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MUHLENBERG TWP., PA -- Feeling lucky? Some of us go our whole lives without ever seeing a four-leaf clover, but a Berks Co. man did even better. He found an extremely rare five-leaf clover, as well as a whole patch of the four-leaf variety.

For Eric Mottle of Temple, Muhlenberg Twp., this is his Field of Dreams.

"This is absolutely amazing," he said.

Monday, he found not one, not two, but a whole patch of four-leaf clovers.

"They seem to be popping up all over the place," he said.

"I didn't believe him at first, until he showed them to me," said his friend Bonnie Campbell.

But, as if that wasn't lucky enough, you won't believe what Eric found next.

"And then I happened to come across a five-leaf clover," he said.

That's right, a little battered and bruised, but an actual five-leaf clover.

Campbell, who's lived in the house for 20 years, had no idea what was right under her nose.

"No, none," she said. "I would just mow it every week."

As rare as you might think four leaf, or even five leaf, clovers are rare, they're not even close to the record. That belongs to a farmer in Japan, who found a 56 leaf clover three years ago. Still, Eric's find is extremely rare -- and it almost didn't make it.

Campbell nearly killed it.

"Yes, I did," she said. "I did go over it with the tractor," she said.

The clover has some trimmed edges -- call it a "haircut" -- but with some fresh soil and a lot of TLC, Eric is now nursing his find back to health.

Legend says five leaf clovers bring money. Mottle said he just may play the lottery now.

"If it means money, then definitely the charities are going to be seeing from me," he said. "All the homeless people, don't worry about it, I'll be there for you."

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Must be a really really reaaaaaaallly slo... wait, not enough reallys... REEEEEAAAAALLY REEAAALLY REEEEALLY REEAAALLY REALLLLLLLLY REALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY slow news day.

When I was a kid, my sister and I would go out to the fields of clovers near our house and pick out 4 leaf clovers all day long. We found tons of 4 leaf, 3 leaf, and yes, even 5 leaf clovers. Nothing special about them... unless you feel there is lol.

  On 04/05/2012 at 22:44, Hum said:

^ I've never seen a 5 leaf clover -- and it is my life-long dream.

Go spend a day in a field of clovers, they are all over the place. I used to pick off the extra clover pedal just so I would have more 4 leaf clovers :p

  • 1 month later...

Wow, it's embarrassing that this is an actual article. It's laughable that the writer referred to a 5-leaf clover as "extremely rare". Right now, I have four of them pressed, dried, and laminated in my desk, and I have given a number of them away as gifts over the past couple of years. Must be very slow and boring in Muhlenberg, PA....His "Field of Dreams". HaHaHaHaHa! Oh man, this is like an article from The Onion.

  On 17/06/2012 at 02:32, Growled said:

I guess everyone else is more lucky than I am. I've never even found a 4 leaf clover, much less a 5.

I have an entire patch of them in our yard.... want a few dozen?.... they seem to be taking over the yard

  • 3 years later...
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