Anyone know about cat breeds?

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We had to put down our 17 yr old manx this past April and I was determined not to get so attached to another animal.

In June I caved in and let my daughter get another but insisted she would be the one to take care of it. I tried to resist but I'm starting to get attached to the little sucker and made the mistake of looking online at nearby shelters at different breeds.

I found one that was so unusual I had to see it in person. The shelter has it listed as a 6-month old American Domestic...which I suppose is shelter-speak for we don't know. Googling a bit for white cats with blue eyes I ran across the Russian White, a variation bred from the Russian Blue. The head shape, hair type, and body seem to match. We've adopted her and pick her up from the vet tomorrow after her checkup.

Just curious if anyone has had or seen a Russian White before.



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Damn.. that cat is very old... all white hair!

Kidding aside, I have not seen or have not had one, but I had a siamese cat before. I have not had a cat since '85.

That cat looks cool.

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17 year old cat , did i read that right? :s

Our last one was, yes...very fortunate to have her that long. The one I'm inquiring about is listed as 6 months old but I think she's closer to a year old....not quite fully grown.

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Ahhh a cat with white fur AND blue eyes ...... that means it's deaf.

I'm serious - look it up.

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Ahhh a cat with white fur AND blue eyes ...... that means it's deaf.

I'm serious - look it up.

Not all of white animals... I know what you meant but not every white animal is deaf.

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Ahhh a cat with white fur AND blue eyes ...... that means it's deaf.

I'm serious - look it up.

I have, and although it's a possibility, it's not a certainty. If she is a Russian White, they are born with blue eyes and eventually turn green. So, I guess we'll see as she gets older.

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Awwww ^_^ pretty kitty! ^_^

it doesn't matter the breed. Love them for them ^_^

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Just don't let the cat stay too much time under the sun. They get sunburns and fungus (use Clotrimazole) very easily.

There's also no sunblock/sunscreen for cats.

Thanks, she'll be an inside cat, so that shouldn't be a worry. I had a breeder reply that she's prob not a Russian White, they're super rare and her eyes would've turned green by now. Still a beautiful animal regardless of breed, can't wait to pick her up later today. Just concerned about the chance of deafness thing now.

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I'm guessing it's an Angora. I've had one Angora in the past and she had the same both blue eyes not to mention the shape of your cat is the same as ours was. Unfortunately our Angora was stolen :(

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I'm guessing it's an Angora. I've had one Angora in the past and she had the same both blue eyes not to mention the shape of your cat is the same as ours was. Unfortunately our Angora was stolen :(

Aww sorry to hear that...can't imagine. They do look alike....thank you much. Most of them look like they're long hair but I see a few that are medium like mine she's probably not pure. Great info, I appreciate it.

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Very sweet animal she is...we were glad to find she isn't deaf. Seems like she's got a sweet personality...pretty chill compared to my daughters lil kitten. Thanks again all for the input.

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