Mountain Lion - Black Screen Post Login

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Hey Guys,

So I'm running Mountain Lion on my Retina MacBook Pro and upon running a shutdown or restart and then logging in, the screen will simply just remain black. Force Rebooting and then pressing Restart on the Login screen resolves the issue. But very annoying anyway.

Anybody else having this issue? Looks like a lot of people over at are!



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So when I get my Mac... should I install ML? Or should I just wait until Apple resolves this problem.. then upgrade? (I'm getting the upgrade free anyway).

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I have this problem sometimes, but only when I separate it from power and my Cinema Display while its sleeping and then wake it. I'm going to turn off gfxCardStatus and see if it's the culprit.

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So when I get my Mac... should I install ML? Or should I just wait until Apple resolves this problem.. then upgrade? (I'm getting the upgrade free anyway).

It doesn't seem to be an Apple issue, rather an app or driver incompability based on what you install on your own.

I had gfxCardStatus installed for a while at first, but it was acting weird. Wasn't always switching properly and osx would get sluggish at times. I have no issues now, but just to be safe, read the OP's link and try to avoid installing or using those apps until they are updated properly for ML support.

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It doesn't seem to be an Apple issue, rather an app or driver incompability based on what you install on your own.

I had gfxCardStatus installed for a while at first, but it was acting weird. Wasn't always switching properly and osx would get sluggish at times. I have no issues now, but just to be safe, read the OP's link and try to avoid installing or using those apps until they are updated properly for ML support.

Are you sure it's not a bug in ML? From what I've read, it's mostly about a bug from ML. Some people have done complete clean installs of ML and still have the same problem. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but that's what most posts are stating.

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I don't seem to have this issue and I did an upgrade install :/ and I have gfxCardStatus installed too... It's got to be something else contributing to the problems you guys have been experiencing...

Oh yea... Late 2011 15-inch MacBook Pro

So when I get my Mac... should I install ML? Or should I just wait until Apple resolves this problem.. then upgrade? (I'm getting the upgrade free anyway).

Your Mac might actually come pre-installed with ML... (Remember your getting it Wednesday so it may have been pre-installed)
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Are you sure it's not a bug in ML? From what I've read, it's mostly about a bug from ML. Some people have done complete clean installs of ML and still have the same problem. Maybe I'm reading it wrong, but that's what most posts are stating.

There's no need to be paranoid about it. Chances are you won't have any issues at all and it's not like it will prevents normal function anything critical to the OS. I'm sure Apple is already working up a patch for it.

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Hey Guys,

So I'm running Mountain Lion on my Retina MacBook Pro and upon running a shutdown or restart and then logging in, the screen will simply just remain black. Force Rebooting and then pressing Restart on the Login screen resolves the issue. But very annoying anyway.

Anybody else having this issue? Looks like a lot of people over at are!




I was having this issue when I upgraded to ML on my rMBP.

I solved it with a clean install :/

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There's no need to be paranoid about it. Chances are you won't have any issues at all and it's not like it will prevents normal function anything critical to the OS. I'm sure Apple is already working up a patch for it.

ah ok. I heard some MBPR's are shipping with ML. Hope mine is. lol.

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I'm not ready to do a Clean Install to resolve an issue that can be fixed by Apple with a Software Update. If they're serious about all OS Distributions being Upgrade Installs in future then they're going to need to resolve these kind of issues.

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I can't exactly post a screenshot when the display, keyboard and trackpad are all powered off... I could photoshop you a black 2880x1800 image however if you like? :D

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Fixed this by disabling Automatic Graphics Switching and checking 'Close Windows when quitting an Application' in General under System Preferences.

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Had the same problem on my rMBP (random black screen at login). Had some luck so far and didn't see the problem again by booting in safe mode (hold Shift while while booting in OS X), and by un-checking "Automatic graphics switching" under "Energy Saver" in the System Preferences panel.

Give it a try... I cannot guarantee you it'll work, but it did for me.

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I downgraded my MacBook Pro to Lion because I got odd issues I never had before like my MacBook turning off for no reason twice and running super hot on anything! I hope I didnt damage for the few days of trying Mountain Lion.

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I downgraded my MacBook Pro to Lion because I got odd issues I never had before like my MacBook turning off for no reason twice and running super hot on anything! I hope I didnt damage for the few days of trying Mountain Lion.

Software cannot damage Hardware.

But yeah, Apple need to kick stability into high-gear with Mountain Lion, the Retina MacBook Pro is horrifically unstable, VMWare causes me to have 2 - 3 Kernel Panics a day.

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Software cannot damage Hardware.

But yeah, Apple need to kick stability into high-gear with Mountain Lion, the Retina MacBook Pro is horrifically unstable, VMWare causes me to have 2 - 3 Kernel Panics a day.

So a buggy VM Kernel module is apparently the fault of Apple? Gotta love that logic!

Maybe I'll blame Microsoft next time my nVidia driver crashes.

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So a buggy VM Kernel module is apparently the fault of Apple? Gotta love that logic!

Maybe I'll blame Microsoft next time my nVidia driver crashes.

Sorry, should have clarified more in my post.

Fact is, Apple shouldn't be allowing VMWare to access the hardware in a way that can cause a Kernel Panic.

This specific thread is dealing with an Apple related issue, until Intel start issuing Driver Updates for Mac OS X outside of the normal Updates, yes, I will go to Apple for fixes. No different to nVidia on OS X - very different for nVidia and Intel on Windows ;)

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