Your main desktop operating system for 2013


397 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is going to be your main desktop OS for 2013?

    • Windows XP
    • Windows Vista
    • Windows 7
    • Windows 8
    • Windows Server
    • A Windows version older than XP
    • Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard
    • Mac OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard
    • Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
    • Mac OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
    • A Mac OS X version older than Leopard
    • Ubuntu
    • Linux Mint
    • Debian GNU/Linux
    • Fedora
    • Other Linux distribution
    • FreeBSD
    • Solaris
    • OS/2
    • Other (details below)

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Which is going to be your main desktop OS for 2013?

For me it's going to be Windows 7. Stable, tried and tested. I've tried Windows 8 and see no compelling reason to upgrade to it. A Mac would have been an option, alas I wasn't willing to pay the Apple tax when choosing a laptop; and I'm not going to bother to mess with OSx86.

Linux/*BSD/etc aren't main OS options for me at all, sorry.

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Windows 7 all the way on all 8 machines, even if all 8 can handle Window 8.

I can handle Windows 8 myself, but that new desktop amongst other things is just totally ignorant, IMO.

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Just switched to Linux Mint, and can't see me changing that anytime soon.

Using Windows 7 on my works laptop, and that won't change, we just got upgrading this year so goodness knows how long it will take to get to Windows 8, if it even happens.

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Windows 8, with Start8 it is actually better than Windows 7.

I dunno. I prefer to not have to modify my operating system to get basic functionality that I want.

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Why are people so obsessed with trying to put down other operating systems and people that use them.

OK well done if you think another operating system is crap but this thread really doesn't need to turn in to another troll fest.

Maybe just tell us why you use the one you do use. No need to real off a thousand reasons why you find another unrelated OS bad and if you want to do that, there are lots of threads already around.

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Windows 7, with a possible consideration of moving to 8 once the drivers are stabilised a bit more (with a start screen bypass)

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guys, give Windows 8 a dang chance. You will get used to it if you've tried it for a bit. You can't say something is terrible till you tried it for a bit.

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Main system is staying with 7 a bit longer, not in any rush. "It just works" is a big factor for me, and 7 has to be the most reliable desktop OS I've ever used.. I do like 8 but giving it a bit more time to cook.

Rest of the house is a mix of 7, 8, and BSD. Couple VM's with various Linux distros, never been a fan. One Hackintosh just for giggles, but rarely use it. Oh and one craplet (ye olde Q1 UMPC) that's stuck with XP due to drivers.

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