Chrome won't open some PDF files

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Basically as the title says Google Chrome refuses to open some PDF files, showing a plain grey screen, if I save the pdf file and open it in preview, it works fine. This only seems to happen some pdfs as many online work fine inside chrome, but some do not.

Example of a bad pdf:


Example of a fine pdf:


I've tried clearing permissions, I've tried deleting chrome (and its files in ~/library) and re-installing it to no avail. Both files open fine in Safari

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It's yet another example of Google insisting on using their own custom and inferior crap instead of OS X' build-in APIs. Hence the reason why said PDFs open perfectly in Preview and Safari but won't in Chrome.

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Odd thing is I had no trouble opening either files a few weeks ago, bug in a new version of chrome perhaps? Is this replicable by anyone?

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