Current AutoPatcher XP Information and Download

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Great speed on the download! Got over 400k/sec. Download the full in minutes! Put Feb's up there! :yes:


neuro :p

P.S. Would like to help on the Windows 2000 version. I have 150 machines to roll out. Will use SUS afterward, but need a jumpstart before I can put them on the network.

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any help is appreciated! Just join the right ppl :) (There is a thread going on about AutoPatcher 2000)

Edited by nw_raptor
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any help is appreciated! Just joy the right ppl :) (There is a thread going on about AutoPatcher 2000)

Soon as Feb is out, I promise to get AP 2000 out... I've just been busy with studyin' for my Certs (and some trainin', etc at work). (Y)

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where do you download the full xp patcher?

the full january AP is available here. but i would recommend waiting for the February release...which is due out any time now :)

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nw_raptor thanks for the link ( - it worked whereas was pointless i managed to downloaded no more than 50mb before it would stop!

can you tell me the name of the website or the homepage of the link you gave for the download.

thanks in advance

ps neuro how on earth did you get 400k/sec it took over an hour to download from the above link!!

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the file is hosted by NTUA... it's the bigest university in Greece (mostly technology-related univercity)... It's got direct access on GRnet (meaning it operates without needing any kind of ISP), and last time I checked (2 years ago) it was on a 155Mbit pipe :D

Thanks pretty much all i know... I found the file there by accident, when i was browsing for Linux distros and clicked on the wrong folder...


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Alright Flish ready to go, update the bt links ;)

Done and done! :) Less than 2 hours and we'll have a new server to post too. (Y)

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Got the Full Feb on my site complete with the feb patch exe already in-place.

I didn't change or touch any other file except to replace the EXE as per the patch notes in the other fourm.

College server so the DL speeds should be decent.

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