post has a white background and transparently background. Enjoy

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I have a copy of a copy of Photoshop. From the internets* :D

As close to the low-res JPEG from the news post as I could in 5 minutes. Also, the font is Segoe WP. Comes with VS 2010, easy to find on the internets, too.

* - CS6 will be awesome, it actually has some new usability features


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Still don't think that the perspective matches and the font is different, other than that exactly the same! Not sure what anyone would do with it either.

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LOL!!! i just recreated one too using live trace. anyone want a vectored copy just pm me. @OP that's better! Don't mean to come off snappy but i hate dealing with **** like that on a weekly basis.

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Here is the official one that windowsblog release. Just remember I only spend about 5 minutes on the logo. It seem like it's a modified version of Segoe font.


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It's still not transparent. Or transplant, in whatever way that applies to graphics. :D

Btw, no, Magic Wand doesn't give correct transparency, it's a cheap hack. OP, give up, will ya? If it was OS X logo, Neowin would've already been sued. And we don't want it now, do we? :rofl:

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