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LONDON -- Humans could make contact with alien life within 12 years, with the aid of the world's largest radio telescope, a leading UFO expert has claimed.

One of the key questions, whether extra-terrestrial life exists, could be answered by 2024 with the development of a supersized 1.3 billion pounds radio telescope, the Daily Express reported.

The development of the Square Kilometer Array (SKA) telescope will unleash "new and exciting possibilities", according to former UK ministry of defence UFO Project leader, Nick Pope.

"I will be controversial and give you an exact year of when I believe first confirmation of contact will be made - and that is 2024, the year in which if everything goes according to plan the Square Kilometre Array will be fully operational," Pope, who studied UFO sightings at the MoD for 21 years, said.

The SKA, to be started in 2016, is set to be the world's largest radio telescope and will answer some of the fundamental unanswered questions of our universe.

Made up of thousands of radio wave receptors covering 4,921 square km of the Earth's surface in the Australian outback, scientists have claimed it will provide alternative views of the universe than those seen with optical telescopes.

Scientists leading its development have suggested the SKA will be 50 times more sensitive, and will survey the sky 10,000 times faster, than any other telescope.

"It will give astronomers insight into the formation and evolution of the first stars and galaxies after the Big Bang, the role of cosmic magnetism, the nature of gravity and possibly even life beyond," a spokesman for the SKA said.

"If there is a civilisation within 100 lightyears this telescope could find it. We are now beginning to have the technology whether it's the SKA or maybe other telescopes that are being developed that will allow these possibilities. We are searching all the time for a shadow earth," Pope added.

Recent research suggested that nearly 10 per cent of the population has seen a UFO, equally more than 6 million people just in the UK.

"When I was investigating UFOs, I investigated 2-300 reports each year. 10 per cent is an absolutely astonishing figure," Pope added.

The UFO expert also speculated as to how the extra-terrestrial life could make contact.

"The old fashioned idea was that there would be this landing on the White House lawn. First contact might just happen via email, but more likely it will be through radio signals," Pope said.


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What? I thought we already have... it's called Santa Claus right? I'm pretty sure I have not seen flying reindeers with that klnd of aerodynamic design flying in the human world :p

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Mocking the idea of aliens is like mocking the idea of machine powered flight in 1901, or the idea of a man going to the moon in 1959.

Astronomers have shown that stars have planets orbiting them as a rule, not an exception. There are roughly a trillion planets in our galaxy alone. If 0.001% of them have any kind of life, that's 10,000,000 planets with life. If only 0.001% of the planets with life have intelligent life, that's 100 planets in our galaxy with intelligent life. Humans have existed for less than 0.25% of our planet's life.

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One of the key questions, whether extra-terrestrial life exists, could be answered by 2024 with the development of a supersized 1.3 billion pounds radio telescope, the Daily Express reported.

Or could not. There is no guarantee either way. If there is life out there, and the human race survives long enough, we will make contact.

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They are already with us.We are not :D

You were warned for the last time not to say anything....They will come for you now... :shiftyninja:

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Mocking the idea of aliens is like mocking the idea of machine powered flight in 1901, or the idea of a man going to the moon in 1959.

Astronomers have shown that stars have planets orbiting them as a rule, not an exception. There are roughly a trillion planets in our galaxy alone. If 0.001% of them have any kind of life, that's 10,000,000 planets with life. If only 0.001% of the planets with life have intelligent life, that's 100 planets in our galaxy with intelligent life. Humans have existed for less than 0.25% of our planet's life.

Have you seen one? I mean really you seen one not your friends not the guys on TV.

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...a leading UFO expert has claimed.

So a man who is an expert in not knowing what something is thinks that we'll contact aliens in 12 years?

Well I guess we had to have another doomsday prophecy to worry about sooner or later...

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I have always found it weird that people don't believe in Aliens.

There's Billions, no mopre than Trillions and Trillions of stars out there, which are suns of other solar systems, and of course many many many would have life.

It's plain stupid to even doubt life on other planets.

