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I looked into that problem and its because there ar parameters missing in the color-presets.xml from mmd3...

Why not use the mmd3 skin alltogether?

I hope u made a backup on moderna color-presets.xml so u can compare if u want to fix that...

I have no clue what kind of color system its using otherwise i would get starting doing some themes myself, anyone knows whats being used?

well basicly get to this location C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\ColorThemes\Winamp Modern may not exist and you may have to create those last 2 folders but anyway

next create a blank text file in the winamp modern folder and rename it default.xml

next paste this exactly without the - into that xml file and save it


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<WinampAbstractionLayer version="1.0">

<gammaset id="default">

<gammagroup id="Backgrounds" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Backgrounds2" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Bolt" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Menubar" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="MenubarText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Titlebar" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarElements" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarHover" value="333,333,333" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Buttons" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsHover" value="333,333,333" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Buttons2" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsHover2" value="333,333,333" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonGlow" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsActive" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonStatus" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Scrollbar Buttons" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Scrollbar Hover" value="333,333,333" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Led" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Display" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="DisplayElements" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ProgressBar" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="BGOverlayDark" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="BGOverlayBright" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TextDark" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TextDarkShadow" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListSelection" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListTextSelected" value="-503,-478,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListBackground" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListSelBackground" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListColumnText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />




make a copy of the default.xml and tweak it

here is one that has been tweaked (not by me im only a n00b <-heh) its called uranium


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<WinampAbstractionLayer version="1.0">

<gammaset id="Uranium">

<gammagroup id="Backgrounds" value="-640, -96, -608" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Backgrounds2" value="-2112, -2112, -2112" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Bolt" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Menubar" value="-2080, -1600, -1824" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="MenubarText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Titlebar" value="96, 96, 96" gray="1" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarText" value="-1088, -512, -288" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarElements" value="-1088, -512, -288" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarHover" value="-1856, -1408, -1248" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Buttons" value="-1088, -512, -288" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsHover" value="-1856, -1408, -1248" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Buttons2" value="-1088, -512, -288" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsHover2" value="-1856, -1408, -1248" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonGlow" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsActive" value="-672, 32, 288" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonStatus" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonText" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Scrollbar Buttons" value="-1088, -512, -288" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Scrollbar Hover" value="-1856, -1408, -1248" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Led" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Display" value="2400, 2336, 2816" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="DisplayElements" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ProgressBar" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="BGOverlayDark" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="BGOverlayBright" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TextDark" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TextDarkShadow" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListSelection" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListText" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListTextSelected" value="-192, 4064, -1792" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListBackground" value="2400, 2336, 2816" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListSelBackground" value="-2592, -2560, -2624" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListColumnText" value="-1920, 3872, -4096" gray="2" boost="0" />




Apparently i spoke to early about the easyness... WA5 just shuts down when i try to change to modern...

It worked with the theme you wrote in your post but when i try to add more themes it shuts down...

do u know whats wrong?

A file for each theme?

Edited by knutte

ok i get it now how to make themes ... but while the ones i make seem to work, i get this error when winamp 5 starts :

error parsing xml layer[skin name.xml]

no element found at line 38

heres an example.. and i copied it from the winamp forum at like they said :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<WinampAbstractionLayer version="1.0">

<gammaset id="Copper Tone">

<gammagroup id="Backgrounds" value="-1856, -1856, -1856" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Backgrounds2" value="-832, -1216, -1504" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Bolt" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Menubar" value="-832, -1216, -1504" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="MenubarText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Titlebar" value="320, 384, 544" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarText" value="-832, -1216, -1504" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarElements" value="-832, -1216, -1504" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TitlebarHover" value="16,-915,-1520" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Buttons" value="-416, -1248, -1856" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsHover" value="16,-915,-1520" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Buttons2" value="-416, -1248, -1856" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsHover2" value="16,-915,-1520" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonGlow" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonsActive" value="-416, -1248, -1856" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonStatus" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ButtonText" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Scrollbar Buttons" value="-416, -1248, -1856" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Scrollbar Hover" value="16,-915,-1520" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Led" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="Display" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="DisplayElements" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ProgressBar" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="BGOverlayDark" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="BGOverlayBright" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TextDark" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="TextDarkShadow" value="-2016, -2016, -2016" gray="0" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListSelection" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListText" value="-992, -2272, -3776" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListTextSelected" value="992, 32, -704" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListBackground" value="3136, -256, -3328" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListSelBackground" value="-992, -2272, -3776" gray="2" boost="0" />

<gammagroup id="ListColumnText" value="-992, -2272, -3776" gray="2" boost="0" />


... thats how it appears in my xml file i created (single file for each theme) ... anyone any clue as to what I'm doing wrong ?

thanks :)

Did you put this tag at the end?


Also, you dont have to have a seperate .xml file for each color scheme, just put them all in one file, thats what I did and it works fine for me.

It should go:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<WinampAbstractionLayer version="1.0"

<all your schemes however many you've done>


  HeXuM said:
Did you put this tag at the end?


Also, you dont have to have a seperate .xml file for each color scheme, just put them all in one file, thats what I did and it works fine for me.

It should go:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<WinampAbstractionLayer version="1.0"

<all your schemes however many you've done>


Thanks a LOT for your help HeXuM :D :D

color themes working fine now :)

:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

  HeXuM said:
Also, you dont have to have a seperate .xml file for each color scheme, just put them all in one file, thats what I did and it works fine for me.

It should go:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<WinampAbstractionLayer version="1.0"

<all your schemes however many you've done>



Whats the filename for that file?

I tried this and it didnt work for me...

i just called the file mythemes.xml & it resides in winamp\Plugins\Colorthemes\Winamp Modern works fine for me .. but i had to create the Colorthemes & Winamp Modern folders in the Plugins folder like divertom15 said.

the xml file that I made (has about 29 different color themes in it) but since its other peoples work & i only made the .xml file .. dunno if i can post it here ? (its 53.5kb anyway) .... pm me for it ? and then just create those two folders like divertom15 said and put it in the Winamp Modern folder... works fine after that ;)

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