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I dont have a digital camera so I had to hookup my camcorder to my comp with a fireware cable and view the current image on my monitor and take a screenshot with printscreen.. Thus the crappy quality.. :whistle:

i don't know what is worse. That you steal satillite signals or you actually like the vancover canucks!

Yeh the higher wattage Antecs do run hot.... Mine has 2 fans as well usually running @ 1500~1600rpm

On the box it says 80,000 Hours @25C but thats not gonna happen without extra cooling or putting it in a really cold room! Kinda false advertising

The way i see it is the hotter the thing gets the higher the chance of a reduced lifespan so i jus decided to shuv a couple heatsinks on it!

Yeh its a really wierd idea :p and i'm probabily the only person thats ever done it, but dont quote me on tht :p

Theres my workstation

From left 2 Right

GMX5 Professional Dj Mixer Below which theres a OMNITORNIC Dual Cd Deck

underneith u see my PC

On the desk is my 15" Vizitron Tft along with Videologic 5.1 zxt-550 Speakers

Sony NET MD minidisc walkman - Mz-n707 Typr R

A large bunch of cd's

& A Nokie 3210 Phone (bit outdated now :p still works so i'm happy!)

Finally on da floor is a ton of cableing!

whoaa you sure burn a lot of CDs! :omg:


Microsoft ROCKS !!!
Doest like where this is leading.. personially there hardware side of things isnt 2 bad :p me like microsoft sidewinder joystickk.... reason being its the only one thts manage to last more thn 2 days... had 112 joysticks before my sidewinder (all were taken back within a week or so) then my sidewinder is still with me 3 years on! :) - My Ms mouse is good 2.. Other than tht i wont say my oponion of microsoft in general as i dont want jumped on :p
whoaa you sure burn a lot of CDs! 

The 100 sindle is mainly blanks - about 80 left.... have another 4 Unused 100 spindle in the other room... bought them in bulk so i can forget about buying discs for a while :p

1 of the 50's is full the other 2 have about 30 discs - on top of that i have about another 300 discs kicking around in these large disc wallet things :p

So yeh me does burn a hella lot of stuff... My poor 160Gb HD just isnt enough for me! (trying to get 2x 250gb sata drive which i can put in Raid 0 )

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