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This is quite possibly where aviation is going - a middle ground between stick-and-wing aircraft like we have now and lifting bodies where the fuselage provides the lift and the "wings" are much smaller control surfaces (ex: the Dream Chaser spaceplane.)

These are to be a continuatioin of subscale tests, ramping up to larger manned aircraft.

The payoffs: a significant increase in fuel economy, and a correspond reduction in noise.

The bottom pic shows seating in a 3-engine BWB passenger aircraft, but it would also be applicable to military and cargo operations.

Aviation Week....

X-48C Poised for Flight Tests

Boeing yesterday showed off the heavily modified version of the Boeing X-48 blended wing body (BWB) remotely-piloted research aircraft which is set to begin a planned six-month flight test program next week at NASA Dryden Flight Research Center, Edwards AFB.


The BWB concept, which is also being studied as part of NASA?s ERA program, holds considerable promise for efficient operations. Studies to-date indicate the blended shape could be up to 50% lower in fuel burn and 40dB less noisy than a similarly sized tube-and-wing aircraft.


Boeing originally hoped to develop purpose-made miniature turbofans to power the X-48C. However this evidently proved more difficult and expensive than expected and it was forced to adopt turbojets developed by Advanced Microturbo (AMT) of Geldrop, Netherlands. The AMTs replace the X-48Bs original trio of JetCat P200s, and are enclosed in the larger nacelle ducts representative of the higher bypass engines which were due to have powered the X-48C.

The company has therefore shelved plans to validate the noise characteristics of the low-noise configuration and Kisska confirms that the use of the low bypass AMTs rules out any acoustic evaluation. Longer term, Boeing hopes to use the X-48C as a stepping stone to tests of a scaled BWB demonstrator vehicle ?large enough for a pilot to fly.?




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