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It seems the latest canary chrome has fixed what ever issue was causing the major perf regressions seen in the not-canary builds

The fixes have landed on yesterday's dev build. Finally Chrome dev is usable again.

  • 2 weeks later...

Chromium is now Milestone 35:



35, brought you by Wikipedia: 35 is a centered cube number, a pentagonal number and a pentatope number. 35 is a highly cototient number, since there are more solutions to the equation x - ?(x) = 35 than there are for any other integers below it except 1. There are 35 free hexominoes, the polyominoes made from six squares. In science, 35 is the atomic number of bromine Review URL:



I think Google UI/UX developer just like Firefox fell over his head recently..


In Milestone 35 (Chromium 35):



Stupid color choice for showing suggestions... Don't you think...


Also FilePicking dialog after long being broken in Chromium is now fixed and works instantly, previously it was taking ages to show up.

Still haven't fixed the checkerboard scrolling.  Wow. Such Broken.


Even happens on Neowin forums scrolling sometimes.  :/


Only time I see it is when my internet is running like crap, has nothing to do with Chrome

Wonder when it hits Windows!



Doesn't the windows version already use aura?

The Windows version is using Aura since v. 33.

Both Windows and Mac use Aura now by default, I believe.

The Mac version does not use Aura.

Both Windows and Mac use Aura now by default, I believe.

afaik the mac version doesn't use aura and never will (I recall seeing a chrome dev stating this)


edit: here it is:!topic/chromium-dev/ppbvL-WEfrI



The Cocoa UI frameworks on Mac provide a lot of rich, sometimes undocumented, behavior that we get for free. Being a true, native Cocoa application is the best thing on the Mac platform -- anything else will have Chrome falling into the uncanny valley. It would also be a lot of engineering cost for little to no benefit (or even a UX deficit).

rsesek /

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