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Here you will be able to track the updates we've made to the site that affect you, if more detail is needed about an update, we'll link that update notification to a separate thread.


  • MOBILE: Fixed ad code on Windows Phone
  • MAIN: Removed social links and expanded page width javascripts.
  • MOBILE: Various IE/Opera fixes and full headlines view (wrapping).
  • MAIN: Use first image in article as main page newslogo added.
  • MAIN: Fixed article page titles for guests, only the website slogan showed before.
  • SOCIAL: Twitter has approved Twitter Cards support for our newsfeed, example: click here.
  • MOBILE: Edit (own) comment option added.
  • MAIN & FORUMS: Retina support - added higher resolution images for the wrapper of the site, logo/navigation.


  • FORUMS: Attached files (hosted by Neowin) are no longer force resized, they are the size of the browser window.
  • MAIN: Cache article pages; added prev/next article (title) links under the article.
  • MAIN: Front page Neowin promo sidebar banner moved down
  • MAIN: Article/comment divider design tweak added - details
  • MAIN & FORUMS: Notifications - optimized the "setting notifications to read" query - details
  • MAIN: Removed author bio box from articles, now a dropdown menu on author name
  • MAIN: Added padding to main page (increased headline spacing)
  • MAIN: Facebook/Twitter links moved to sidebar
  • MAIN: Removed social links from keep up to date sidebar box (now just newsletter)
  • MAIN: NeoGamr news also posts to @NeowinFeed now as well


  • FORUMS: Removed unnecessary checking against the database when replying to a forum topic.
  • MAIN: Added comment collapsing.
  • MAIN & FORUMS: Combined notifications alerts (forums to follow shortly) details
  • MAIN: Notification list updates and fixes.
  • FORUMS: Total online counter added to forum stats (now shows who's on, not just forums)
  • MAIN: Forum Notifications list and PM indicator icons added to main


  • MAIN: Comments code clean up. made it quicker and fixed multiple same comments from posting.
  • FORUMS: IE10 fixes.; Removed IE9 forced compatibility mode and updated CKEditor (ie=edge en ckeditor 3.6.4)
  • FORUMS: Added ability to tap images on mobile skin, to open in new window
  • Added Embedded tweet bbcode replacement, for usage see here
  • MAIN: Search fixed (really fixed this time) advanced searching options form will be added soon. - details
  • FORUMS: Fixed a bug where a PM notification didn't take you to the last unread message. Thanks articuno1au
  • Fixed line-height issue in webkit browsers on the search & newsletter input fields.
  • Updated Chrome semi-bold font to look the same as in all other browsers on Main page and Forums.
  • Fixed IE10 issue with enter key not working. Force IE9 mode (temp fix)


  • Removed neverending scroll for Main page news, added "Load more stories" link - details


  • MOBILE FORUMS: Skin style updates.
  • MOBILE FORUMS: Notifications page improvements.
  • MOBILE FORUMS: Added first, last link in forum topics as well as a "next" link for pages (jump to page number isn't possible).
  • MOBILE FORUMS: Tons of broken pages fixed, including error pages (for guests).
  • MOBILE FORUMS: WP7/7.5 bug fixes.
  • MOBILE FORUMS: Breadcrumb improvements (back icon takes you to the topic index, title to the first page of the topic).
  • MOBILE FORUMS: Other bug fixes.
  • MOBILE MAIN: For those phones that support it, the news title can now be swiped side to side to see the full title before clicking through to an article.


  • Fixed forum redirect bug where adding a reply sometimes showed a database driver error or simply failed to load - details
  • Added /unread to similar topics feature at the bottom of topics - details


  • Signing in with special characters in usernames didn't work, fixed - details

Edited by Neobond
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  • 2 weeks later...


Sorry for mentioning it here, if it is wrong.

Facing this issue with Firefox Nightly x86 only in Hardware Acceleration.


Nightlies aren't supported. I was using nightlies too and came to realise that issues like these eventually got fixed by Mozilla ;)

Would the midnight theme be update to reflect the changes made in the Pegasus theme?

*pokes Timan*

If I'm not entirely mistaken Timan is busy working on $secret_neowin_project rather than maintaining the current IPB skin.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

NeoGamr (Gaming) news now also tweets to NeowinFeed (which is the main feed of all news).

Reason for doing so, the separate site has seriously affected gaming news, which is now down from half a million views per month, to around 150k.

  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
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