X-Men: Days of Future Past

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Eh? A few split second scenes replacing other split second ones? Give us a new trailer :(

Yeah seems to be the in thing the last 2 days to release 2k trailers :/

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I'm really disappointed in how Beast looks in this film. He looked way better in X-Men: First Class.


He actually looks like a beast and not a human with a blue skin. And the fact that they've changed him into a different version of the Hulk is kinda lame too. Not sure if anyone knows this already, but the reason why Beast switches between human-form and his Beast-form is because he experimented some more with his mutation. In this film, whenever he feels an animal instinct or urge, he changes into his Beast-form.



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He looks like a bridge to the present day Beast. But yeah, pretty bad compared to FC version. All in all, this movie seems to be visually pretty crap, which is too bad since I really enjoyed FC. Let's hope the story delivers.

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He looks like a bridge to the present day Beast. But yeah, pretty bad compared to FC version. All in all, this movie seems to be visually pretty crap, which is too bad since I really enjoyed FC. Let's hope the story delivers.

Yep! The suits from First Class also looked loads better. Looks like Bryan Singer wants to use anything but the classic colours.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Josh Helman Speaks On The Juggernaut Being Replaced In X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST

IGN visited the set of X-men: Days of future Past and talked with Josh Helman about him being replaced by quicksilver in the film.?I originally got hired on a different role, which is no longer in the script -- it was going to be young Juggernaut, So I was like, ?Oh, s#!t. I?ve got to put on like 30 pounds!? So I was training for like four weeks," He Then added "And then I got a phone call saying, ?Good news and bad news. Bad news first: Juggernaut?s no longer in the script. Good news: They?re having trouble with another role and they want to see you for it.??I feel very fortunate that it worked out this way, because Stryker is an amazing character,?

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Why would Magneto use a gun? He hates guns. Though I guess his younger self hates them less...

To threaten another character without revealing his powers/identity?

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This film was bloated right from the start. At least they are making some cuts, which I'm sure they now realize are needed.

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What an awfully edited teaser. Jesus, everything so far makes this seem incredibly cheap. What the hell.

Calm down, it's just an Instagram teaser :p

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