Is not joining Facebook a sign you're a psychopath?

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I wouldnt even be on it if I had the choice! but I am trying to get all my photos removed before I leave.... not happening anytime soon

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How much did Zuckerberg pay for this to be published?

That was exactly my first thought.

Social engineering at it's best.

"You wouldn't want anyone to think you're crazy, would you? Create an account RIGHT NOW!"

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That was exactly my first thought.

Social engineering at it's best.

"You wouldn't want anyone to think you're crazy, would you? Create an account RIGHT NOW!"

What he said^.

I haven't had a Facebook account since they opened the floodgates to everyone, not just college students.

I could careless. Besides, I'd rather talk to you nutjobs anyway. :p

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Every group has similar traits. Anti-social behavior is tied to it. You could say also "not belonging to your local bowling club could mean you are a psychopath" too.

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That was exactly my first thought.

Social engineering at it's best.

"You wouldn't want anyone to think you're crazy, would you? Create an account RIGHT NOW!"

Id rather be crazy

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I "deleted" my account over four years ago. I've been pestered beyond count to open my account again (by friends). I will never give in! Stay strong people who don't have accounts! There are some of us out there! lol :p

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I HATE facebook. I used to be on it all the time as it was my only way of contacting a group of friends I used to skate with but since then I only ever on it if I get a notification email which is very rare or if I'm contacting my tattoo artist as they prefer to use facebook *facepalm*

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Im much more afraid of people who share most important personal data (like phone number, home address, family conenctions - and yes, you can still use facebook or google+ without sharing these. beside harvesting data both networks are great communiaction tools), who even doesnt understand concept of elemetary privacy, than people who doesnt have any social network accout.

As for demanding access to profiles by employers - i would rather resing job than giving someone else insight into my personal life/space.

This guy must be an alien or sutin...

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No Facebook here. What do I do with all the free time every night? I try to take over the world!

Cause I have a pinky and a brain.

No the pinky is not between my legs.

Alright I can send pics if you PM me.

Just keep in mind that I'm considered a psychopath before pm-ing me. :p

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Facebook goes publicly traded.

Facebook stock isn't doing so well.

Article like this comes out to convince people to use it.

Wow, I am shocked.

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Facebook goes publicly traded.

Facebook stock isn't doing so well.

Article like this comes out to convince people to use it.

Wow, I am shocked.

haha!! :)

I used to like facebook, but recently it has put me off the idea of social networking sites in general which is a bit crap because I'm sure there is a better alternative I just dont want to bother as I never really use fb so would I use another alternative? hmmm

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