Windows 8 Consumer Preview Discussion

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though my download is still crawling the review here do not seem much positive. How do you rate it compare to DP? can you feel the 100000 changes being talked about?

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There's only one thing about the start menu that I miss, and that's being able to search for something without having to take my eyes of a video or something. Other than that, I can pin everything to the taskbar, so what's the problem?

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Agian how do you use the ESD file how do i use it so i can do the upgrade only or does the regular ISO i burned to DVd have up[grade option to keep my apps and everything i got on window s7

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K who wants to place a bet on how much longer TheLegendOfMart trolls this topic??

On another note anyone that hates Windows 8 just move on. Stay with your current OS and let the people that actually wait longer then an hour to judge something work on fixing our issues.

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Anyone install this on vbox 4.1.8? Wonder if you can install the add-ons this time and get full res/gfx acceleration.

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Just checked the Windows Experience Index, and the damn things goes to 9.9 now. I wonder what kind of beast of a system one would need to get that 9.9. :laugh:

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On another note anyone that hates Windows 8 just move on.

In other words if you don't like it don't say anything, right? How about no.

Everyone has a right to voice their opinions; you don't get to tell them to move on.

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There is absolutely zero reason to go to windows 8, for me productivity drops to a crawl

exactly my thoughts.

it looks like, windows 8 will be the first windows version since 3.11, that i will not use on any of my desktops/laptops.


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How do we set firefox as the default browser. Right now Windows 8 really wants to use IE for eveything. I told firefox to check but it said it's already the default, but when I click a link in thunderbird it opens IE.

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Has anyone tried right clicking the bottom left corner? THANK YOU MICROSOFT!

These are all the shortcuts that I commonly use run for. I started using run for them even more now that the start menu is gone, but then I discovered this little menu. It's so awesome.

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Clutter, and the pointless stupidity of doing away with a perfectly functional Start menu.

What exactly does the old start menu do that the new start screen doesn't

In both you can pin your most used applications. With the new start screen you can see more applications at once and they can convey information.

In both you can search for the application you want qucikly and easily

In both you can view a large list of all of your installed applications. With the new start screen you can see more on your screen at once.

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Has anyone tried right clicking the bottom left corner? THANK YOU MICROSOFT!

These are all the shortcuts that I commonly use run for. I started using run for them even more now that the start menu is gone, but then I discovered this little menu. It's so awesome.

It's exactly the same as before. Start typing.

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So I'm a troll because I don't blindly take it up the ass from Microsoft?

I've already explained why I am complaining and why I don't like metro, maybe you can't read properly, I don't know.

I can read just fine. I can also read you've posted a few times and nothing of any help. You've told us your going to mac, you said its an OS for ipad people, you said it sucks. We get it you don't like it time to move on.

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Connected it to my domain. I hope this isn't what business users will see upon final release because it is awful. The lack of start menu is frustrating. The inability to open a run dialog really oiks me and I have yet to figure out why open in cmd prompt or Windows Powershell are greyed out? Definitely sticking with Windows 7 if this 'Start Screen' is the only way of doing things because it misses most advanced options with seemingly no way to add them back for the sake of some colourful little tiles that take up valuable screen space. I think it would be great on a tablet PC and look forward to using Win8 on one, but on a desktop this is dreadful. Microsoft could at least give us the option - it should be automatic!

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What exactly does the old start menu do that the new start screen doesn't

In both you can pin your most used applications. With the new start screen you can see more applications at once and they can convey information.

In both you can search for the application you want qucikly and easily

In both you can view a large list of all of your installed applications. With the new start screen you can see more on your screen at once.

I multitask, with the new Start Screen it takes over focus, even if only for a few seconds its insanely irritating.

I can read just fine. I can also read you've posted a few times and nothing of any help. You've told us your going to mac, you said its an OS for ipad people, you said it sucks. We get it you don't like it time to move on.

You move on, If you don't like what I have to say put me on ignore, don't tell me to move on unless you are a mod. This thread is about Windows 8 Consumer Preview Discussion, it doesn't say "Windows 8 Consumer Preview Discussion only post here if the comments are positive".

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Yeah they work, they just don't do much.

Does Messenger allow me to chat on MSN Messenger?

And does mail let me access and use my email? (iCloud)

If they do that, I'm happy with them.

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So, I'm half way through setting up my machine, and IE10 Immersive has stopped working. It stopped working after I installed Firefox, can anyone help me?

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I've downloaded all three ISOs (Client x86, Client x64, and Server). Thus far, I've failed to get Client x86 to boot properly in VMWare Player 4 (which is the same back-end as VMWare Workstation 8). I have, however, gotten Server to successfully install in Virtual Box 4.1. Only issue there so far is no graphics drivers, but it's a server, so that's not too important, methinks. I'm currently giving Client x64 a go in VirtualBox. I'll report back (and with screenshots) when it's installed.

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