Satellite captures giant eruption from sun today

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NASA's solar orbiter captured an enormous eruption from the sun today, reports.

The "beautiful prominence eruption" occurred at 1:45 p.m. ET and was captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory. Although visually spectacular, the resulting solar flare registered only in the middle of the intensity scale (M1.7 class).

No danger to Earth, however. The burst of super-hot plasma, called a coronal mass ejection, went in another direction. But the sun is in an active stage of its 11-year cycle, which is expected to peak next year.

NASA has posted some very cool video of the blast.

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Wow, that is a massive flair. :|

If that only was considered a medium blast, I'd like to see what a full-fledged mega flair looks like.

I'm also curious what the real-time speed of the flair is. I'd have to imagine that video is drastically sped up.

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Wow, that is a massive flair. :|

If that only was considered a medium blast, I'd like to see what a full-fledged mega flair looks like.

Don't say that!.... U'll jinx us and we'll get a supernova or something! :o

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Wow, that is a massive flair. :|

If that only was considered a medium blast, I'd like to see what a full-fledged mega flair looks like.

I'm also curious what the real-time speed of the flair is. I'd have to imagine that video is drastically sped up.

Flair: (noun)

1.) A special or instinctive aptitude or ability for doing something well.

2.) Stylishness and originality.

Flare: (noun):

1.) A sudden brief burst of bright flame or light.

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my GOD :|

that thing was huge. didnt look so big compared to the size of the sun. but compared to earth. wow.

What's funny is, we still can not really comprehend the size of it.

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What's funny is, we still can not really comprehend the size of it.

And the sun is a relatively small star. And the largest stars are speckles of dust in a galaxy. And galaxies are speckles of dust in the universe.

The Universe is pretty huge. :rofl:

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