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Lol! Beware they don't like that kind of honest talk around here; even though it looks like a charity shop server, you can't take the pizz!

Yoo is a worsust riteurer.

I know you have to be so bloody political correct on this forum, ugh, :crazy:

Yeah its a Lombard PowerBook G3, damn I wish Apple still made these things but a bit thinner. The mediabays are a god send... I can swap in an extra battery any time or swap the cdrom for a zip drive or other device without powering off. Not running Mac OS tho, Debian Linux :p I got a wireless card for it but I still haven't got the PCMCIA bus going properly yet.

Since turning my head to look at my 27" TV was too much of a hassle, I got a Toshiba 14AF43 for my desktop. I wanted to have them right next to each other, but the TV emits a slight bit of interference. With this setup, the interference is minimal. The TV is hooked to my TiVo, DVD player and PlayStation 2. Sure, I can watch TV and movies while I surf the web, but it also gives me media access while my PC and Home Theater are tied up during video capture. :D


oh i have the same stereo as Xe|oN

does your cd-deck work? mine is broken :/

Wow finally someone with the same stereo! Yeah my cd deck skips all over the place but it does play. I put it down to the laser being unaligned but I don't use the cd deck anyway so it's no big deal for me. Finding information online about my stereo is impossible apart from a few repair sites in some other language. Just to check what model is yours? Mines FH-B7CD.

you think that is bad, my friend and I took my old air hockey table and pulled the fan out of the bottom of it and put it in his case, only thing is whenever he turns on his computer he has to remember about the fan, lol

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