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C/C++ Help Thread. Post Questions Here!




//I made this thread so people with C/C++ questions can //ask from instead of making a new thread for every //question. This way, a database of questions and //answers can be compiled. Feel free to ask.



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Sample code (MSVC++):

//Binary files.



void main (void)


fstream yourfile;

yourfile.open("c:whatever.txt",ios::in | ios::out); // Remember

//to use drive:directory <-- so it doesn't think you're using

//another escape character

if (yourfile.fail()) {

cout << "error.";


else {

yourfile.seekp(0,ios::end); //Output pointer at end of file

yourfile << "Text at end of file ! :)nUsed like cout.";

//If you need more help, post here.

//for input, use seekg to position the input pointer and get or

//>> to get data.

//hope this helps!




Can anyone please post tutorials for windows programming and/or beginning mfc?

Thanks! :)

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aregh.... you're right LOL

just saw the random access part and thought - hey i can do this LOL

so ... anyone have any mfc/win32/anything windows tutorials i could use?

I can make message boxes! ;)

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If you want to use MFC for files, you could use the likes of CFile (for general files) or CStdioFile (mostly for text).



CFile fileTemp;



	CString sSomeData = _T("here is some datarn");

	long lValue = 123456;

	fileTemp.Open(_T("Test 1.dat"), CFile::modeRead | CFile::modeWrite);

	//Seek to End - Write a String


	fileTemp.Write(sSomeData, sSomeData.GetLength());

	//Seek to End - Write a long


	fileTemp.Write(lValue, sizeof(long));



catch (CFileException *ex)





You can also use these classess for Internet files...



CString sUrl = _T("somesite.html");

CInternetSession session;

CStdioFile* pfileTemp = NULL;



	pfileTemp = session.OpenURL(sUrl, 0,




	CString sDataLine;



  if (pfileTemp-&gt;ReadString(sDataLine) == FALSE)





catch(CInternetException* ex)




if (pFileTemp != NULL)

	delete pfileTemp;


Hope this helps somewhat... and even works...

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