Men with assault rifles walk through Portland, 'educate' public

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You know, the gun owners are very confident that they won't snap, they won't shoot at anyone, and they don't have power fantasies. What they doing is protecting our fellow citizens.

Ahh that's fine then, why didn't they say so before?! /s


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Yet you seem to think that those "machines" are going to jump off those carriers backs and randomly start killing people.

You claim I have problems understanding the difference? Pot, meet kettle.

Go back under your bridge till you have something relevant to add.

The point is that the public don't KNOW those people that are walking around with massive guns and don't trust them. It's intimidating, especially for people who aren't using to seeing them.

Also, while they're busy wandering around showboating what's to stop somebody like Adam Lanza from running up and taking their weapon?

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The point is that the public don't KNOW those people that are walking around with massive guns and don't trust them. It's intimidating, especially for people who aren't using to seeing them.

Also, while they're busy wandering around showboating what's to stop somebody like Adam Lanza from running up and taking their weapon?

I'll answer for them: That'll never happen! I have full control of my guns and nobody will be able to take my guns, unless they pry it away from my cold dead hands.

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One of the men told the station that he hoped people would approach him and talk to him, instead of calling police.

Yea if people are terrified enough to call 911, sure they'll just approach the guys... :rofl:

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Yes you have problems. Apparently I live under a bridge. Is that the best you can come up with? Nothing to counter my argument just insert lame retort every time?

Can't wait to see you leading your rambo warriors take the land back from the evil government. O wait maybe you'll be the first one hand over the guns...(jumping to conclusions???)

Because you have no argument, you seem to think firearms are capable of taking action all on their own. you think that 2 people legally transporting firarms are about to snap for no reason. You have nothing but conjecture and fantasy, and presumptions that everyone that owns a firearm is automatically a criminal.

Ive never said Im going to attack or take back the government, this must be some kind of projection on your part.

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Yea if people are terrified enough to call 911, sure they'll just approach the guys... :rofl:

Probably similar aged boys looking for shining new toys.

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Then the public needs to educate themselves better about what is a legal act and what is not, so that they dont call 911 for no reason.

Those that called to report these guys need to be charged with unlawful use of the 911 services, its for reporting emergencies, not to spam dial because you are scared.

I see the media still doesnt know what an "Assault rifle" is and still tries to label AR-15's as such, idiots.

Excuse me ?

What is wrong with you people.

There is nothing "normal" in walking with an automatic Rifle strapped on your back !

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Same here.

America: where it's illegal to drive above the posted speed limit but you can openly walk around carrying a gun, which can kill people in an instant.

Gun's don't kill people...

Excuse me ?

What is wrong with you people.

There is nothing "normal" in walking with an automatic Rifle strapped on your back !

oh no! now he's gonna deflect your post with an argument over what an automatic rifle actually is. :huh:

While ignoring your real question and point.

Well it does go to show you and you are proving points for the pro gun people on how uneducated everyone is, since there is a difference, and automatic rifles are actually regulated by the government and have to be processed by the ATF.

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Gun's don't kill people...

They can kill people instantly. I don't know the two random men walking down the street holding guns that can end my life in half a second. How do I know they're not going to fire?

Openly carrying guns is clearly intimidating.

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Gun's don't kill people...

You wouldn't mind if, for example, your little daughter would walk near of me and I had a fully charged automatic Rifle on my back ?

Do you know if I am mentally sane ?

I could kill 35 persons in 10 seconds with that thing, you really feel safe ?

The problem with your society is that you're afraid of everything, so afraid of everything you rely on your weapons as a main source of "defence". A Defence you doesn't even need, a need you created to keep your so called "Rights".

Rights that were written 300 years ago when rifle were manually loaded with gun powder.

** My english is not perfect, I know.

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I'll answer for them: That'll never happen! I have full control of my guns and nobody will be able to take my guns, unless they pry it away from my cold dead hands.

How original! :rolleyes:

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You wouldn't mind if, for example, your little daughter would walk near of me and I had a fully charged automatic Rifle on my back ?

Do you know if I am mentally sane ?

I could kill 35 persons in 10 seconds with that thing, you really feel safe ?

The problem with your society is that you're afraid of everything, so afraid of everything you rely on your weapons as a main source of "defence". A Defence you doesn't even need, a need you created to keep your so called "Rights".

Rights that were written 300 years ago when rifle were manually loaded with gun powder.

** My english is not perfect, I know.


By the same logic I should be able to walk around with C4 and dynamite strapped to my body.

"Dynamite and C4 don't kill people" and "just because its there doesn't mean I'm going to use it."

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We get that. In the mean time, bombs don't kill people, poison gas don't kill people....etc...

Your point?

Well someone said

carrying a gun, which can kill people in an instant.

And that's false, guns are not autonomous. That's all.

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You wouldn't mind if, for example, your little daughter would walk near of me and I had a fully charged automatic Rifle on my back ?

Do you know if I am mentally sane ?

I could kill 35 persons in 10 seconds with that thing, you really feel safe ?

The problem with your society is that you're afraid of everything, so afraid of everything you rely on your weapons as a main source of "defence". A Defence you doesn't even need, a need you created to keep your so called "Rights".

Rights that were written 300 years ago when rifle were manually loaded with gun powder.