Even in our own solar system there's more than likely life on the other planets. Just cuz we couldn't live on them, doesn't mean some other species couldn't.

Are people really that retarded? It doesn't even make sense to think that we're the only ones around.

There's way more proof that aliens exist than God, but it's alright to believe in God, but you're considered crazy if you believe in Aliens, go figure.

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Mocking the idea of aliens is like mocking the idea of machine powered flight in 1901, or the idea of a man going to the moon in 1959.

Astronomers have shown that stars have planets orbiting them as a rule, not an exception. There are roughly a trillion planets in our galaxy alone. If 0.001% of them have any kind of life, that's 10,000,000 planets with life. If only 0.001% of the planets with life have intelligent life, that's 100 planets in our galaxy with intelligent life. Humans have existed for less than 0.25% of our planet's life.

Yes, but we're not in a scientific discussion about the reality of aliens. This is another topic of someone who is obviously very enthusiastic about his field making outrageous claims.

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Have you seen one? I mean really you seen one not your friends not the guys on TV.

No, but I haven't seen an electron in a microscope either. I still believe that electrons exist though.

Yes, but we're not in a scientific discussion about the reality of aliens. This is another topic of someone who is obviously very enthusiastic about his field making outrageous claims.

Whether it is an outrageous claim is debatable. The idea that man could go to the moon seemed pretty outrageous in 1961. Many comments are not focused on the voracity of the claim, but rather mock the idea of the existence of aliens all together.

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I have always found it weird that people don't believe in Aliens.

There's Billions, no mopre than Trillions and Trillions of stars out there, which are suns of other solar systems, and of course many many many would have life.

It's plain stupid to even doubt life on other planets.

Even in our own solar system there's more than likely life on the other planets. Just cuz we couldn't live on them, doesn't mean some other species couldn't.

Are people really that retarded? It doesn't even make sense to think that we're the only ones around.

There's way more proof that aliens exist than God, but it's alright to believe in God, but you're considered crazy if you believe in Aliens, go figure.

In all fairness there is as much proof of alien existence as there is for god, which is none. The odds say we are not alone, given the vast size of space and the amount of stars and planets. We know the materials for life exists elsewhere. We know life "can" exist off planet Earth. We DO NOT how ever have evidence of alien life itself. So while it is astronomically silly to think we are the only planet with life, as of yet, we are the only planet that we know for sure that has it.

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In all fairness there is as much proof of alien existence as there is for god, which is none. The odds say we are not alone, given the vast size of space and the amount of stars and planets. We know the materials for life exists elsewhere. We know life "can" exist off planet Earth. We DO NOT how ever have evidence of alien life itself. So while it is astronomically silly to think we are the only planet with life, as of yet, we are the only planet that we know for sure that has it.

How do people really know that atoms exist even though they can't see them?

No one has ever really seen an atom. Humans like to see something before they believe in it. I am sure there are some people who object to that since there have been claims that electron microscopes have imaged atoms. I believe that illuminating an object with electrons, capturing those electrons and recreating an image is also indirect evidence.


Now I said no one has seen an atom, but we have seen so much evidence of their existence that most of us believe in them.

I have never seen a tree fall without someone cutting it down. While I can't say for sure that trees fall of natural consequences, it would be pointless to believe otherwise without strong evidence to the contrary due to the amount of convincing evidence that shows that they probably do.

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I have never seen a tree fall without someone cutting it down. While I can't say for sure that trees fall of natural consequences, it would be pointless to believe otherwise without strong evidence to the contrary due to the amount of convincing evidence that shows that they probably do.

No where do I deny the probability or likelihood of the existence of alien life, I deny that proof or evidence for it currently exists.

As for your tree example. You have evidence of a tree, you have evidence that it fell, what remains is the how. The bigger picture is that you still have evidence, even if it's partial. There is no evidence for alien life, period.

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Mocking the idea of aliens is like mocking the idea of machine powered flight in 1901, or the idea of a man going to the moon in 1959.

