"Like" button moved to bottom.... don't "Like" it!

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Sure will - been meaning to look at it, and since I saw this thread and seems everyone of a like mine - it was better where it was at. For me it throws off the flow of the thread. I purposely hide sigs because the also throw off the flow of reading a thread quickly.

I will move it up my priority list of things to look at. And more than happy to share it here in this thread if I do work out something - or maybe neowin will just move it back on their own if this thread gets more attention and everyone agrees that it was a bad move.

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It does stick out too much where it is now, and looks awkward. I think it should go back also, though I wouldn't miss it if it just went away entirely. I've never liked the whole Facebook "Like button" fad.

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Just noticed this when I was going to like a post. Then I thought this was connected to FB since it looks just like it. I do not mind where it at right now. Better to keep it level with all the other buttons...quote, mq, report, top. etc.

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ffs please change this back already. And stop making stupid changes just for the sake of it. Do the devs not have anything better to do??

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Quick temporary ugly stylish script to put it back how it was (I think... I can't quite remember where it was, I just know I don't like it at the bottom):

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml);

@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.neowin.net/forum/topic") {
.post_body { position: relative; }
.ipsLikeBar {
position: absolute;
top: 3px;
right: 0;
.ipsLikeBar .ipsList_inline li:first-child {
float: right;


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I would suggest changing "Like This" to "Thank you", same as XDA Developers, so that it can be used explicitly to boost someone's ranking for their useful post, not for having an opinion that someone else agrees with.

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We need this button for the Jokes section :laugh:

only for warwagon threads :rofl:
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It is an ideal solution, but you are a very naughty cat and do not want to adjust.

:rofl: poor kitteh!

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only for warwagon threads :rofl:

:rofl: LOL!

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Added the m7n8v.jpg button to my sig too, linked to this thread. Boycott it guys, add the image!

I "Like This" on your post about boycotting using the "Like This" button..... errr wait a second :pinch:

Man I love First World problems.

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Ok, so I'm getting used to the Like button being at the bottom now... I still prefer it where it was, but I'm removing the graphic from my sig.

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Man, some of you guys need to be slapped upside the head for the tone of your posts.

You don't like it. Fair enough, but no need to take a swipe at the devs.

They are adorable, they love kittens, sugar and spice and all things nice. Be nice to them and their butterfly minions do-good'ers.

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Looks really out of place at the bottom. :/

I kind of agree. It's not a big deal, but it does seem to make more sense where it was before...

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