** My english is not perfect, I know.

You are Quebecois, I KNOW you arent mentally sane. ;) (Kidding I love Montreal, but the people in downtown Quebec City are too stuck up when you dont speak only french to them, it made me sad cuz its pretty there)

Im not the scared one, those of you terrified of firearms are the scared ones, but I wont let that stop you from projecting your fear on to me.

Those rights are no less relevant today than they were just over 200 years ago. Unless you think that we should only protect free speech when its written with a quill and ink? Or perhaps protection from illegal search should not extend to modern methods like phone taps and internet logging.

If you seriously think that they thought weapons technology would not evolve past what they had, when they knew about all that had come before (sticks,stones, spears, bows, swords etc) I think you are seriously underestimating the amount of thought put into the BOR.

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Aren't you supposed to be more mature being a moderator and all? You're obviously being silly on purpose.

and im sure many of those children in that class room died instantly (after the gun was fired at them *clearing this up for you*)

The point is, people die once another person decides to commit the act, be it with a gun, a baseball bat, a car, etc. It's really not guns that are an issue, but violence in our society as a whole.

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Well someone said

And that's false, guns are not autonomous. That's all.

What he is trying to say is that the power in your hands is too strong.

You can end the life of many people in a few seconds.

Anyway, seems like a waste of time, it'll never change your mind.

Luckily, there are a few wise people in the U.S.A. People that wanna make things change, for good.

"We should arm our teachers with weapons, the only way to DEFEND ourselves and our kids." /s. Look at what happened in connecticut, a disaster.

I've travelled in the U.S.A last year, i've crossed 26 states and you know what amazed me the most ? In the north and some places in the south you can leave a Wal-Mart with an automatic Rifles and 200 Bullets. Ohh, a simple background check and you re good to go !!

What is this ? You don't see any problem here ?

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Just what is the definition of an assault rifle?

An assault rifle is a selective fire (selectable among either fully automatic or burst-capable) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. AR-15s are sporting rifles, there are no different than any standard hunting rifle other than they look like an Assault Rifle.

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I'm sorry, but if I see someone walking down the street carrying a gun in my neighborhood I'll call 911.

These folks are actually just asking for their rights to be taken away if you ask me. Keep flaunting it to everyone like that and you will probably bring down the hammer on yourself.

I agree with John Stewart. The 2nd amendment was written at a time when all that was available were muskets. Well, folks, have all the damn muzzle loading muskets you want.

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You are Quebecois, I KNOW you arent mentally sane. ;) (Kidding I love Montreal, but the people in downtown Quebec City are too stuck up when you dont speak only french to them, it made me sad cuz its pretty there)

Im not the scared one, those of you terrified of firearms are the scared ones, but I wont let that stop you from projecting your fear on to me.

Those rights are no less relevant today than they were just over 200 years ago. Unless you think that we should only protect free speech when its written with a quill and ink? Or perhaps protection from illegal search should not extend to modern methods like phone taps and internet logging.

If you seriously think that they thought weapons technology would not evolve past what they had, when they knew about all that had come before (sticks,stones, spears, bows, swords etc) I think you are seriously underestimating the amount of thought put into the BOR.

I will defend my language 'till the end! We like tourists, it is just that after what happened to Montr?al we're trying not to lose Qu?bec.

Fi?re d'?tre Qu?b?cois.

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A) carring an assult rifle in public is also inducing panic * especially in a large group*

B) people like that are just trying to be annoying to the government and officials are not serving the purpose they claim

C) why are weapons of war even legal.

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The point is, people die once another person decides to commit the act, be it with a gun, a baseball bat, a car, etc. It's really not guns that are an issue, but violence in our society as a whole.

Yeah I understand where you're coming from now that you're posting in a more sensible way.

The issue is that guns make it incredibly easy to cause a lot of damage quickly.

Other weapons are not nearly as destructive as guns. You could disarm somebody using a knife without having a weapon yourself, but the chances of doing that to somebody with a gun are slim to none as you're unlikely to get close enough to do that. Likewise with a baseball bat or any other "melee" weapon.

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What he is trying to say is that the power in your hands is too strong.

You can end the life of many people in a few seconds.

Anyway, seems like a waste of time, it'll never change your mind.

Luckily, there are a few wise people in the U.S.A. People that wanna make things change, for good.

"We should arm our teachers with weapons, the only way to DEFEND ourselves and our kids." /s. Look at what happened in connecticut, a disaster.

I've travelled in the U.S.A last year, i've crossed 26 states and you know what amazed me the most ? In the north and some places in the south you can leave a Wal-Mart with an automatic Rifles and 200 Bullets. Ohh, a simple background check and you re good to go !!

What is this ? You don't see any problem here ?

You CANNOT go to Walmart and come out with an automatic rifle. Newly manufactured automatic rifles have been banned for sale to private citizens since the 1980's. You CAN buy a semi-automatic rifle from Walmart if you would like and it could come in many forms ranging from an AR-15 to a Remington Model 750. You should note that the Remington 750 doesn't look much different than a standard bolt action hunting rifle. The point is, semi-automatic rifles are legal to purchase (even if they look scary to some people) and fully automatic rifles are no longer legal to purchase brand new and you must register with the ATF/NFA to purchase used.

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