Astronomers have shown that stars have planets orbiting them as a rule, not an exception. There are roughly a trillion planets in our galaxy alone. If 0.001% of them have any kind of life, that's 10,000,000 planets with life. If only 0.001% of the planets with life have intelligent life, that's 100 planets in our galaxy with intelligent life. Humans have existed for less than 0.25% of our planet's life.

I don't mock the idea of aliens, but I do mock the idea of making contact with them using radio signals, the best we could do is listen to their random signals, for contact I think we'll need something better than radio.

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No where do I deny the probability or likelihood of the existence of alien life, I deny that proof or evidence for it currently exists.

That's like saying that there is no proof that the sun doesn't orbit the earth in the 17th century.

There is quite a wealth of evidence, which in itself is proof.

There doesn't have to be a body, or a murder weapon, or a witness for enough "proof" to decide in a court of law to put a human being to death for a crime. All it takes is enough evidence to "prove beyond a reasonable doubt". You admit that it is beyond a reasonable doubt, so in a court of law that would equate to proof.

The burden of proof at this point is on those that believe that it could only happen once in a trillion times; that believe it's a miracle that in a DNA strewn soup of molecules where stars and planets form some of the complex organic matter happened to land on a rock the size of a planet between the distance of Venus and Mars relative to it's star's energy output.

Just like there is overwhelming evidence that atoms, electrons, and quarks exist, there is overwhelming evidence that life is common in the galaxy even though it hasn't been directly observed.

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I don't mock the idea of aliens, but I do mock the idea of making contact with them using radio signals, the best we could do is listen to their random signals, for contact I think we'll need something better than radio.

Yeah, I'm kind of with you there. It's possible we could hear something, which would be definitive proof of intelligent life and offer a wealth of insight to an alien culture. I wouldn't be willing to gamble on us hearing anything though.

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That's like saying that there is no proof that the sun doesn't orbit the earth in the 17th century.

There is quite a wealth of evidence, which in itself is proof.

There doesn't have to be a body, or a murder weapon, or a witness for enough "proof" to decide in a court of law to put a human being to death for a crime. All it takes is enough evidence to "prove beyond a reasonable doubt". You admit that it is beyond a reasonable doubt, so in a court of law that would equate to proof.

Ok first off, you attempt to use another example that already contains proof of it's existence, the sun and the Earth. The evidence of both is there readily available to all.

Second, if you have evidence, then by all means post it. I see you suggesting there is but don't bother to post a single shred of it. Third, evidence in the court of law is by far no where the same as scientific evidence for proving X. For example, in a court room a witness can testify to seeing something and have that counted as evidence. In science, first hand eye witness testimony is not considered viable evidence.

NDT can put it best in terms of eye witness testimony, start around the 3 min mark

The burden of proof at this point is on those that believe that it could only happen once in a trillion times; that believe it's a miracle that in a DNA strewn soup of molecules where stars and planets form some of the complex organic matter happened to land on a rock the size of a planet between the distance of Venus and Mars relative to it's star's energy output.

Just like there is overwhelming evidence that atoms, electrons, and quarks exist, there is overwhelming evidence that life is common in the galaxy even though it hasn't been directly observed.

Wrong the burden of proof is on those that say there is proof to begin with. Again odds are there is life beyond Earth, I believe this highly but the simple FACT is, we currently do not have proof. As for atoms, electrons and so on, at one point, we had theories of such but we didn't have the proof. Over time proof was gathered, it may have always been there but it wasn't known and wasn't within our reach to gather it. So in a sense if there is proof of alien life, we just don't currently have it. So unless you can provide said evidence, then you're talking out of your ass by saying there is a wealth of it.

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Yeah, I'm kind of with you there. It's possible we could hear something, which would be definitive proof of intelligent life and offer a wealth of insight to an alien culture. I wouldn't be willing to gamble on us hearing anything though.

So you wouldn't be willing to gamble on us hearing anything yet you already believe there is a wealth of evidence? That's a bit backwards in thinking.

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