Any place to buy new CRT monitors?

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You're kidding, right? New? No way.

Used? Look in your local computer shop.

Also, it should be said that graphics cards can adjust the resolutions of LCD monitors automatically, but it needs to be set up in the settings.

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CRTs really are better than LCDs in every way besides size and power consumption. I tried playing Thief 2 on an LCD recently...not nearly as immersive due to the constant glow that LCDs give off... :/

And graphics cards cannot "adjust" the resolution of LCDs. All they do is scale the image up or down before sending it to the LCD, blurring the image.

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Umm CRT's give a constant glow too, actually it's worse the LCD's oh and lets not forget the fact that CRT's are actually worse for your eyes...

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They still manufacture 1280x1024 19" LCD's. You'll still have to suffer the poor resolution scaling but at least it hopefully won't be as bad, and you won't have to worry about the aspect ratio issues anymore.

That's the best you're likely to be able to do though, nobody is manufacturing consumer CRT monitors at all anymore so low resolution 5:4/4:3 panels are the best solution you're going to find, you'll be paying a definite price premium as their pretty low volume.

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Did you try ebay or craigslist or such sites? You should really try and find a new LCD monitor, imo, but hey it's your money!

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If you're worried about the "glow", get an OLED Monitor since they don't use backlights.

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If you're worried about the "glow", get an OLED Monitor since they don't use backlights.

every time someone brings up "I want a CRT" we go down the OLED route just to find out they are extreamly rare in larger sizes (greater then 15") and cost a TON!

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New is probably going to be tricky but see if you can find one on ebay/CL etc for local pickup. They do weigh a ton, so shipping would hurt.

I got a nice 21" Trinitron one with an old Mac I bought a year or so ago. Wasn't one of these, sadly.

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Btw, If you would have been more specific, such as Size, color, what country, etc I would have posted exactly where to buy what you want ... Here's some 17" black dell's for example.,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.,cf.osb&biw=1842&bih=868&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=1478517088860178428&sa=X&ei=DZ7HT6epA5Oo8gSB8LS9Dw&ved=0CL8BEPMCMAI

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I just checked out a Sony BVM model when you guys mentioned OLED. I flipped silently. Lord. $12,000.

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isn't this like the third thread in the last couple months you made asking the exact same question?

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I just checked out a Sony BVM model when you guys mentioned OLED. I flipped silently. Lord. $12,000.

Oh comon, the average person can easily afford that! oh wait I thought that was in pesos :shifty:

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Craigslist, seriously. Here in NYC companies are constantly trying to get rid of their old CRTs, as long as you're OK lugging the thing back to your apt or whatever it's yours for free. Hell you can pick up more than 1 & set up a dual-CRT monitors! They won't be new, but if you're looking for CRT monitors it's definitely the way to go.

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I got a 19" Dell Trinitron in a box lot at an auction last year with a few PCs and accessories for $5. When I first got it, I thought it was cool that it could run 2048x1536, but at that point text becomes too small to the point that it's nearly unreadable. 1600x1200 is the highest practical resolution it can run. I think since I've gotten the monitor, I've used it maybe 8 or 10 times with older PCs that I have laying around. For the most part, it's a relic of the past that sits on my floor collecting dust.

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