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ok heres the themes .xml file I created which works fine for me ... unzip, put it into folder called Winampmodern, then put that folder into a folder called Color Themes, then put that into your PLUGINS folder in your winamp (5) directory :) so it should read ...C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\ColorThemes\Winamp Modern\mythemes.xml

and thanks to those here in this thread who made it possible for me to actually make the xml file ... 'cause when i first tried it .. i was like homer simpson ... :blink: :blink: no homer simpson smiley neobond ?? heh

ColorThemes.zipFetching info...

heres my setup of winamp 5, Smitjel ...

the themes thingo is open .. and u can browse for which to set ... and the mythemes.xml resides in C:\Program Files\Winamp 5\Plugins\ColorThemes\Winamp Modern as u can see from the folder ... (didnt overwrite my wa 2 directory just incase.... - see ..i learn these things here at neowin.. hehe )

if u just unzip the file and make it like that.. it works fine :dj: :dj: :dj: :dj:


  Smitjel said:
I'm not so sure these themes are 100% compatible with beta 2...

no problems here with my old themes file on beta2 .. :cool:

the only difference in beta 2 i noticed was in the "copper" theme v "Copper Tone" theme,

where the blue background to the current track playing is present in the latter & not the former ..

pity we couldnt get the equaliser showing in minimal mode (see screenie) like wa2 used to do..

but i guess that would spoil the look of the modern skin in minimal mode anyway ..... :dj:


Yeah, there's definitely a difference in how beta 2 renders these themes...the attached skin is the same one that I just posted, just using beta2...there's also a color difference in the playlist font. Every color difference seems to grab the default color instead of the color it should be. Hopefully the final version will some consistency so we can clean these theme colors up...





Heres 2 instances of WA5 beta 2 running with the Copper Tone skin (created in beta 1) and Copper (included with beta2)

...dont really like that blue bar across most of the skins in beta 2 .. they will have to fix that now that they can read about it in this thread... heh :happy:


  Smitjel said:
Well, since the color schemes are xml based, did they just rename some component, like whatever component that blue bar is, and now our xml is referring to the wrong component? Maybe it's not that hard to fix...

maybe it was done to make the track playing easier to read .. because on some skins .. it wasn't so clear at times ...

anyway .. it looks better if the track playing background color is based on the skins theme, but a lil darker .... not the blue .... :pinch:

  knutte said:
They havent renanamed any components, they have added five components to the display

You are correct. Here's an example theme with the new components that are beta2 compatible...

<gammaset id="(EAK) Royal - Light 1">
  <gammagroup id="Backgrounds" value="-3040,-2880,-736" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Backgrounds2" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Bolt" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Menubar" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="MenubarText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Titlebar" value="-3619,-3116,-2262" gray="1" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="TitlebarText" value="-553,-277,276" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="TitlebarElements" value="-553,-277,276" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="TitlebarHover" value="-428,0,552" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Buttons" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ButtonsHover" value="128,640,4064" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Buttons2" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ButtonsHover2" value="128,640,4064" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ButtonGlow" value="128,640,4064" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ButtonsActive" value="128,640,4064" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ButtonStatus" value="-4096,32,3712" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ButtonText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Scrollbar Buttons" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Scrollbar Hover" value="3168,128,4064" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Led" value="-1088,992,992" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="Display" value="-2080,-2080,-2080" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="DisplaySongtickerBG" value="-2080,-2080,-2080" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="DisplayElements" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="DisplayVis" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="DisplayBeatVis" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="DisplaySongticker" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="DisplaySongtickerShade" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ProgressBar" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="BGOverlayDark" value="-1088,992,992" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="BGOverlayBright" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="BG2Textoverlay" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="TextDark" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ListText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ListTextSelected" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ListTextCurrent" value="-1312,-1312,3712" gray="2" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ListBackground" value="-3136,-4096,-352" gray="2" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ListSelBackground" value="-2496, -2496, -320" gray="2" boost="0" />
  <gammagroup id="ListColumnText" value="0,0,0" gray="0" boost="0" />

I see some people comparing ColorThemes and comparing Beta 1 and Beta 2.

The reason there are some differences, is that almost all those ColorThemes were introduced on the Winamp forums by different people, just after Beta 1 was released. After that, some of the color codes were changed a little bit by the authors, etc. etc. Then Nullsoft released Beta 2, which had a bunch of Modern skin updates too, plus it included many of the themes created by others. Some names were changed too, therefor, between the ones included with Beta 2 and the ones on the Winamp forums, you end up with some that are simular, becuz you end up with a mix of ones that have been tweaked and have been modified.

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