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Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Computer]



[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\DesktopBackground\Shell\Restart Computer\command]

@="shutdown.exe -r -t 00 -f"


I'm not sure if this has been posted before, but...

This will add a "Restart Computer" item to the Windows 8 desktop context menu.

Copy and paste into notepad, and save with .reg extension.

Double-click saved file to install.

No need to restart or log off. :D

  On 07/06/2012 at 16:54, Astrum said:

So to shutdown it would be this?:

shutdown.exe -s -t 00 -f


Anyone have a method to add this to the Win+X context menu? (aka the Power User Menu)

For those of you that want to build your own command line calls:

-s = shutdown

-r = restart

-l = logoff

-h = hibernate (May??? be limited to Windows 8, I am unsure)

-f = force (Word/Notepad etc won't be able to stop the shutdown to ask if you want to save)

-t = time in seconds to wait before shutdown (Limited to 600 on Windows Vista only) (If the value in seconds is greater than 0, the -f flag is implied)

I use:

shutdown -f -s -t 0

ALL THE TIME. It's my baby <3

  On 08/06/2012 at 14:22, Detection said:


Haven't pressed the shutdown one yet, but I assume it will work

If I don't want any icons in the context menu, do I just leave the quotation marks blank, or should I omit them entirely?

  On 09/06/2012 at 11:26, contextfree said:

:rolleyes: The contortions you guys go through to avoid just learning how to use the damn settings charm, which you need for other stuff anyway.

That is the nature of being a power user. We make the machine work as we intend and not how someone else decides it should work.

  • 2 months later...

Nice work, but why would anyone want to make it even easier to shutdown or restart? (oh, and those commands will also bypass any configuration of updates you have waiting if clicked)

Aren't the commands simple enough to click? Plus right clicking is something I know I do an awful lot within a session. Do you really want to risk right click properties being right click, shutdown?

It's really not that hard to shutdown/restart in Windows 8, and doesn't take "more time" as some claim. It literally takes like 2 seconds depending on method.

  1. Alt + F4 on the desktop
  2. Charms Bar > Settings > Power
  3. Sign Out > Power Button on bottom of screen
  4. Tap the Physical Power Button on the PC

  On 28/08/2012 at 13:03, WinMunkee said:

It's really not that hard to shutdown/restart in Windows 8, and doesn't take "more time" as some claim. It literally takes like 2 seconds depending on method.

  1. Alt + F4 on the desktop
  2. Charms Bar > Settings > Power
  3. Sign Out > Power Button on bottom of screen
  4. Tap the Physical Power Button on the PC

or press the shutdown key on your keyboard if you have one

Windows 8 has it's flaws. But nonsense issues like too hard to shutdown make me think there really are some people complaining to be complaining. If you want to shutdown, it's as fast or faster than Windows 7 just using the charm bar. If you want to sleep, just walk away. ACPI has never been more solid. This one, I just don't get.

  On 28/08/2012 at 15:21, MorganX said:

Windows 8 has it's flaws. But nonsense issues like too hard to shutdown make me think there really are some people complaining to be complaining. If you want to shutdown, it's as fast or faster than Windows 7 just using the charm bar. If you want to sleep, just walk away. ACPI has never been more solid. This one, I just don't get.

I have a feeling they are not as tech savvy as they claim to be.

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