X-Men: Days of Future Past

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Bishop looks pretty bad-ass. Less buff than in the comic books but that's not an issue really. His gun looks interesting though! Hopefully we'll see it in action.

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X-Men': Major change in this summer's 'Days of Future Past'


Anna Paquin has been cut out of the movie. Ohhh...


Yeah I just saw that too. Apparently it was only one scene, so it's not that big of a loss. Of course it will probably be in the director's cut/extras on the blu ray. 

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She wasn't a proper Rogue to begin with. She was the complete opposite of who Rogue is, imo.

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im a little gutted tbh, i was hoping she would be in it with full Rogue powers, maybe caused by the "cure" wearing off when she was with another mutant.  She was one of my favs in the cartoon series, its a shame they never really expanded on the character in the films

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Singer quickly clarified that he and his crew were returning to Montreal for pick-ups (additional filming) not to film a scene over again [see HERE]. Well HitFix now reports that actual reshoots are on the horizon for the seventh X-Men film and that there's a chance Rogue could be worked back into the film during those reshoots.


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"It's a really incredible thing to be a part of. I was so stoked to be working with all of these people. It was a really crazy experience. I read a lot of the comic books. I found out the storyline of my character, who is Toad. X-Men fans will know that Ray Park played him in the first movie, so it's a generation story of how he came to be. It's really cool. The aesthetics of the character are much different, and I'm not really allowed to say a whole lot more than that. It's darker. I would say it's a darker tone."


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They cut Rogue, decided to possible re-include her, and now there's talks of Toad being in it. Just make the movie as long as it has to be. If it's good, then people won't mind watching it.

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That is how he is in the past. The future Wolverine has his Adamantium claws back:


Here's the awful looking Quicksilver:


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